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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Do I have your word on that? You will put down a vote on yourself as soon as the day begins, if you are wrong.


Tales, where are you getting this idea of a second mafia from? You are plucking this out of thin air. Give us proof. Referring to past mafia games isn't proof about things that happen in this game.


You have my word that I'll vote for myself.


Also, I'd like to see this proof too because, as far as I know, this has been the first day phase Tales brought this up...

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Tales, you're crazy.

Anyway, we have other investigators that aren't them. And a mafia team wouldn't have two identical investigators who have only just found out how to get accurate results.

Stop talking shit!


No one has ever proved they are investigators to begin with.

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Yes, they did. Peeps investigated both and got that they both try to determine people's alignments.Also known as INVESTIGATORS.


Unless you want to make a crazy theory that all the investigators are in a mafia together, you are totally WRONG.

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It's the only thing that eksplain the sudden turn of getting correct results when the majority is low.


What is? That they're part of a second mafia?


If anything, I think it's far more likely that they are neutral than belonging to a second mafia.

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Do I have your word on that? You will put down a vote on yourself as soon as the day begins, if you are wrong.


Tales, where are you getting this idea of a second mafia from? You are plucking this out of thin air. Give us proof. Referring to past mafia games isn't proof about things that happen in this game.


Yeah, you have my word. Though I do think it's fairer Danny kills one of us and we all vote for the other, rather than splitting the vote between both of us.


IF Tales somehow turns out good, which is pretty certain he's not. He basically just admitted he's mafia.

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Jonnas, please just end the day to stop Tales messing with all our heads.

If there was a second mafia, they would have been a threat from the start, and would be able to kill, and wouldn't have only found the other mafia now.

There is one mafia, and that is Angus' mafia. I'm sure.

There may be some more neutrals as well as Dohnut, but who, I do not know.

i'll keep an open mind, but my priorities for checking out are Sméagol and now chair as well.

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Vote Standings


Sméagol (4): chairdriver, ReZourceman, Zell, Eenuh


Tales (7): Dazz, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Rummy, mr-paul, The Peeps, Flinky


Dazz (1): Tales



Majority has been reached



"Enough!" announced Flinky "Give these people air! And by 'these people', I mean Tales, and by 'air', I mean a lynching!"


"Yes!" exclaimed Dazz and Rummy, as they five-clapped each other "But first, we need to prepare the event!"


Broadcast Yourself


Dazz and Rummy waved various top hats in front of chairdriver to taunt him, Tales' tales regarding second mafias started to become louder, ReZ started seeing artichokes again, and The Peeps and Dannyboy started singing and dancing as if this were a musical performance of some sort of school.


The gatekeeper leaves for some time and the inmates start running the asylum!



Suddenly, however...


"Wait, it seems that Talesworth's ramblings have gone down in tone..."


They all looked at Tales and...he dropped dead on the spot.


Broadcast Yourself


Tales is dead. He was Cassandra Steiner, who dreamed about random events of the night.


However, he became Angus MacNeil some time ago. And what we see here now is an anonymous body. Tales has always been Evil.




5 minutes ago...


"It's the only thing that eksplain the sudden turn of getting correct results when the majority is low, I tell thee!"


A known ally approached Tales and whispered.


"Angus, enough! You will be lynched, there is no escape!"

"Oh...? What makes you think that?"

"I will not let you escape. I am tired of your threats, I will see you dead, here and now, along with the rest of the-gurgh!"


Tales sliced the throat of his "ally" while swiftly switching their masks.


"Now...to blend in with the townies before they notice..."



"Well, chairdriver... You must fulfill your promise!"


Chairdriver was angry, but he was not without honour. He threw his hat into the table, picked it up and, from beneath, it was revealed...




"Thankfully, my hat is delicious!"


Everyone ended up eating chairdriver's hat that evening.




Remaining Players











The Peeps



There are 11 remaining players.


Night 11 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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At this point, I'm not too bothered if I win or lose, I just reserve the right to say "I told you all."


To which you'll absolutely fail because I'm not Mafia. I reserve the right to say "I told you all" if we reach a majority on Tales....


"I told you all" :p


Now I shall enjoy seeing Chairdriver eating a G-STAR baseball cap whilst I enjoy that delicious-looking top hat cake! lol.


Great job, guys!


Also, fantastic write-up, Jonnas. Genuinely laughed a lot at Dannyboy's part! I'm so happy right now! :bouncy:



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Ok, so here's the thing... I already have all the targets, but I don't have time to start the day just yet.

Would you mind waiting until Friday night? I really can't do this sooner. It was hard enough for me to properly end this day.


Just until Friday, okay? Be patient.

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Ok, so here's the thing... I already have all the targets, but I don't have time to start the day just yet.

Would you mind waiting until Friday night? I really can't do this sooner. It was hard enough for me to properly end this day.


Just until Friday, okay? Be patient.


Only because it's you, Jonnas, and only because it is epicness worth waiting for. :D

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