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Super Smash Bros Brawl Mafia II - The Game Begins


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I've been granted a one-use day-investigation power. Who wants to be investigated?


You can do me if you want.


Although it may be best investigating at random.


(Oh noes! ReZ is totally going to mis-interpret what I wrote)

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You can do me if you want.


Although it may be best investigating at random.


(Oh noes! ReZ is totally going to mis-interpret what I wrote)

Why would you want to be investigated? You're under no pressure. Just pick randomly.

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Depending on what powers the mafia have, it could be really smart to ask who wants to be investigated - if they can affect investigations they can make one of their own look good early on. However, that could work both ways with them making a townie look bad.

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I think it's most likely the mafia doesn't have a way to affect a 1-time daypower directly, or at least effectively. The best thing they can do is, and me explaining this would defeat the purpose of Chair asking the question, is to bluff their way, and ask to be investigated. Of course, if there is anyone amongst the mafia who would appear good anyway, this person would be safe. Chair just wants to see the reactions to his question, decide who's reactions he deems genuine, and then for maximum effect he should go for a random person amongst the people who's reactions he doesn't deem genuine or who didn't react at all or defensively.

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I thought i signed up to this game :(


Diageo does this cool thing when making his games. He takes the people who signed upto it, and then randomly deletes two people from the list.


Its not a technique I personally approve of, and I don' quite understand it, but...thems his rules. :p

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I investigated mr-paul. Got mafia. (Not sure I trust it, PM is very unspecific about where the investigation comes from... just something to keep in mind).


I'd still like to hear what he has to say for himself.

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