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Solatorobo to be released by NoE


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Thanks FireMeowth


It was the the Metro review I was reading and I normally trust their opinion - I don't always agree with them but I still value what they have to say.


Hmm... so ShopTo aren't selling this and neither are Amazon (I have a gift cert I need to use up). Might nip into town tomorrow and see if anywhere has it in and check out a few more reviews in the mean time.

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I'm up to what appears to be the final chapter now...

I say "appears to be" because it feels like the game is only halfway through, if even that... This'll be interesting...


Well, I'll probably save the last chapter til tomorrow, if I can stand waiting that long. I don't want the game to end too quickly, even if there's a New Game + as well as a New Game ++ (apparently) waiting for me afterwards.

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Wahey, my copy from CoolShop arrived yesterday! Pretty close to finishing (imported copy of) Lufia then i'm starting on this.


Tried a bit of someone else's copy on their DSi, it all seems really smooth & slick :) Hope it is too on a DS...

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What type of game is this?/Someone describe it briefly?

Stolen from the GameFAQs message boards:


It's not a JRPG either. Tail Concerto is a platformer, while Solatorobo is based on that but more of an adventure game. It does have some RPG elements like EXP, a currency system, and equipment, but it isn't remotely like a Final Fantasy or such. It would be more comparable to Zelda, except without much in the way of puzzles and a lot less exploration, hence taking after its Tail Concerto platformer roots. All of the gameplay is completely action-based.



Ugh... I've actually become kind of interested in this game after reading up on it. Curse you all for making me aware of its existence. I really can't afford to buy any more games right now. :blank:

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I probably would have picked this up but I haven't seen it anywhere in the high-street... I know why too, big supermarkets etc are afraid to stock it as they don't think it will sell that well overall and I suppose they are probably right but personally I think we need more stuff like this on the shelf and less shovelware crap that many third parties have been flinging at the DS for several years...


... not that it matters a great deal now but, it'll only be a matter of time before this happens on a similar scale for the 3DS which is a sad thing indeed. :/




On-topic - this game looks decent and I'll most likely pick it up at some point but it's not high on my list of priorities at the moment, but one day... perhaps.

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The downloadable quests are timed? That sucks, didn't have to worry about that with Dragon Quest if I recall correctly.


This puts me in two minds... the downloadable quests either aren't essential or simply aren't that great and are just there to artificially bolster the length of the title.

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Better hurry up if you want the full experience of the game - the first downloadable quest has already been released, and won't be up for too long. And there are new quests coming every week (for the rest of July, at least).


Really? That sucks. Whats the point? ::shrug:

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Well, it's not like Solatorobo's the only game with time-limited downloadable content.

It's just a common marketing scheme (and it works).


Personally, I prefer it when extra content is limited in such ways, as it makes it more special for me when I get my hands on it. If anyone can get it whenever, it kinda loses some value, I think.

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Personally, I prefer it when extra content is limited in such ways, as it makes it more special for me when I get my hands on it. If anyone can get it whenever, it kinda loses some value, I think.

That's such a hipster way of looking at it, though. "It's only special if other people aren't playing it." :heh:


I don't like the idea of timed DLC at all. People complain about certain companies including DLC in new copies of their games and forcing people to pay for it if they buy the games second-hand, but at least then the DLC is available for everyone forever/for the foreseeable future. Discovering Solatorobo a year from now (I discover games I've missed all the time!) and missing out on a big chunk of content because you didn't get the game fast enough is pretty awful.



I also don't like how this game is region-locked only because you can take your own picture to replace the picture on your save file with (or something like that, I haven't played the game). :blank:

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Finished the game earlier this week, or so I though...


Turns out there's a part 2

:o Had no idea there was a second part.


All the good stuff becomes available in part 2 as well, like Super Saiyan 3 Trance, special attacks, more customisation.



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Bugger, i'm holding off playing this until I get through Golden Sun Dark Dawn...Can you download quests without starting up the main game like prof layton? I don't want to miss out on any potential crate-carrying questy goodness.

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Bugger, i'm holding off playing this until I get through Golden Sun Dark Dawn...Can you download quests without starting up the main game like prof layton? I don't want to miss out on any potential crate-carrying questy goodness.


Yeah, it's available from the menu from the start.

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Bugger, i'm holding off playing this until I get through Golden Sun Dark Dawn...Can you download quests without starting up the main game like prof layton? I don't want to miss out on any potential crate-carrying questy goodness.


You need _a_ save game, so play through to at least the first save point (takes about 5-10 mins).


I did that to get the DLC quests, even tho i'm still busy finishing Lufia before I play this properly.

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  • 7 months later...
Picked this up for £9.98 at GAME yesterday. Looking forward to getting into it after reading the impressions on here and elsewere. One question, how long should it take me to finish the main part/story of the game?


Can't remember how long Solatorobo was reported to be but thats a cracking bargain! :bowdown: Enjoy it and be sure to post your opinion of the game when you get started with it.

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