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Panic! At The Disco retuuuurn. With a great album. OH yes.



Thoughts? Opinions? Have they earnt that ! back? Or is it falling on deaf ears - are Panic! past it?


I've gotta say after the hugely disappointing Pretty Odd that this album definitely goes back to the sound of the first album. They seem to rely a bit more on the big chorus dynamic, but they can pull it off so I say roll with it.


A pleasant surprise, a fantastic one for any old Panic! fans put off by their second album.

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Heard this the other day. Not at all like the original album (which I still enjoy). There's something very unusual about the debut album, it's incredibly fast-paced and eclectic. This is fairly simple in comparison.


I don't hate the second album (there're a few on there I like), but the thought of listening through it makes me ill.


My fave PATD song is still:

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Quite like that new song.


I must admit I was quite the fan during my 6th form days, when they were all the rage yet still largely unknown. Then that second album went and pissed all over everything. Horrible album, clearly someone got too big for their boots.


I think I'll wait until I can spotfiy it or at least hear a few more tracks before making a purchase.

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A Fever you cant sweat out was awesome Iloved that album, but yeah 'Pretty Odd' was just so different, didn't like it at all,


so the new album then is more like the first then?



what the fuck were they even doing in the 2nd album?



EDIT - Fuck Yeah... I'm an N-Europe Forum Aficionado now!

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Right, internet has finally let me have it.


I quite like it in parts. As The P Machine said, it is pretty simplistic, particularly on some tracks. The thing with Panic is that the are so completely on the line of guilty pleasure awesome and complete shit. Few of the tracks fall on the latter.


I hate that half the band left. It's like, sorry does it even really count as the same band?


I'm sure it'll become a guility pleasure love in time, but I'll probably always stray toward A Fever...

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I hate that half the band left. It's like, sorry does it even really count as the same band?


Well really I only count it was 1/4 of the band left, the 'newer' bassist whilst in the band for quite some time only contributed to the super shit second album. So does his contribution really count?


Plus if you hear the stuff the other 2 went on to make, you'll understand why the second album sounded like it did. Someone got a serious case of wanting to be The Beatles.

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Dyson, you make me sad. I thought you were cool :heh:


We're all allowed a guilty pleasure Bardy :heh:


The new album definitely is pop...rock. pop-rock. It's not to everybodies tastes - if you didn't like Panic! before you won't now - but if you go in to it expecting more of the same then you're gonna be satisfied :D

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