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Heroes Mafia

The Peeps

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Did you ask The Peeps if you could make me do what I'd normally do before requesting it?


I was asked to confirm that I wanted you to use your ability. Although now you mention it, I was never told if it would work properly.

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I've got to go to bed now, but...Cube's PM worries me for a few reasons.


A) My PM, and (to my knowledge/experience) The Peeps....word...structure....intelligence...thing is flawless, that PM is not flawless.


B) Equally so is Cube's, so even if he was lying he surely wouldn't have made (albeit minor) mistakes.





Cube, was that the PM in its 100% entirety?


Anyway, unfortunately Claire is getting pissy at my typing. I want nothing more than to stay on because The Peeps this is amazing.

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So I'm back and can now actually play in this game. Sorry guys!


Had a quick read through of the thread but mostly just got this out of it:


Diageo, you said your power would make you a target... but you're just a roleblocker. If you were an investigator or a protector I could understand but as it is now you're really not a target. Why did you say that?


If I'm honest, ONLY due to one post, I suspect Diageo. It's post 90 of the thread and it basically contains everything I would say if I was being asked about what I was doing and I was mafia. He asks his accuser lots of questions, goes over what happens again to 'double-check' he has the facts right etc, and the general tone of the post is what mine would sound like were I mafia. I have no proof and won't vote but (based only on intuition and guesswork) I think he's a little suspicious and one to watch.


Anyway, that's the sum of my thoughts so far. A lot of people have role revealed or power revealed which is interesting/dangerous. There has been lots of activity and I've only been away a few days but I will read through the thread properly asap and make notes etc. From there I'll be better placed to comment.

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Next time I tell you guys to lynch ReZ, remember this game!


Well Rez has committed the least to this out of the three involved since we don't know his role at all, just what happened to him. We know almost the full roles of Diageo and Cube.


I noticed there was some choppiness to Cube's pm too. Of the three I would go for him now, since it even says "muscular manipulation". Kind of a hint to you that he controls muscles, not reads/controls brains. changeVote: Cube since Cube controls people, ie tells their limbs what to do. He can't accidentally make someone go to someone's house and start destroying things. He has to be in control the whole time, like a puppet-master.

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So I'm back and can now actually play in this game. Sorry guys!


Had a quick read through of the thread but mostly just got this out of it:


Diageo, you said your power would make you a target... but you're just a roleblocker. If you were an investigator or a protector I could understand but as it is now you're really not a target. Why did you say that?


If I'm honest, ONLY due to one post, I suspect Diageo. It's post 90 of the thread and it basically contains everything I would say if I was being asked about what I was doing and I was mafia. He asks his accuser lots of questions, goes over what happens again to 'double-check' he has the facts right etc, and the general tone of the post is what mine would sound like were I mafia. I have no proof and won't vote but (based only on intuition and guesswork) I think he's a little suspicious and one to watch.


Anyway, that's the sum of my thoughts so far. A lot of people have role revealed or power revealed which is interesting/dangerous. There has been lots of activity and I've only been away a few days but I will read through the thread properly asap and make notes etc. From there I'll be better placed to comment.

Well unlike other people in most games, I think roleblockers are very powerful. A whole mafia plan can be ruined if one roleblocker gets in the cogs. But with Cube revealing his role and many others, I thought I would be the least likely to be killed out of all of them. To be fair I don't like revealing powers anyway because mafia members are more likely to kill people who's powers they know, than those who they don't.

But we both know you just suspect me so we can have a massive battle, with walls of texts flying around and hitting innocent civilians.

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Well Rez has committed the least to this out of the three involved since we don't know his role at all, just what happened to him. We know almost the full roles of Diageo and Cube.


I noticed there was some choppiness to Cube's pm too. Of the three I would go for him now, since it even says "muscular manipulation". Kind of a hint to you that he controls muscles, not reads/controls brains. changeVote: Cube since Cube controls people, ie tells their limbs what to do. He can't accidentally make someone go to someone's house and start destroying things. He has to be in control the whole time, like a puppet-master.

This really does make a lot of sense. Vote:Cube

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Yes but roleblockers are more useful to the mafia than others. An investigator may discover a mafioso, a protector may protect a target, but a roleblocker may roleblock one of those two, helping the mafia. I personally don't feel like a roleblocker is a massive threat to a mafia in these games, just because for them to be truly useful they'd need to know who the mafia were, and if that were the case the mafia member would be dead etc.

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Yes but roleblockers are more useful to the mafia than others. An investigator may discover a mafioso, a protector may protect a target, but a roleblocker may roleblock one of those two, helping the mafia. I personally don't feel like a roleblocker is a massive threat to a mafia in these games, just because for them to be truly useful they'd need to know who the mafia were, and if that were the case the mafia member would be dead etc.


A roleblocker is more threatening than a protector. A protector can stop a kill and give no info as to who he stopped. If a townie roleblocker stops a kill, he can say who he targeted.

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Yes but roleblockers are more useful to the mafia than others. An investigator may discover a mafioso, a protector may protect a target, but a roleblocker may roleblock one of those two, helping the mafia. I personally don't feel like a roleblocker is a massive threat to a mafia in these games, just because for them to be truly useful they'd need to know who the mafia were, and if that were the case the mafia member would be dead etc.
Luck always plays a part. And sometimes you can think someone is very shifty, and so you take a chance and roleblock them and it could come through.


Many a game the killer has been roleblocked, and since there is no kill that night, they can discover the killer. I think roleblocking abilities require skill and luck, and can be very efficient. Way better than the double voting role I get stuck with more often than not.

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Yes but roleblockers are more useful to the mafia than others. An investigator may discover a mafioso, a protector may protect a target, but a roleblocker may roleblock one of those two, helping the mafia. I personally don't feel like a roleblocker is a massive threat to a mafia in these games, just because for them to be truly useful they'd need to know who the mafia were, and if that were the case the mafia member would be dead etc.

Like I said, the investigator (MadDog), is already dead. Then a roileblocker is a fine target, unless something better comes along, which may be the case depending on who of the revealed roles so far are townies.

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