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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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Current Players (11);

Sméagol, Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, Ellmeister, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Tales, The Peeps.


Majority is 6


Day Eight deadline is 14:00PM GMT on 28th March


Vote : Ellmeister - 3 ; The Peeps, Diageo, Chairdriver.

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And I never didn't count it....*shifty eyes*


Current Players (11);

Sméagol, Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, Ellmeister, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Tales, The Peeps.


Majority is 6


Day Eight deadline is 14:00PM GMT on 28th March


Vote : Ellmeister - 4 ; The Peeps, Diageo, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Chairdriver.

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Dammit, thought I'd sent my PM on the internet on my phone but looks like like it didn't actually go through. So I have nothing to share.

I believe Peeps' info but will wait for Ell's defence. it feels weird because he defo had a positive effect on me one night.

He's gonna have to say a lot to convince me not to put the final vote on.

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He targeted me the night before and enhanced my power for last night... I guess in an effort to look innocent. We should look back and see who he's been targeting... not sure if it'll show much though. The mafia would've known not to have him target them too much.

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tbh even if he does post there's nothing he can say. I'm an alignment investigator and I've found him to be evil. This game has been going far too long for there to be anyone who can change my results without us knowing about it.


Ellmeister's targets (as posted by him - not confirmed them myself)

First night: Refresh Marcamillian

Night 2: Refresh mr-paul

Night 3: Block chair

Night 4: Block Jonnas

Night 5: Block MadDog


First two nights he was helpful but then every night since he has been roleblocking.

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Thank you for targeting me and confirming I'm telling he truth! Also, The Peeps if you could target me tonight I would really appreciate it. Obviously if you have a better target that you think is evil then go for it, but it would be nice to get people off my back when I've already told people everything about my role and alignment!


I literally haven't targeted anyone since I told everyone my power. It doesnt benefit the town for me to target them unless there is someone to evolve, and seeing as both water types are now fully evolved I won't target anyone. Obviously someone is going to say something like 'yeah right, you haven't targeted anyone, thats likely' but it is exactly what I've done. Again, I'm happy to put just that in a post on the next page and have Danny analyse it. I just worry that with people having to target me to clear my name they're not going to be targeting others who may prove to be evil.

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Time's up.


Vote Ellmeister


I just worry that with people having to target me to clear my name they're not going to be targeting others who may prove to be evil.

This, I don't like to hear from self claimed townies. It reeks mafia all over it.


What do you do again? Aside from evolving because that's no ones main power.

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Majority has been reached.


Vote : Ellmeister - 6 ; The Peeps, Diageo, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Chairdriver, Tales.




Ellmeister is dead. He was Dewgong, with his refreshing spray he could help or hinder his target. He was a member of the mafia.


Current Players (10);

Sméagol, Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Tales, The Peeps.






Night Eight deadline is 12:30PM on 28th March. Or try to get PMs in early for epic fun.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Majority has been reached.


Vote : Ellmeister - 6 ; The Peeps, Diageo, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Chairdriver, Tales.




Ellmeister is dead. He was Dewgong, with his refreshing spray he could help or hinder his target. He was a member of the mafia.


Current Players (10);

Sméagol, Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, Ellmeister, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Tales, The Peeps.






Night Eight deadline is 12:30PM on 28th March. Or try to get PMs in early for epic fun.

AHEM..... .

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The sun fell into the horizon once again.



A regal magenta, cream and black Pokemon lay out a rug on the floor. Outside its door an egg appeared. a cyan, green, pinkish red and yellow Pokemon walked away, as around the back a blue, beige and brown Pokemon was just arriving.


a large yellow and orange Pokemon circled the skies but saw very little.


Across town the silver hatch glistened in the moon night. Once again blips and bleeps could be heard from inside. A Pokemon was twitching inside when the powerful security door swung open. It turned around but saw nothing.


A giant red, cream and white Pokemon blasted a powerful energy that engulfed its target.


A large majestic Pokemon was lighting up the skies. Concentrating into one blast it gathered energy but instantly the lights went out and the Pokemon found itself falling towards the ground. It looked around feverishly but didn't see its attacker.


As the sun rose it reflected off the large steel structure, now glowing an intense and vivid purple....






Current Players (10);

Sméagol, Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Tales, The Peeps.


Majority is 6


Day Nine deadline is 21:00PM GMT on 29th March



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