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So does anybody else watch this show? I've recently seen quite a few episodes and I love it more and more. I think it's a brilliant show and I can't wait to see the second season. Abed and Troy are brilliant, the end of the shows usually has me laughing.


What about you guys?

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About time someone made a thread about this show, I know there are a few fans on here.


I really like the humour used and I love that it makes fun of itself and the genre. The episodes manage to be really original too which is hard to find these days, it's not afraid to try new things and when it does inevitably follow stereotypical sitcom rules it's usually pointed out and becomes more of a parody.

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YES YES YES! :grin:










Is like my current favourite show. :p It's streets ahead.


Is it being shown in the UK then? what channel?


Isla, Yeah I'm caught up with America, i've been watching it since it first came out.


Hilarious. :D How many episodes have you seen of it Dazz?


lick her in the ear.


First season had me laughing out loud many many times. :)


I like the spanish rap at the end of one of the episodes.


A remix:



For those of you who have yet to see it:




(I'm aware that this gif is not from the show. :heh:)

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Haha, maybe now Ashley will finally watch it. ;)


The Modern Warfare episode in season 1 was brilliant. And I loved the recent Dungeons & Dragons episode. And... and... So much brilliance.


Definitely one of the best sitcoms on television right now. It's amazing how The Big Bang Theory gets four times the amount of viewers in the same time slot, when this is clearly the better show.

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Spanish rap was awesome, modern warfare was awesome,

zombie outbreak

was awesome, trampoline was awesome, dungeons and dragons was awesome.


I spoilered one of them because I think it would be more awesome to see it without expecting it.



POP POP! I'm waiting for the episode where it gets old and they call it.


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POP POP! I'm waiting for the episode where it gets old and they call it.

Oh, man. I thought I'd get tired of that by his second appearance, but something about how everyone loved it so much made me laugh every time in the latest episode.


I actually wasn't too fond of the trampoline episode, and I really didn't care for the Abed as Jesus episode. Something about them just didn't gel with me. I may have to rewatch them.


But everything else has been awesome. The episode Peeps spoiler-marked was fantastic. The part with the cat makes me laugh every time. :hehe:

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Oh, man. I thought I'd get tired of that by his second appearance, but something about how everyone loved it so much made me laugh every time in the latest episode.


I actually wasn't too fond of the trampoline episode, and I really didn't care for the Abed as Jesus episode. Something about them just didn't gel with me. I may have to rewatch them.


But everything else has been awesome. The episode Peeps spoiler-marked was fantastic. The part with the cat makes me laugh every time. :hehe:



I love how at the end the protector of the garden turned out to be racist. :D


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I love how at the end the protector of the garden turned out to be racist. :D

I'd forgotten about that. I had to rewatch that part of the episode just for that. :grin:


I've been trying to get a friend on Facebook to watch Community, but he claims that what little he's watched of it on TV hasn't been very good. You'd think I'd earned his trust after recommending Arrested Development to him! :angry:

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I think I've seen around 13 episodes of Season 1. I've just finished the episode where Annie dates Vaughn and Jeff and Britta try to split them up. At the moment, I'm loving Piers, Troy and Abed, all of them are hilarious. I also love Troy's and Abed's little spanish rap and I laughed at their duet of Somewhere Out There singing it to a mouse, haha.


This show is epic!

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Finished watching every episode of Season One. It is definitely the best comedy on television by far. Abed and Troy are simply hilarious and Shirley gets funnier after each episode. 'Modern Warfare' has to be the best episode I've seen of any show so far this year. So good I watched it twice.

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