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Apollo 18


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There's loads of alien films coming out this year (plus the terrible Skyline from the back end of 2010, yuck!) Wonder why...?


This one looks intriguing - kind of like Blair Witch...on the MOOOON!!



Comes out next month I think, even though the trailer says April.


Could fall totally flat though...

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Yeah that looks cool.


But I feel like I've seen the whole movie in that trailer.


That was my thought exactly - they should probably just have shown some of the unusual goings-on (eg the flag disappearing) and few things like the footprints and the shadow.


Also, how the hell do you secretly launch a Saturn 5 rocket without, say, the Soviets (or, indeed, everyone and their dog) noticing? Hell, I could have come up with a better plot, something along the lines of they get there, bad shit happens, turns out it's actually Russians/Chinese who've secretly reached the moon and are trying to steal American technology without being discovered that they're there, and hence making it look like there's aliens (and, as such, to the people back on Earth, that the American astronauts have just gone mad/crazy paranoid).


Fuck it, let's make that film!

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*puts on tin foil hat*


Well it is fairly obvious that all these alien related movies are preparing us for the the 2011-12 extra-terrestrial life disclosure by the Obama administration, allowing them to break the news that we are actually the prison planet and that Scientology was the correct religion after all.


Then we will all be forced to pay membership fee's, that the extra-terrestrials hope to buy 2000 year mature cheddar, because, as I quote, "that shit be whack".

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