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So after somebody suggested it on this thread, I started Insanity by Shaun T this Monday just gone and started at 18st 2lb. I have lost three inches around my waist, two on my chest and four on my arms. It's really hard and seriously hurts but I push through. Admittedly, I skipped two days because my calves felt like they were going to burst but I really would recommend it to anybody who wants to lose weight fast.


I'm also doing the S diet. Something my friend told me. Basically I can't Snack or have Supper unless it's on a day beginning with S (which is basically the weekend). It's working quite well for me, I didn't realise how much I snacked before. I'm going to eventually find out how much I weigh tomorrow.

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I've been doing fab!! :D Easter week has been my killer since I started ww in 2008... I've always lost a bit of steam and the week off class always makes me... wary.. because I lose focus. And all that chocolate too :( BUT this year is different, i'm not letting it winnn!!! It's not even like I'm on lent or celebrate easter... its just got really bad timing! My diet could be a little better (i'm following my ww plan but going over sometimes) but I am getting plenty of exercise to make up for it!


Starting the c25k plan, done W1D1 today at the gym (easily might I add), training sesh with p.t on Saturday. I had managed to do about 5 minutes worth of interval jogging on saturday (1.5m twice then 2m), and my p.t was amazed :) When I started the gym in July I was afraid of the crosstrainer, and even more the treadmill. I've completely bashed the first fear (can do at least 25 minutes on the CT as a warm up) and I'm slowly defeating the treadmill. Think it's helped a lot that I'm almost 2 stone down since I started :) Still a long long long way to go, but I'm in the totally right headspace now. I like setting myself stupid challenges.. like this c25k because I get bored really easily. Had lost a lot of focus in the gym for a while but I'm picking it up now!


The 8kg kettlebell sitting beside me would have been something I never could consider lifting a year ago... now it's my favourite piece of kit... :)


Well done!


Well i have only put a little weight back on, maybe a few pounds. I'm still looking at a overall lose since January as 2 and half stone though as i have already said! Gonna go back into proper diet mode over the next few days and see if i can't get some more big weight off me! :D

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Slight bumpity bump.


Jim has set me on a weight loss regime. Because he thinks I'm fat*.

He set me up with an exercise and diet plan. The dieting isn't going too great yet as it's hard to do when your parents plan the meals.


Trying to do the exercises, which are muscle trainers. I just use water bottles to train with haha.

Cardio isn't going too great yet either as I have a very irregular/busy schedule right now, which makes it hard to find time to do things.


But my goal is to lose at least 5 kilo, preferably more. So far I've lost about 1 kilo (in a week), though I know that can still sorta change. But I'm determined to lose weight!



(Especially because Jim promised me a dress! =P )











*May or may not be 100% true.

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Slight bumpity bump.


Jim has set me on a weight loss regime. Because he thinks I'm fat*.


Aw, these are lies. YOU ARE A LIAR!


Also, you said you wanted to lose eet, so I provided the regime for yooou. :heh:


I've got big fat ass muscles on my calves and shins... oooohh yeah. :awesome:


Fuck yeeeah! Go raineeng.


I'm noticing that my weight has hit a standstill, but I feel like my belly is losing fatness. I'm hoping my body is replacing the fat with muscleness, but I cannot be sure.

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Fuck yeeeah! Go raineeng.


I'm noticing that my weight has hit a standstill, but I feel like my belly is losing fatness. I'm hoping my body is replacing the fat with muscleness, but I cannot be sure.


yeaaaahhhh :D


I'm the same at the moment, lost 0.5, 0, 0 over the past month... :( need to be a bit more strict with my f00d intake.


But easters been a positive one for me, STS in the past two weeks, this time last year I totally debunked my diet after easter last year. Its not even the holiday, its that weightwatchers is off for a week! I find it really hard to focus without the meets :(




Someone in weightwatchers said I was looking unbelievably great!!! NARHGDSgkjsglkj\!!!!





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I'd like to lose about 6 pounds so I'm just waiting to catch a sickness/diahorror bug and then I'll be sorted.


Today I threw up at work and came home early. A period of fasting is in order and then I'll surely be down to a better weight. The unfortunate thing is that when I wrote the above post I was about three pounds lighter than I am now. I love/hate chocolate.

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So after somebody suggested it on this thread, I started Insanity by Shaun T this Monday just gone and started at 18st 2lb. I have lost three inches around my waist, two on my chest and four on my arms. It's really hard and seriously hurts but I push through. Admittedly, I skipped two days because my calves felt like they were going to burst but I really would recommend it to anybody who wants to lose weight fast.


Yeah that would be me. Glad it's working out for you. He's recently released a new fitness programme based around the same principles. Apparently he's kicked it up a notch too. It's called Insanity the asylum might be worth checking out if you get bored.

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Yeah that would be me. Glad it's working out for you. He's recently released a new fitness programme based around the same principles. Apparently he's kicked it up a notch too. It's called Insanity the asylum might be worth checking out if you get bored.


I might just do that but I see that you need equipment for it. Unfortunately, I don't have anything. Since I've started Insanity, I've lost 4lbs which is good and I can see my chest shriking and tightening a little. My belly's looking slimmer as well as my face.


I can't do all of the workouts still though. I can only manage 30 minutes and no matter how hard I try, my legs and my feet hurt like a bitch so I have to stop.

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I think I've just recently worked out what's been causing my compulsive eating... pretty saddening that it took so long, all it took was an offhand comment from my rhematologist a few months ago... what can I say I'm a bit slow to catch on... haha. but sometimes its like a mega puzzle full of thousands of pieces (symptoms) you have to make sense of.


The worst part of the whole thing, is I just shrugged it off and didn't realise how bad my episodic depression (and other symptoms) has gotten.


Recently I was on a TFR which had all of the vitamin supplements included... I was relieved of my symptoms entirely. I went on a sunbed last week sometime and my symptoms...gone. Last week when it was mega sunny...symptoms gone. All points towards SAD.


Little did I realise theres more than just tiredness and depression associated with SAD


The symptoms of SAD can vary from person to person, and are similar to those that develop in other types of depression. Common symptoms include:


-low mood for most of the day

-loss of interest in your usual activities

-drowsiness and indifference (lethargy)

-needing more sleep and sleeping more than usual

-eating more than usual, especially craving carbohydrates, leading to weight gain

-loss of interest in sex (loss of libido)

-mood swings and excessive energy in spring and summer




It makes a lot of sense really.. I've always covered up because of my psoriasis, and don't really go out a lot. The only source of vitamin D is the sun... so I was basically getting nothing.



tl;dr compulsive eating is awful :(

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*does a dance*


Been and done my half hour in the gym already (was there at half 9)


My sleep is completely regulated. I got up at HALF 8 today (on a Sunday!!)... I had breakfast on a Sunday morning for the first time in YEARS. I feel full of happy... for once I'm not putting a happy face on, its here all by itself. No deep dark depression whatsoever. No hunger cravings at all. I feel full of energy and, for once in my life, in complete control.


And my weight this morning was 18'5.5, the lowest so far. Yesssssssssssssss. Hopefully I've recovered from the binging sessions earlier in the week so I won't have done too much/any damage on the scales.


Gonna get back onto my protein shakes as well, and get some iron pumped... yeoooo



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Thanks. It is kinda hard for me to talk about my eating habits.. the stuff I've eaten in one night would probably put me to shame...


I've had a lot of bad times in my life, and its obviously been an outlet, tipping the scales at my highest ~20.5 stone... that's pretty indicative of the levels of crap I've had to put up with. Recently with this eye surgery/contact lenses thing hit the last nail in the coffin and I thought I was gonna have a breakdown.


I always struggled so much with my eating. When I've been "good" on my diet, I've been drinking litres of sugar free cordial to get a sweet hit. It as always too much for me to be able to have the diet down and the exercise at the same time. But now I feel like I can for the first time ever. I haven't reached for anything this weekend, not even sugar free sweets/juice. I had a big glass of diet coke and really enjoyed it :p


I'm glad I can share this with you guys as well, completely honestly. It does lift a lot off my shoulders. :)

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That's what we're here for, to support each other and guide each other.


I must admit, I haven't been good because I've skipped Insanity entirely this week. It really hurts my calves so the most I can do is half an hour but I've had the aching sensation for a couple of days. It's gone now so I'll start doing it again tomorrow. I think I'm doing quite well on it considering it's not meant for blokes my weight.


As for the eating side of things, I'm doing okay. Sometimes I really want a chocolate bar or something or I fancy a couple of biscuits but when I feel like that, I just grab a glass of Orange Juice or Asda's Summer Fruits cordial and I take little sips through the night. I'm all good then. Still got an entire pack of Rich Tea in my cupboard that's quite tempting me but I've not opened them, which is a good sign.


I've started to have Tuna Pasta Salad for dinner and I really enjoy it, it's literally my favourite meal at the moment. I put in pasta (obviously), tuna (obviously), lettuce, diced cucumber, sweetcorn and a spoonful of tomato chutney. It's gorgeous.


My weight now is 17st 12/13lbs (not sure if it's 12lbs or 13lbs). I'm doing well at the moment but I just want to lose weight fast because it's been a constant battle for almost 12 years of my life so I just want it gone.

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My weight now is 17st 12/13lbs (not sure if it's 12lbs or 13lbs). I'm doing well at the moment but I just want to lose weight fast because it's been a constant battle for almost 12 years of my life so I just want it gone.



Aye I hear ya. I've been battling with these 19 stones for too long. It's hard but I think its coming to a realisation that its going to take time. Sadly human bodies aren't designed to lose weight too quickly.. they see weightloss as a famine and the metabolism adjusts accordingly so it won't happen again.


I'm sure you'll get there as long as you keep at it.


Do you weight yourself weekly... or?


p.s tuna and pasta in a tuna pasta? really??!! ;) sounds yummers though!

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Aye I hear ya. I've been battling with these 19 stones for too long. It's hard but I think its coming to a realisation that its going to take time. Sadly human bodies aren't designed to lose weight too quickly.. they see weightloss as a famine and the metabolism adjusts accordingly so it won't happen again.


I'm sure you'll get there as long as you keep at it.


Do you weight yourself weekly... or?


p.s tuna and pasta in a tuna pasta? really??!! ;) sounds yummers though!


I know. I was worse than this when I was 12. I was about 18st something moving onto 19st when I was 12 and since then, I've lost weight and got down to 15st when I got to 16. The problem in this is that when I was in school, I was in the gym almost everyday and swimming twice a week and doing DDR all the time so it took me 4-5 years to lose the weight. When I was 16, I went into college and there was a free gym and I managed to keep the weight off in there but when I left college, I didn't have a gym to go to and the ones I can go to are very expensive and I can't go swimming because I can't breathe at night and I have trouble sleeping.


Recently I've played Squash and that's awesome but unfortunately, it's finding the time to play it now and I don't like any other sport. The only things I do now is play Just Dance 2 and Michael Jackson for the Wii and do Insanity. It's working but I just hate how it's a slow process.


I also weigh myself fortnightly. I used to do weekly but I found myself becoming a tad stressed, worrying about what the scales would say so I decided to try and give myself more of a chance and do it fortnightly. I feel like I've put on weight but people have said I look a bit slimmer. I can't see it myself.

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The one I got is quite low in calories but come next pay day I'll be giving the tub to my brother and getting this one instead: http://www.discount-supplements.co.uk/sports-supplements-whey-protein-nutrisport-90-whey-protein-5kg


Which is actually like 80 quid from the nutrisport's website.


Lower calories and higher amount of protein per serving. Compare this to the maximuscle equivalent, I think it's pretty good. http://www.maximuscle.com/promax


That being said I've read a few reviews about it not tasting too good. The optimum nutrition stuff tastes really great with milk or water. So if you do decide to go back to using protein supplements might be worth a look a this brand too.

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aye just get low cal/protein stuff if you don't want to build up.. that's the stuff I take... for me its simply about recovery and nothing else.


I was at my class and down another 2lb. Gettt inn :)


and im managing to run a bit more too. did 14 minutes of 2 minute walk:run intervals. wooo.


Considering I weigh about 8 stone more than the average person I think thats damn good going :P

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aye just get low cal/protein stuff if you don't want to build up.. that's the stuff I take... for me its simply about recovery and nothing else.


I was at my class and down another 2lb. Gettt inn :)


and im managing to run a bit more too. did 14 minutes of 2 minute walk:run intervals. wooo.


Considering I weigh about 8 stone more than the average person I think thats damn good going :P


Well done again! I've learned today that no matter how fast or slow I lose weight, it's still progress. My legs are looking seriously toned after doing Insanity. Before they were a little flabby but now they're literally almost pure muscle. Guys, if you really want to lose weight and tone up, do Insanity!

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ohmygod. Some bad news and some good in relation to this topic.



Good news first! I lost 3.5lbs last week! yaaaay! *does a dance*


Bad news: my colleague is now off on sick leave... he popped a blood vessel in his brain..... all because of his exercise regime. Too much protein, not enough water, too much weightlifting and incorrect breathing technique... holy fuck like. He was taking it to the extreme a bit.. Even I started to wonder when he was having 3 protein shakes a day plus proteiny food. At best I take two shakes (1 on days off 2 on exercise days) and my shakes are relatively low in protein (because they are low cal diet type ones rather than high cal bulking). His kidneys are probably in bits now too, apparently a high protein diet with little water puts the kidneys under a lot of pressure!


I mean what he did was basically one step away from a stroke and potential death :/

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