ReZourceman Posted June 27, 2011 Posted June 27, 2011 Good luck! Cannot give any advice. I refuse to say the pointless one that everyone says because it doesn't mean anything anyway.
EddieColeslaw Posted June 27, 2011 Posted June 27, 2011 This reminded me, I'm supposed to be studying for my theory test. I've downloaded the CD, but haven't bothered to unzip it yet. Like S.C.G, I'd love to read any advice you guys can muster (though I'll be taking the Irish test, not sure about any major differences).
S.C.G Posted June 27, 2011 Author Posted June 27, 2011 S.C.G said: *update* I have my Driving Test booked in for July 11th - have done for a few weeks now - so two weeks away and this time I actually feel ready for it I got back from having another lesson earlier, my driving standard feels pretty decent - and I should hope so after learning for the past few months :p - so now I just can't wait to take the test and hopefully pass. Any advice on the test between now and then would be appreciated, other than the obvious 'don't fuck it up!' of course. ReZourceman said: Good luck! Cannot give any advice. I refuse to say the pointless one that everyone says because it doesn't mean anything anyway. Cheers bled! I'm hoping it'll go well. EddieColeslaw said: This reminded me, I'm supposed to be studying for my theory test. I've downloaded the CD, but haven't bothered to unzip it yet. Like S.C.G, I'd love to read any advice you guys can muster (though I'll be taking the Irish test, not sure about any major differences). Regarding the Theory Test... just study like mad the week or so before, but at least have a look at the CD a bit before then, that's basically what I did and I passed my theory with no problems.
Aneres11 Posted June 27, 2011 Posted June 27, 2011 It's great you feel ready for your test. And from what I have read of your posts it's nice to see you have said you are excited to take the test - rather than the general learners 'I just want to pass' attitude. I think that's the best way - look forward to the day. There's absolutely nothing to be concerned / worried about if you are comfortable in your driving ability which you seem to be You will be doing a route you know, be in a car you are used to and all you need to do is drive for 45 mins (is it still 45 mins?) like any other lesson. And at the end when they congratulate you on a job well done and a pass, you can the tester like they're your best mate! Ha - maybe not. Good luck though - sure you will be fine!
Dog-amoto Posted June 27, 2011 Posted June 27, 2011 Any questions you have about the test and what to expect, just ask. Have taken hundreds of people for theirs. Free advice from a "professional" here!
Nolan Posted June 27, 2011 Posted June 27, 2011 The night before your test go get in a few accidents, that way you'll get all the bad driving out of you so you'll be twice as good while testing. Ooooor practice a lot, and with the vehicle you're planning on using.
Raining_again Posted June 29, 2011 Posted June 29, 2011 I was a complete bag of nerves on my first test and baaaaaaaaaaaaaaawled my eyes out when he was going over the things i failed on (4 majors, 0 dangerous) but for my second one I was aware of the process and what was going on and it was a lot easier. I think a lot of it is the examiner... second time round I had a nice lady who chatted away without distracting and I felt a lot more at ease. The first one was a complete shitbag All I can say is you CAN repeat. Its not the end of the world if you do fail.... Just don't don't don't give up completely if you fail.. hopefully you'll get it 1st time but its no shame if it takes more (i passed on my second!) Getting your test is the best thing ever. Completely opens up the world to you Gooooooooooooooood luck
S.C.G Posted June 29, 2011 Author Posted June 29, 2011 ^ Thank you Raining and thank you all for your comments, as each day passes I feel more ready for the test so I'm hoping that it will go well, all just depends on what happens on the day, but I'm quietly confident which I think will go some way to helping me pass. And assuming I do, it'll be third time lucky. :p Also... Dog-amoto, I may well take you up on that advice.
Dog-amoto Posted June 29, 2011 Posted June 29, 2011 Sure, just pm me in case I forget about this thread!
Raining_again Posted June 30, 2011 Posted June 30, 2011 S.C.G said: ^ Thank you Raining and thank you all for your comments, as each day passes I feel more ready for the test so I'm hoping that it will go well, all just depends on what happens on the day, but I'm quietly confident which I think will go some way to helping me pass. And assuming I do, it'll be third time lucky. :p Also... Dog-amoto, I may well take you up on that advice. aye i remember you saying, but you know what.. it really doesn't matter how many times it takes to get it, just don't give eeeeeen. :P My friend took 9 attempts to get her test and she hasn't had any major accidents in 4 years. Sometimes things happen, mistakes are made.. no biggie.
MoogleViper Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 The best advice is to stay calm. Don't get too worried or you'll balls it up like I did. Like raining said, it's not the end of the worl, you can re-take your test.
S.C.G Posted July 10, 2011 Author Posted July 10, 2011 (edited) So... I have an hour and a half driving lesson today, then tomorrow is the day of the test *excited* which I'm not worried about but I am concerned about getting the manoeuvres into my head and making sure they stay there for the duration of the test at the very least. I know how to do them all with a decent level of competency though I just feel like on the day my mind may actually draw a blank when it comes to reversing around a corner or something... lols, so I'm constantly going over it in my head, writing a list of 'how to...' and referring to it for today in the hope that it keeps me in the right frame of mind... I have no clue if this is a good idea or not but it makes sense to me. Aside from that, my general drive... I've been told is good so no real worries as such just trying to mentally prepare myself so that I don't do something silly on the day even though it'll still be blatantly possible for mistakes to be made if something unforseen happens; for instance the 15 mins(?) or so where you just have to 'drive' are you told where to drive to or just expected to go wherever... yeah, things like that I'm unsure of... ... but apart from that I'm not worried. :awesome: ... at all ... ... help me please. Edited July 10, 2011 by S.C.G
MoogleViper Posted July 10, 2011 Posted July 10, 2011 There's no one thing that you can do to magically prepare yourself. It sounds like you're competent enough, so it's just a case of doing it on the day. Try to relax and not overthink things.
Dog-amoto Posted July 10, 2011 Posted July 10, 2011 I'll just posted what I pmed you in here so other people who are doing their tests soon can read it With regards to the manoeuvres though, something I neglected to put in my pm is to make sure that you know what you are doing before you start. For example, the examiner asks you to do a parallel park. They always pull you up first, so take this time to think about what you need to do to do it BEFORE you pull alongside the parked car. I find that when I'm doing mock tests with my students, the first time they try a manoeuvre they cock it up as they rush straight into it without thinking. Tell the examiner that you just need a few seconds to remember what you are doing. You are paying £62 for this test, this is your time, not his, so make sure that you make the most of it... Quote What'll happen is the examiner will meet you in the waiting room (make sure you have both your counterpart and photo card otherwise you cannot take the test and will lose your fee!) and you'll sign a declaration of insurance and residency. On the way to the car, the xmnr will ask you two show me tell me questions, so make sure you are ready for them but remember it's only one driving fault even if you get them both wrong so it's no big deal. You'll be out for about 40 minutes. You'll do one reversing manoeuvre as well as possibly the emergency stop. You will also be pulled over a few times at the side of the road and asked to move away again. Don't worry, you haven't done anything wrong, they just want to check that you use your signals/mirrors/blindspots etc correctly and that you don't pull out dangerously. My advice is to drive as normal - if your instructor has prepared you well enough, then this should be enough. Remember that you are not under a microscope - for example you don't have to worry about trivial things like whether to put the handbrake on before or after you go into first, or about occasionally not holding the wheel in the correct place. The examiner wants you to do well so don't try to put on a show for him/her and drive differently than you normally do. Approach junctions with early preparation - make sure you aren't braking and changing gear late at a roundabout for example. And make sure you don't feel under any pressure to pull out when it isn't safe. If you are waiting at a junction for what feels like an eternity, don't worry about what the examiner is thinking, just go in your own time. The most important bit of advice though is YOU WILL MAKE A MISTAKE (nobody has the perfect drive) and you will think you have failed for it. But keep your head up, your mistake may not be as bad as you were thinking, and it'd be annoying to fail for something else because you lost focus. Most of my learners who passed tell me they thought they'd failed at some point. You'd be surprised about how lenient SOME examiners can be. If they feel safe with you, then you'll likely pass. Just remember that it's not the end of the world if you don't pass. It's just a few more weeks and a lot more £ but you aren't starting back at square one, so try not to feel so under pressure. As for the independent driving, the examiner will pull you over and give you directions to follow, either with a (crap) diagram or a set of routes (ie, follow the signs to xxxtown) If you forget, ask the examiner for clarification. If you go the wrong way, you don't fail as long as you do it safely. I tend to find that a lot of examiners walk you through it anyway so it's not that hard. Hope this helps, but feel free to ask anything else that I may have missed.
Raining_again Posted July 10, 2011 Posted July 10, 2011 When I did my second test I had to pull in and pull off again... When I stopped the car I managed to clip the wheel trim off the kerb, and I thought it would be an auto fail as I'd hit the kerb....I thought oh fucking shit shit shit and could feel myself ready to cry, but I hadn't failed, don't think I even got a minor for it! Thank god the examiner started some small talk as it kept me focused for the rest of the test haha I tell you I was never as shocked in my life when she told me that I had passed!! Just goes to show its not always that obvious! I still feel like.... really weird about being a driver! I can't quite believe that I managed to do it and I've been driving 2 years hahah
S.C.G Posted July 10, 2011 Author Posted July 10, 2011 Thanks for the advice everyone I've just got back from an hour and a half lesson and I'm feeling a lot better about everything; just got to make sure everything comes together on the day.
S.C.G Posted July 11, 2011 Author Posted July 11, 2011 I'm back... I failed... FML... ... lol:heh: Actually I'm not that down about eet... sure I've failed again and now made it a hat-trick but my general drive was pretty good; I let myself down by failing to notice that I needed to come to complete stop at a certain turning - even though it was clear - and I usually do stop... just not this time (lol?) also I went 25 in a 20 Zone... in the back of my mind I knew it was a 20 zone but by the time I had realised what I had done it was too late. Then just before going back into the test centre (I knew I'd failed at this point) there was a guy who looked like he was about to cross - literally if he'd been a couple of seconds behind or if I'd been there a couple of second earlier it wouldn't have mattered - but yes I carried on... and I shouldn't have... it was on a slope just before the test centre - which is no excuse - and I don't like slopes and just wanted to finish at this point but still, no fucking excuse and I wish I had stopped now but equally mistakes have been made now; at least I know what I did wrong. In fact I'm most disappointed that I just carried on like that even if it was at the end, it proves that I shouldn't be on the road on my own just yet... But one day... some time in the not to distant future I will be ready, for now though I'm stuck catching the bus.
Dog-amoto Posted July 11, 2011 Posted July 11, 2011 Sorry man! Get it rebooked straight away. How many minors?
ReZourceman Posted July 11, 2011 Posted July 11, 2011 YOU CAN DOO EEEEETTT. Sorry to hear that. But you will do it. And fuck the guy who was about to cross. No Zebra Crossing = No deal. Just not on tests. :p
S.C.G Posted July 11, 2011 Author Posted July 11, 2011 Dog-amoto said: How many minors? One... but she did step out in front of me. :/ [/ReZ joke] Sorry, but seriously... three minor faults, so close yet so far eh? nevermind, will get it rebooked soon though... like not today soon, but tomorrow soon... not 'I'll do it tomorrow...' *tomorrow comes around* 'I'll do it tomor...' soon but yes... soon. ReZourceman said: YOU CAN DOO EEEEETTT. Cheers bled, will do my best next time.
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