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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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Could you explain some of the name choices? Like Ebirass? (Maybe I'm missing a type of shellfish or something)


(Lampoon aswell. I'm probably just being a retard though.)


Ebirass is named partially after a monster seen in the Japanese Godzilla film series (of which I am a huge fan) called Ebirah. Ebi is also Japanese for shrimp:




Lampoon is named after the word "lampoon" which means either to ridicule or satirise... I like to think it looks like a grape to tease its attacks... it finds the whole thing rather funny. It also hangs from a tree like a lamp.


Be sure to ask about any of the names, I chose them all pretty carefully. Though I didn't want them all to be totally obvious.

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I couldn't dislike this stuff if I tried. It's all awesome.


Aww thanks.





021 Bombara

The Sea Dog Pokemon


"Bombara's unique, flat tail is used in a number of different ways. It is used in attacks, to paddle in swimming and, most famously, to ride the waves. Bombaras are often the Pokemon of surfers."

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:D Ha ha ha. Wasn't expecting to see that in here! Glad you like some of my non-Pokemon work.




I'm keen to make this Pokedex as authentic as possible in terms of sticking to the same rules in terms of design and structure as the others. This does mean however it should include some new evolutions, pre evolutions and alt evolutions of old Pokemon. I've been a bit reluctant so far to do this (as they are pretty much the ONLY thing you see in Fake Pokemon designing fandom) but I'm gonna give in.


Are there any Pokemon you think are deserving of a new addition?


My favourite Pokemon is Cubone, but I never liked Marrowhack so I'm working on a third stage which I think is deserving of the awesomeness that is Cubone.


Any other suggestions? Baby Pokemon count as well.

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I love all these. Don't sell out and do prevos and evos of existing, build up your whole own pokedex!


(also not totally related and it didn't update too much but a whole bunch of webcomicists made their own pokemonz based on themselves/their comics here if anybody is bored http://portraitdex.tumblr.com/)


Thanks, I mentioned that a page ago :p Trying to take my credit! :p

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Baby Kangashkan.


I always thought the kid in it's pouch would be a perfect baby pokemon called a Kiddikhan.


I love all these. Don't sell out and do prevos and evos of existing, build up your whole own pokedex!


This was my thought initially. I think I will be doing my own original 100, then maybe 10 evo/prevos


Thanks, I mentioned that a page ago :p Trying to take my credit! :p


Yeah I saw. They're quite cool. I'm not famous enough to really submit my own though :P


Can I request a baby Abra and an evolved Gengar? My favourite (Well, apart from my team of Dragon Pokemon but I can't remember what they're called. #ifail).


Gengar was one of my favourites too but I think that trio of ghosts are too perfect as they are. I've got a couple of kickass ghost types in this pokedex though.


Unless you consider Sandshrew/slash to be one, maybe an Armadillo pokemon?... and maybe play on Arma/Armour for the evolved form.


A HummingBird?


A tumbleweed pokemon? (maybe something running round inside to roll it?)


All very good suggestions. Might steal.

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