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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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Well, they probably wouldn't let you design a game, and if Jamba's stories about working at Gamefreak were true, then it doesn't sound worth it.


Still, you might get an autograph, at the very least. Maybe a few compliments on the designs (Ken Sugimori is there, after all)

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I am now at a point where you posting constitutes a sexual event. Don't be long! :heh:


He never is.



Gotta say, I didn't mind the original treetank, but I DO approve of the resigns, very nice. I share the sentiments of marowak too, not that I was ever that big a fan of cubone or anything.

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It might just be my internet, but yeah Pobearian and the last image won't load.


ALSO I think Femury should look more unique. It just looks like an uber-cubone. I feel like a third evolutionary form should have the skull more developed, like someone said, perhaps a Tricatops, or otherwise more regal? Marowak is stunning because it's so sleek in comparison to Cubone. Going back to the scrappiness of Cubone seems reductive. [/nitpick]

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Evolves from Girafarig under certain conditions.


046 Okapipako

Normal / Psychic

The Two Faced Pokemon

"When Girafarig evolves, it's secondary head becomes far more free thinking. In battle, Okapipako is very unique. Two of its moves are assigned to one of it's heads and the other two to another head. Both heads have their own health and can get their own status effects, however if one of them faints, they both do. "Reverse" is the ability it is given which lets it chose which way to face the enemy."

Edited by Hamishmash
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The reason the dark end's head looks plastered on was because it was. I did start drawing a second pose with that end facing the front, but the light end looked REALLY terrible on that side, so I plonked the dark head on that version.


Although as always I'll remind me people that it is necessary for me to spend like, 15 minutes if that on these drawings just because of all my uni work.

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This started out as a Noctowl evolution but became it's own thing.


048 Bodowl

Flying / Psychic

The Self Harm Pokemon

"Everytime Bodowl loses a brain cell, two more take its place. In other words, it's more intelligent the more it's head on the end. Therefore, to train, Bodowls spend there days flying up tall trees and then falling off head first. During combat, they are almost always seen standing on their heads."

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