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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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So stunned I phased through a wall, instead of just collapsing.




I feel like Treetank's design isn't as amazing as it could be. It's bugging me. It's other two forms are great, but it feels less than it could be.


Sorry if you love it.


You know I'm a fan.

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So stunned I phased through a wall, instead of just collapsing.




I feel like Treetank's design isn't as amazing as it could be. It's bugging me. It's other two forms are great, but it feels less than it could be.


Sorry if you love it.


You know I'm a fan.


I do think you're right. At some point I'm going to go back and clean up some designs, such as many Pobearian an evolved form of a polar bear Pokemon which is in Black and White. Treetank was quite tough really, you can tell I designed the other two first (and Ambush is like... my favourite Pokemon I've designed for some reason). I'll see what I can do.

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The shapes in the long grass on the left are wild Pokemon... so it's a little less random. I wanted to go for a Animal Crossing vibe, though less circular. And I think this is genuinely the best way to do a 3D Pokemon game (this is a cartoon version, but I'd imagine it to be fully 3D). I think the way the Pokemon games look is iconic, but I'd like to think you could move the camera about more.


And you can move diagonally.

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I haven't played a Pokemon game since Silver, though I enjoyed it. If the series had managed to be even fractionally as inventive or good looking as this, I'd have every game in the series in my pockets right this second.


I do love Nintendo, but sometimes (especially with Animal Crossing and Pokemon) they seem to do the bare minimum when it comes to sequels cos they know they'll sell regardless.


I think the reason why my ones might be successful is because I'm not doing them for any money... I'm not thinking in commercial terms I'm thinking in creative terms. The game I have in mind would be incredibly expensive to make. :P

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That screenshot is godly. Paj is going to explode with GIFs.


I actually won't, not because it's not stun (When I saw it on Facebook I exclaimed, out loud, "THE CRYING LIGHT!!!!"), but the new individual Pokes are so direct and like "Here we are. Deal. Cunts." that gifs are the only way to express the emotions I feel.

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I can't remember who suggested a subtle reference to Aliens and Predator but here they are... I'm not sure HOW subtle they are... They're more tiki mask wearing tribal Pokemon.





042 Predox

Poison / Rock

The Red Tribe Pokemon

"The Predox tribe live in the marsh-lands of Urion and are fiercely territorial. They have a cultured, honourable civilisation and often battle each other for pride and glory. They're hatred of the Villane tribe spans back generations, to the time of the Ancient Pokemon."


Predox is only found in Time Version. It does not evolve into or from Villane.


047 Villane

Poison / Steel

The Blue Tribe Pokemon

"The Villane Tribe is a ruthless, cannibalistic and uncultured civilization. They have no concept of tradition, ritual or honour, they only hunt for food. Their poison can keep burning through the ground for days."


Villane is only found in the Space Version. It does not evolve into or from Predox.

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The Alien/Predator Pokemon, don't quite feel enough like pokemon to me.


I think I'd prefer to see them more along the lines of Cubone, where you get the sense that there could actually be quite a cute pokemon there... except that these have just got this mask stuck on their head. Perhaps a pokemon has found a Predator mask/Alien skull on the ground.

Or they are actually this really shy/timed pokemon who's tries to big themselves up/scare off it's predators, by wearing a big scary OTT mask (in the same way butterflies do with wing patterns).

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The Alien/Predator Pokemon, don't quite feel enough like pokemon to me.


I think I'd prefer to see them more along the lines of Cubone, where you get the sense that there could actually be quite a cute pokemon there... except that these have just got this mask stuck on their head. Perhaps a pokemon has found a Predator mask/Alien skull on the ground.

Or they are actually this really shy/timed pokemon who's tries to big themselves up/scare off it's predators, by wearing a big scary OTT mask (in the same way butterflies do with wing patterns).


That's fair enough. But who's to say that underneath they aren't all weak and cute looking. And I guess they don't look as much like Pokemon as my other ones, but then what does a Pokemon look like? Mewtwo, Mr. Mime, Diglett, Ditto?



Does that mean if I stop asking there will be one eventually? :)


You'll have to wait and see.


So I started drawing another screenshot but got bored and I doubt I'll go back to it. I just finished, so the city doesn't look as bustling as I'd liked and the proportions/perspective aren't perfect but again, just gives you the idea of my "vision" for a 3D Pokemon game.



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Seriously, how are we going to get this game made. :D


A Nintendo forum, we must have some connections between us (not me)


I too believe there's a connection between us <3


I can't remember who suggested a subtle reference to Aliens and Predator but here they are... I'm not sure HOW subtle they are... They're more tiki mask wearing tribal Pokemon.





042 Predox

Poison / Rock

The Red Tribe Pokemon

"The Predox tribe live in the marsh-lands of Urion and are fiercely territorial. They have a cultured, honourable civilisation and often battle each other for pride and glory. They're hatred of the Villane tribe spans back generations, to the time of the Ancient Pokemon."


Predox is only found in Time Version. It does not evolve into or from Villane.


047 Villane

Poison / Steel

The Blue Tribe Pokemon

"The Villane Tribe is a ruthless, cannibalistic and uncultured civilization. They have no concept of tradition, ritual or honour, they only hunt for food. Their poison can keep burning through the ground for days."


Villane is only found in the Space Version. It does not evolve into or from Predox.


Not that I'm pokemon buff or anything, but I very much like the idea of these two. I like that they're version specific, similar yet differing(steel/rock). Out of interest, somewhat related as it spurred the thought, do you ever look at the types and type balancing of pokemon according to the table? Just thought of it looking at these in the event of steel being immune to poison, which as it happens it is(had to look it up tho lol). I don't know what happens in such a situation with a dual type pokemon...

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I too believe there's a connection between us <3




Not that I'm pokemon buff or anything, but I very much like the idea of these two. I like that they're version specific, similar yet differing(steel/rock). Out of interest, somewhat related as it spurred the thought, do you ever look at the types and type balancing of pokemon according to the table? Just thought of it looking at these in the event of steel being immune to poison, which as it happens it is(had to look it up tho lol). I don't know what happens in such a situation with a dual type pokemon...


My only thoughts when coming to types is just to balance out my 100 Pokemon in terms of variety. I've got a list which looks like this


78. Fire tough

79. evo

79. evo

80. one off awesome Water

81. fighting

82. evo


And I basically just open Flash and draw what it says. I don't even think too much about what the thing I'm gonna draw is gonna look like.

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