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N-E Awards 2010 Results!


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Don't think I've much of a presence on the forums to get an award. Not too negative and not too positive. Ah shit I'm boring!

Better to not be try-hard like Diageo. He was gagging for an award, even if it meant the exponential decay of respect points. Aww.

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Your infamy for being pretentious and having an 'in-ya-face' approach got you 'an award', and it was a shit one.


(And fool you anyway, I didz get one. I'm just amused right now that you're assigning some sort of value to these. Waster.)

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My infamy is not for being pretentious, get your insults right.


They have no value, a pragmatic person like myself knows that. And since your just trying to keep some sort of argument going, I'm going to stop you right here because I don't care any more.


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