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Mass Effect 3


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Unfortunately, I'm stuck with GAME. I don't think they would have a exclusive for the Collector's Edition if the financials weren't already sorted, so it should be fine.


Ah well yeah... naturally if you have a pre-order for the Collector's Edition then you'll be fine especially as there are few places that stock the edition, I just meant for the standard edition even though I must admit the CE does look rather sexy but I don't deem myself worthy enough to purchase it... well that's my excuse anyway, I'm still shamefully finishing off Mass Effect 2 before the ME3 demo comes out, I did the same thing with the original ME >> I'm a heathen I know but I'm trying to atone for my sins. :(

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I got both a Shopto and a GAME pre-order, i know only GAME have the Collectors Edition pre-orders. Doesn't matter to me, if GAME go under between now and March then at least i get a weapon and T-Shirt with ME3.


I'm finishing off my second play of ME2, probably going to use that save for my first initial play of ME3. Wonder what Bioware will have in store for the fans depending on choices made.

Edited by Jimbob
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Is the ME2-ME3 linking DLC worth playing? At some point I'm going to pick up my ME2 save and 100% explore and make sure I've done all the side quests but was wondering if that extra DLC they released was worth bothered with.

What's the point of exploring the main game 100% and doing every sidequest if you're going to skip the DLC? :heh:


I've only played Overlord of the DLC that was released after the game, but I thought that was good and worth playing. Lair of the Shadow Broker is supposed to be the best DLC for the game, and you may as well play Arrival while you're at it, especially since that's the DLC that's supposed to bridge the gap between the two games the most.


And I think the Firewalker Pack was free? Otherwise you can skip that one, at least.

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The Firewalker pack (as well as Zaeed and a random Normandy crash site mission) were all part of the "Online Pass" the game came with.


Arrival is the worst of the paid DLC. Well, worst is the wrong way of putting it. "Least good" sounds better. There isn't much in the way of options but it's still pretty good, including one very had battle.

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What's the point of exploring the main game 100% and doing every sidequest if you're going to skip the DLC? :heh:


I've only played Overlord of the DLC that was released after the game, but I thought that was good and worth playing. Lair of the Shadow Broker is supposed to be the best DLC for the game, and you may as well play Arrival while you're at it, especially since that's the DLC that's supposed to bridge the gap between the two games the most.


And I think the Firewalker Pack was free? Otherwise you can skip that one, at least.


I played it on PS3 so got most of the DLC that came out in the year between the two releases. I basically meant should I play arrival which is the one I menat that bridges the gap.


I wouldn't say the price is that good at shopto :/ Also you can't pick the tshirt size, which usually means you get XXL. Still, I've gone with them for the release date guarantee.


I've had a couple of t-shirts off them and been either L or XL.

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@flameboy I wouldn't say it bridges the two games, it's more of it just adds something to the story which I would assume has some sort of impact on ME3.


If you want the full experience of everything then I would say yes, just don't expect to be blown away by it (it's nothing special).


So I guess my next question would be does it add any decisions/repercussions that might effect ME3


Was just wondering if we know if the mining is staying or what is replacing it, because the mining is a little dull.


Yes I'd wondered that too in 2 it was so mind numbing. I'd love a process thats more automated or something.


Or my idea would be you click scan it does the scanning part itself and stops then you just hit a button to launch the probe maybe have some kind of reticle that darts around the area and if you hit whilst its gree the proble digs deeper and you more minerals. My suggestion is only if they insist on keeping it a part of the game you interact with.

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So I guess my next question would be does it add any decisions/repercussions that might effect ME3.


I know the "Arrival" DLC is

the event which Shepard is on trial for at the beginning of ME3



As for what else, i don't know as of yet. I'm hoping to learn that once i get my hands on the game in March

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Okay, so I finally completed ME2 just now.


OMG, the Shadow Broker stuff and the last mission are awesome. The first two thirds of the game are pretty dull and just aren't particularly well executed. But the Shadow Broker boss fight was like something out of Zelda and in the last mission

having to choose a secondary team was awesome. Felt like I really had to make the right decision. I picked Garrus, of course. I was worried that it might condemn him to death but luckily not. I pick Kasumi for the infiltrator vent tech role because she's stealthy and all that. As it turned out it was about as stealthy as a wet fart.

Actually, does it make a difference who you pick for all the roles?


My ending,


Miranda died. Can't say I was bothered since she was a grade A bitch.Still, how she died was crap. I don't even know how it happened. The camera just cut to her dead on the ground, like completely out of context.


I really had to think about saving the station or not but the I told TIM to cram it. I was there to save the universe, not just humanity.



Also, do the upgrades you make to your ship actually make a difference?

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Actually, does it make a difference who you pick for all the roles?


Also, do the upgrades you make to your ship actually make a difference?[/color]


Yes to both. Making different choices may cause deaths.


Also, not upgrading the main ship stuff like shields, armour, weapons will result in more deaths.


It's possible to finish the game with everyone alive, or with only Shepard. Actually, you can finish the game with Shepard dead, too.

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Ahahaaa!! Really?! If everyone including Shepard is dead is that an excuse to not pick up Mass Effect 3?


It's an excuse to play through Mass Effect 2 again (not that you should need an excuse to play a second or third time).

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I've pretty much played it twice. Once on 360 once on PS3. Definitely felt it was a better game with all the DLC.


I hope the third game is more varied like in the DLC. Also, a few major choices integrated into the actual gameplay as opposed to convo choices would be nice.

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My original ending on Mass Effect 2


I picked Tali to go through the vents, whilst i picked Garrus to lead the secondary team. On my team i had Miranda and Jacob. When it came to escorting the crew off the Reaper ship, i chose the pure bred (forgot his name) to escort them (which was a mistake at a later scene). Jack died protecting the door, should have left the pure bred to do the job.


All crew lived minus Jack, so just missed on the achievement.



I recommend upgrading the ship weaponry, armour etc. As Cube said, it does prevent more deaths occuring.

Namely Garrus and Kasumi as they are in the engine rooms at the time of the initial attack



And i agree, it does feel more complete with all the DLC. Took me a long time to get all missions done, and currently have 1 month and 6 days to get it done again.

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Garrus and Kasumi were in the engine room? I had Legion in there. I think.


I had Jacob escort the peeps back to Normandy.


But Miranda and Jacob? Barely ever used them. I found them really boring. Jacob was dull and Miranda always acted like her time of the month never ended (Srsly, when she fights with Jack and then refuses to talk to you, I just wanted an option to execute her for insubordination). Apart from Zaheed they were the worst characters of the lot.


My regular two companions were Grunt (the Krogan) and Samara the Justica. I always have the Krogan. When Ashley killed Wrex in Mass Effect 1 I blew a fucking gasket (Not too sure why I didn't reload and prevent it, but I didn't). Anyway, sent that racist cow to her death no problem. (I then played ME again before ME2 came out, managed to make her less racist and avoid killing Wrex...but I couldn't forgive the sins of her past life and sent her to her death again. And again when I played the interactive intro to ME2 on the PS3.)


I picked Samara because her loyalty power Reave is insanely good. I advance trained that and absolutely destroyed the Collectors. It's basically a one hit kill. Short recharge time and with two people having the power it was a breeze.


Kasumi was awesome. I liked her way more than I thought I would, it's why I trusted her to do the infiltration bit and unlock the door.

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My original ending on Mass Effect 2


I picked Tali to go through the vents, whilst i picked Garrus to lead the secondary team. On my team i had Miranda and Jacob. When it came to escorting the crew off the Reaper ship, i chose the pure bred (forgot his name) to escort them (which was a mistake at a later scene). Jack died protecting the door, should have left the pure bred to do the job.


All crew lived minus Jack, so just missed on the achievement.



I recommend upgrading the ship weaponry, armour etc. As Cube said, it does prevent more deaths occuring.

Namely Garrus and Kasumi as they are in the engine rooms at the time of the initial attack



And i agree, it does feel more complete with all the DLC. Took me a long time to get all missions done, and currently have 1 month and 6 days to get it done again.


Wow I never if thought about what occurs if you don't upgrade the ship. I just did it as I went along and obviously didn't occur those loses.

Edited by flameboy
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Your companions will also die if you haven't played their loyalty missions.


My brother had that problem when he played the game. He was rushing through it and didn't bother with most of the loyalty missions, and then his companions died like flies on the final mission.

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My first playthrough Jacob died on me, I didn't have her loyalty (I did her mission but I lost it as her and Miranda had a tiff over me and I didn't have a good enough paragon to get out of it). I also delayed in the final mission and lost several of the 'normal' crew.


On my replay on ME1 through to ME2 because I knew what to expect I had all the crew survived and still had my wicked way with Miranda and later Liara in the DLC.

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