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The review was complaining that the game assists the player too much during the cinematic moments, though. I know that Naughty Dog have put a lot of effort into tuning things so that player's have a good chance of success the moment they're thrown into the more hectic scenarios, but the review doesn't talk about whether they were successful or not, merely baulking at the idea that you don't get full control during situations which tend to be entirely non-interactive during other games.


I'd rather have some control than none, for consistency's sake if nothing else.


Well then if they are merely to replace cut scenes for cinematic moments in order to preserve that cinematic "perfection" surely there shouldn't be a fail state? It should be tightly choreographed to an extent where you can't fail. If they truly want these moments to look fantastic in a way that they can't in normal gameplay then go full hog on the guiding nature and not just give me a good chance of success. However that then does draw the question about whether we need them at all....


For me the serene scene in the village in Uncharted 2 where you were just wandering around and Nathan was making quips about what he saw pushed narrative and immersion in a unique way that matter far more to me than for example the guided chase scenes.


You play these parts to give you a sense of ownership over the character and the story. If you can't fail, it is a cut scene.


We do need them because it's not a case of one or the other. That scene in the village, that kind of interaction only works there (although Drake does make comments about his surrounding through the whole game - ultimately it's not something that can drive the story). The opening where you climb up the train, that could have just been a cutscene (in any other game it would have), instead it's used to set the tone and give the story weight. For me it's one of the most memorable opening to a game ever.




"Whats the opening level to Uncharted 2?"


You're hanging off the edge of a train in an icey mountain.


"Whats the opening to Modern Warfare 2?"


Probably.....some kind of....army....man....


I got a message off of shopto saying copies will be sent via Royal Mail on monday so hopefully we should get it on Tuesday. Hope you havent chose TNT shipping as that wont ship until Tuesday.

I got a message off of shopto saying copies will be sent via Royal Mail on monday so hopefully we should get it on Tuesday. Hope you havent chose TNT shipping as that wont ship until Tuesday.


I got an email a week or so ago from Game saying the release date had changed to the 1st. Although I've also had loads of email that the price had changed to £44.99 and then £47.99.


Ahah, my game just got dispatched today!!! I love that Amazon fear it won't be here on time since it's a different country, and since they absolutely must deliver it by the time it comes out, it always means everytime I preorder something from there I always get it 1/2/3 days early. So I'll probably have it on monday morning! Fuck yeah!

Anyone/everyone up for some online tonight?


Like at 6:30?


Count me in.


Daft, do you know why we were put on separate teams when ReZ left? We were still in the same party (the "Mute All" worked like it was supposed to i.e. not muting you).


My team lost but I believe I killed you more than you killed me - which is a much more important win.

Count me in.


Daft, do you know why we were put on separate teams when ReZ left? We were still in the same party (the "Mute All" worked like it was supposed to i.e. not muting you).


My team lost but I believe I killed you more than you killed me - which is a much more important win.


Haha! Yeah, you killed me like 10 times in a row. I was like SRSLY?!?!! (When you got the grenade kill on me and I was like 'there was no way he knew he'd get me with that grenade...' o_O) Somehow I managed to come top of my team...I have no idea how. Your victimising of me had me thinking I was playing real bad. :heh:


Not sure why we were put on different teams. I think it might be a bug. It happened with me, Rez and flameboy the other day. Rez and I were on one team and flameboy was on the other. We just exited the game to the party screen and found another game.

Posted (edited)

OMG, that last round was BULLSHIT. I was marked man three times in a row.


Sorry about my mic, Cube.


Edit: Also, sorry flameboy about not sorting the invite out. I wasn't party leader and then my mic had run out of battery and BLAH. I'm lame. I'll sort it out next time.

Edited by Daft
OMG, that last round was BULLSHIT. I was marked man three times in a row.


Sorry about my mic, Cube.


Edit: Also, sorry flameboy about not sorting the invite out. I wasn't party leader and then my mic had run out of battery and BLAH. I'm lame. I'll sort it out next time.


No worries! I played for a few hours with Cube after you left. Trying to get to 35 before the release. On 23 at the moment, played a fair old bit today been fun. Up to 23 I think now. Definitely more into this multiplayer that I was in Uncharted 2. Very much looking forward to it and just looked and my order is being packed :)


Levelling up is pretty easy. I'll be around on Sunday for some games. With a fully charged headset. Would be great to get a full team of 5.


I usually hate playing online. I'm not really sure what it is about U3 but I just love it. I'm so inconsistent. A couple days ago I was having a crap run, absolutely abysmal and then I had three games where I died like twice and got the most kills. Maybe that's it. I have a general level with things like Halo but with this I can play lame and then I can play like a god. Makes me happy when I play well instead of disappointed that I don't.

Levelling up is pretty easy. I'll be around on Sunday for some games. With a fully charged headset. Would be great to get a full team of 5.


I usually hate playing online. I'm not really sure what it is about U3 but I just love it. I'm so inconsistent. A couple days ago I was having a crap run, absolutely abysmal and then I had three games where I died like twice and got the most kills. Maybe that's it. I have a general level with things like Halo but with this I can play lame and then I can play like a god. Makes me happy when I play well instead of disappointed that I don't.


Yeah I'm kinda the same although my good runs don't extent past about 5 mins lol. One game tonight though I got 4 kills no deaths inside about 2 mins and then didn't get another kill all match!


Still though I really enjoy and feel in team objectives I am still contributing! I will be around on Sunday for nice long session. Who else on here plays it who isn't gonna be all over battlefield!


This is one of the few online games that isn't tear-your-hair-out frustrating when I do badly. The complete opposite of Gears.


Up to level 20 now. Even poor games have lots of great little moments. Like one game, an enemy was climbing up a building. I had the climbing booster so I quickly reached the top before him and kicked him down. And it's always fun jumping down from a height and landing perfectly so you can stealth kill someone.

This is one of the few online games that isn't tear-your-hair-out frustrating when I do badly. The complete opposite of Gears.

I think there's two major reasons for this, the first being aesthetic: your character doesn't make a really annoying gargled scream like in Gears or Killzone, plus you don't have to watch your character eviscerated; at worst you're looking at a slapstick ragdoll. On the gameplay side there's so many ways to get your own back — blindfire, grenades, pulldowns, kickoffs, etc — that you can keep on switching up your approach rather than getting stuck in a death loop.


I know some Dutch people are already picking this up from the shops, damn them! Still, ShopTo have provided me with a rather needless-yet-strangely-reassuring photo of my copy all packaged up.


Yeah, I think you've nailed it. I love that switch, when something isn't working so you try something a little crazy and you pull it off.


My friend got a copy today. I would be ridiculously jealous but we've still got the multiplayer until Monday(?) and I'm having too much fun.


Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but is there a way to clearly direct between rolling and sticking to cover? Because sometimes in hectic situations I want to roll but I stick and vice versa.


Also, one issue I think they need to fix is prioritising picking up grenades and the idol over guns when pressing Triangle. A couple times everything is on top of each other and instead of throwing a grenade back I pick up some lame ass gun.

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