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I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!


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I haven't looked into Student Loans, but I don't know anyone here who has one, so I didn't think it was possible.


My mam keeps moaning that she's going to leave me here and go back to Brazil, so I just thought I would wait a bit, but waiting is a pain.

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Why would Diageo want a student loan when he is living at home for free. how bizarre. So he can bone his bird all day night and night. He doesn't need to man up to get a loan, he needs to man up and bosh his bird while his mums home.

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Yeah, but do you want to be dependent your whole life? You can't really grow up properly if you don't have your own space.


Of course he can, jeez, you would think Uni made or broke people, i'm sure Diaego will be more than capable to be dependant when he is ready. Why get into debt and why move out when I presume he goes to Uni in the same city he lives in.


I lived at home for ages and went backpacking round Australia on my own I survived and managed to make my own tea, turn the kettle on and put the washing machine on myself!!!

Edited by James
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Of course he can, jeez, you would think Uni made or broke people, i'm sure Diaego will be more than capable to be dependant when he is ready. Why get into debt and why move out when I presume he goes to Uni in the same city he lives in.


I lived at home for ages and went backpacking round Australia on my own I survived and managed to make my own tea, turn the kettle on and put the washing machine on myself!!!

Just made me think of this.


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You can learn about living by yourself at any time you know! You don't have to get yourself in a ridiculous amount of debt to do so.. I think its a far wiser choice living at home when you have minimal income... God the madness just stuns me. This culture of get a loan and think about it later is terrifying, and exactly why we are in this shithole of a "credit crunch" that we are in.

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You can learn about living by yourself at any time you know! You don't have to get yourself in a ridiculous amount of debt to do so.. I think its a far wiser choice living at home when you have minimal income... God the madness just stuns me. This culture of get a loan and think about it later is terrifying, and exactly why we are in this shithole of a "credit crunch" that we are in.


Individuals taking out loans are just pebbles in the ocean compared to massive corporations borrowing money, to such an extent I doubt they even factor in. Individuals didn't cause the credit crunch.

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Individuals taking out loans are just pebbles in the ocean compared to massive corporations borrowing money, to such an extent I doubt they even factor in. Individuals didn't cause the credit crunch.


Yeah I do agree with you to a point (student loans are by far the lesser of the evils) but its just the whole attitude of getting money now for nothing without considering what will happen 5 or so years later.


I understand where some people going afar don't have any other option and need to undertaken loans. I just feel that sometimes it's suggested for the hell of it when there is a perfectly viable non-loan option for people like Diageo.


It's very much a case here where everyone feels they MUST go to uni. Usually without consideration to a career, to do a mickey mouse degree that will give them no footing in life and leave them with debt and a minimum wage job.

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I can't really talk about what one should or shouldn't do RE; student living, as I don't have a student loan - I have a very conveniently rich uncle who's only thing to spend his ludicruous amounts of money on is his nephew and neice's education.


So right now I get living allowance from my family, so I guess I'm fairly privileged. Eventually I will have to get a loan I suppose, but my family said it's such a hassle to have when I don't need to.


I get a set amount a month, which sometimes feels like I end up having to money manage more than those with loans, but at the same time, I know in emergencies I can ask for more money from my family.


Halls just feels like a nice transitional living period, I met loads of friends through it etc.

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