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Terrible Movies You Enjoy?


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Is this like some worldwide conspiracy of Bieber fans? To divert attention to the fucker constantly by annoying the shit out of everyone they enounter? Fucking Christ, when the future leader of the Chinese world order does eventually instate a eugenics program, I hope Bieber fans are the first to be sterilised right out of the fucking gene pool, because that kind of aural imbecility, not to mention a supernatural ability to annoy, has to be the result of an infinitude of genetic defects. STFU about Bieber. Every fucking Youtube video is fucking plagued with these mutants and they all need to die die die.


I'm calm.

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I do it on principle of judging music as shit, which almost always comes in the shape of Justin Bieber. It could easily be Cheyl Cole or Lady Gaga or whoever. I will defend the subjectivity of music forever.


So will I, but I often can't be bothered when I've had the same discussion before with the same people with only frustration for both parties as a result. :heh:

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As I said, I don't find him shit (who am I to judge him personally, I don't know the lad at all) but I don't like his voice (I judge by his performance and it's not my cup of tea). However, I found out he started from YouTube on up so I respect him for working at it and not giving up. However, I do not like his music and the majority of people on here don't either. At most, I like one song and before you say anything, I have heard his whole album (not through choice but still) and I didn't like it.


I just see no need to go over old ground. This has been done before on the Bieber thread. I mean, I personally don't like Florence and the Machine's music and I'm pretty sure many people will hate me for it but still, whatever. Sure I won't get why people like his voice, just like I don't get why people like Florence and the Machine, but they do. Each to their own and what not.

Edited by Animal
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Considering I revel in the murky depths that is a lot of mainstream dance-pop, even I realise that Justin Beiber is an atrocity. His music is offensively bland for pop music, his image is that of a tiny lesbian with no edges, his personality from what I've seen of it is precocious and obtuse...he has no redeeming features.


I'd rather my popstars be trashy and interesting than bland and irritating.


I heard he won 4 awards at one of those credible award shows the other day. A new low.

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Considering I revel in the murky depths that is a lot of mainstream dance-pop, even I realise that Justin Beiber is an atrocity. His music is offensively bland for pop music, his image is that of a tiny lesbian with no edges, his personality from what I've seen of it is precocious and obtuse...he has no redeeming features.


I'd rather my popstars be trashy and interesting than bland and irritating.


I heard he won 4 awards at one of those credible award shows the other day. A new low.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot your opinion was fact.


Or maybe the fact that he won credible awards means you're just wrong.

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I love Life-Size, about a Barbie that come to life (Tyra Banks) when a younger Lindsay Lohan puts a curse on it or something. Only cause my friend and I talked over it, adding out own script the entire way through.


Generally though terrible films are terrible films and I find no enjoyment in them unless it's personal like the above. For instance (to stay with Lohan for a moment) I Know Who Killed Me. A disgusting artistic failure on evey level.


[PS I hate post deletion when uncalled for and the topic had come to a close anyway. I'm leaving this here to remind myself of the post that once lay here, and that I responded to Diageo.]

Edited by Paj!
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It's not worth it, Diageo. I'm on your side in this, and trust me, it isn't worth it.


i'm on ye're side too but it's near pointless. :)



BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT ..... I like most Arnie movies no matter how shit they turn out to be



COMMANDO is the best worst movie ever though

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