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Oh my God! I'm sorry mr-paul!


LOVE: Mr-Paul


And I'm sorry Diageo, I really am. I don't know if you can give love to two people but if I can, I vote love for you too. If I can't, I'll do it next round.


Sorry Nintendohnut, deal's a deal.


VOTE: Nintendohnut


Also, I didn't know you could investigate yourself....Now that I know that, why didn't you do that to find out whether you were a dumb cop, Nintendohnut?

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TBH Dazz I'd quite like to know why I was warned away from investigating you, and a few details about the deal you made with Hades. Care to explain any of that?


The deal wasn't for me, I think it was for mr-paul because I have no clue at all about it and mr-paul said by bringing me back, he had repurcussions so I think you should ask him. Also, don't turn this on me because you got caught out telling everybody Diageo was evil and that you had evidence when clearly he wasn't, lol.

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No need to get defensive, I'm the one being voted for. All I'm asking is why was I warned away from targeting you? Are you the woman in the 'reincarnation' write-up who made the deal with Hades? I only ask because I was warned last night when I wanted to target you.


I've given my defence, I haven't lied at all, and I think I'm one from majority. If I'm going to die I'll try to be useful at least:


LOVE: Cube


ALSO: When I'm lynched and shown to be Lilo/good etc, you need to LOOK AT THE OTHER TWO PEOPLE WHO TARGETED SMEAGOL. Cube is trying to draw attention to it now, and when you see it wasn't me you need to look into that. One of the other two people who targeted him (apart from me) killed him, and you need to work out which one it was.


Also: I am very sorry about getting you lynched Diageo, and I'm glad you came back. I just hope you're as sorry as I am when I am lynched and am shown to be telling the truth as well :p

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I got sent a PM saying you have a chance to bring someone back from the dead, would you like to use it, so I said yes, I'll bring Dazz back please, because he was the only dead character from the time.

I haven't got any details on what this deal might do to me, but I didn't think about it too much and then once I read the write-up thought I shouldn't have done it, because in the film Meg sells her soul to Hades to bring a past lover back to life.

I just fear now that someone in the mafia will always know what I'm doing when I use my power.


Strange that you got warned off of targeting Dazz, he is Mulan. A good character.

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Well it's just not something I have considered. I can ask chair if it's okay but I just never really thought I would ever need to when I'm an investigator. Maybe if I were a protector I would have considered it, but as an investigator I never really thought it necessary. And when I say I don't know whether I could do it, I just mean I'm not sure whether chair would let me. But I'll check.

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Sorry for getting defensive, my detective side is kicking in, pmsl. But I think I believe you Nintendohnut but to answer your question, I honestly have no idea about this deal so it can't be me. I thought it was mr-paul who made the deal because he said that by bringing me back to life, he got repurcussions. Sorry if you have mr-paul but you're awesome for bringing me back, at least I can play the game a little so thank you very much.

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Two things then:


1) If you believe me, please remove your vote! :p


2) Did you receive anything when you were revived or since to suggest why I would be warned away from targeting you? What did your PM say when you were revived? Sorry, I'm just well confused about why I was warned before I targeted you. I kinda wish I'd done it anyway now :D

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I believe Nintendohnut. I think it was an honest mistake, and lynching him now out of spite seems childish.


Now, I've already explained that I protected Sméagol from silencing, misdirection and roleblocking the night he died. Thus I am very sure that EddieColeslaw is the killer.


LYNCH: EddieColeslaw


And since I trust Cube and want to improve his linguistic abilities even further:


LOVE: Cube

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From what I could gather from Cube's mimes. You targeted Sméagol the night he died. What did you do EddieColeslaw?


I don't think I'm allowed to say, but I'm not bad. I was obviously wanting to find out your alignment that night/the next day (whenever it was supposed to have shown).


Tonight I tried to target Dazz for investigation. I got a message saying 'You are being warned against targeting Dazz. You may choose another target'. So I targted EddieColeslaw (for no particular reason) and got a PM sayig he was mafia. Which I now assume means that he is good.


So that means you're an opposite-investigator, which I can confirm because I am definitely not mafia. I don't think there's any point in investigating yourself then? You'll just know that when investigating, the result you get is the opposite.


Unless my search function is broken, Aqui1a and Paj Meen Ah have said absolutely nothing. Ellmeister, Jonnas, MadDog and Tales have said very little. Since all of us speaking seem to be good, I think we should start questioning them instead.


Remove Vote


Again, I am not trying to redirect everyone's attention. I'm inviting you all to investigate, track and roleblock me all you want. However you will be wasting your time because I am not mafia, so you might as well go after the people above who are probably making trouble behind the scenes. I don't think I can say what I do, but I can definitely be useful to the town...and I hope I don't get killed for saying that.

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Nintendohnut, EddieColeslaw and I are the only ones who targetted Sméagol the night he died (except for Cube, whose results these are). I know that I didn't kill him, Nintendohnut appears to be a dumb cop, yet he also claims EC is good (since he got him as mafia).


One possibility is that Nintendohnut's power is not just plain wrong, but have varying degrees of success. Another is that EC is the don and thus good when investigated (= and thus appears evil to Nintendohnut). A third option is that Nintendohnut has been playing us all along and is now trying to score another kill and feigning ignorance. Fourthly, Cube might not have got the actual results, but only people's intentional targets.


I don't know what to think at the moment, though I'm leaning towards Nintendohnut playing us for fools.

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Nintendohnut, EddieColeslaw and I are the only ones who targetted Sméagol the night he died (except for Cube, whose results these are). I know that I didn't kill him, Nintendohnut appears to be a dumb cop, yet he also claims EC is good (since he got him as mafia).


One possibility is that Nintendohnut's power is not just plain wrong, but have varying degrees of success. Another is that EC is the don and thus good when investigated (= and thus appears evil to Nintendohnut). A third option is that Nintendohnut has been playing us all along and is now trying to score another kill and feigning ignorance. Fourthly, Cube might not have got the actual results, but only people's intentional targets.


I don't know what to think at the moment, though I'm leaning towards Nintendohnut playing us for fools.


Then someone else should investigate me and get this nonsense over with so we can lynch some mafia instead of wasting time lynching townies and having to bring them back again. If they get the results back and it says I'm actually evil, then you can lynch both Nintendohnut and I (but that won't happen, because I'm not evil). Unless they're a dumb cop again. Actually I was looking up different variants of the cop role (http://mafiascum.net/wiki/index.php?title=Cop), and am very discouraged now :(

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Nintendohnut, EddieColeslaw and I are the only ones who targetted Sméagol the night he died (except for Cube, whose results these are). I know that I didn't kill him, Nintendohnut appears to be a dumb cop, yet he also claims EC is good (since he got him as mafia).


One possibility is that Nintendohnut's power is not just plain wrong, but have varying degrees of success. Another is that EC is the don and thus good when investigated (= and thus appears evil to Nintendohnut). A third option is that Nintendohnut has been playing us all along and is now trying to score another kill and feigning ignorance. Fourthly, Cube might not have got the actual results, but only people's intentional targets.


I don't know what to think at the moment, though I'm leaning towards Nintendohnut playing us for fools.

Nintendohnut is playing us' yo.

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A killer, who claims to be an investigator, claims he was conveniently roleblocked the night his target died. It just sounds fishy to me.


Just to tell you that I am not voting out of spite. You may have swayed my views once, but never again. My vote stands where it is.

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I suggest that dannyboy is the killer, only because the role of protector is something you wouldn't just come out and say it without being pushed. I still can't be set about my power in terms of proving people good or evil, so we can't be sure about eddie (although I would assume, with diageo's result, that it is more likely to prove eddie good and dazz evil. But I don't know). But simply because Danny just admitted it without pushing. No proof at all but just his general posting seems suspicious to me.


As I say, all speculation. But theres my idea. Thanks for believing me some of you :)

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I suggest that dannyboy is the killer, only because the role of protector is something you wouldn't just come out and say it without being pushed. I still can't be set about my power in terms of proving people good or evil, so we can't be sure about eddie (although I would assume, with diageo's result, that it is more likely to prove eddie good and dazz evil. But I don't know). But simply because Danny just admitted it without pushing. No proof at all but just his general posting seems suspicious to me.


As I say, all speculation. But theres my idea. Thanks for believing me some of you :)


I come forward because I'm not a protector anymore, so it doesn't matter. I already mentioned that the first time I came out as a protector.


Anyway, I can't be bothered with this anymore.


CHANGE LYNCH: Nintendohnut

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Sigh. Well at least you'll get info on mafiosos from my lynch. You really really need to look at Dannyboy and eddie tomorrow because one of them is smeagols killer. I strongly suspect dannyboy at this point, only because of his posts. He doesn't sound like he normally does in these games. Just something to consider for tomorrow. I've kinda accepted my fate now. You're all going to feel so foolish when the lynch write up shows that I'm Lilo and I was telling the truth LITERALLY the whole time. But there we are :p

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How about we randomly lynch one of the people who aren't speaking instead (and bring them back if they turn out to be town)? :( Perhaps it will force them to speak up about anything they know. I get the feeling that this is like a townie civil war, while the mafia are just sitting back and watching...

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