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The Gentlemen's Mafia - Game Thread


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You are certainly a peculiar individual, Diageo. :heh:


If chair was disguised as Rez the night before then he would have been the one punched right? But that was Rez.


Danny you definitely targeted Rez? And went after chairdriver instead? I wonder if it was a random chance for going after chair or rez, say 50:50, to allow for you "seeing" one of them first.


If we assume that chair disguises himself as the last person he targetted (which I don't think in the case), he would not have been disguised as ReZ the night before. He would have been disguised as whomever he targetted the night before that night.


I definitely targetted ReZ, but I got a PM telling me my hit was succesful, but that I did not hit whom I thought I had hit. The rest was revealed to me when I read the write-up.

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You are certainly a peculiar individual, Diageo. :heh:




If we assume that chair disguises himself as the last person he targetted (which I don't think in the case), he would not have been disguised as ReZ the night before. He would have been disguised as whomever he targetted the night before that night.


I definitely targetted ReZ, but I got a PM telling me my hit was succesful, but that I did not hit whom I thought I had hit. The rest was revealed to me when I read the write-up.


Possible negative consequences of killing randomly?


Rummy, obviously I will not be saying who I'm going to target tonight. How ridiculous and pointless would that be. I'll most likely be roleblocked or killed tonight anyway.


One thing I'd like cleared up... Eenuh targeted Chairdriver and got Rez but Dannyboy targeted Rez and got Chairdriver. It's possible but it seems fishy to me. I wouldn't have thought Chair's power would have the effect of changing Rez's targets onto himself but more that anyone targeting Chair would think they're seeing Rez (or whoever he chooses) but will actually see Chair's actions.

So basically I'm wondering if Eenuh or Dannyboy is being untruthful with targets. It's all assumption on my part though, obviously I don't know what Chairdriver's full power was.


Why ridiculous and pointless? Yourself and Diageo are under suspicion, it's a test of faith and trust, really. My post didn't contain even just one request either, so I find it interesting how you've responded as if it did.


Second, if chair was disguised as ReZ, and Eenuh found out ReZ's name, that surely that makes perfect sense. Both targetted ReZ and got chair, instead?


On a side note first. What is worse? Calling actions childish and stupid and laughing at someone, or calling them directly annoying, rude, arrogant, pathetic, etc.? Just a little thing to think about, some people may disagree, but just something to think about.


Just as a psychological experiment, this seems fantastic.

Based on the last 7 or so pages.


People that vocalised the most discontent to me, in order of most discontent to least discontent.

- Nintendohnut

- Tales

- Ellmeister

- Dannyboy

- Mr Paul

- Rummy

- Cube



People who have voted for me, in order of most time vote on me. [estimate].

- Nintendohnut

- Ellmeister

- Rummy

- Tales

- Zell [Doesn't seem to have read the last few pages, if you have I apologise]


I like the way there seems to be a correlation between discontent for my behaviour and votes towards me, and even amount of time votes have stayed on me.

I find the results incredibly satisfying, which is why I have posted this now. Although yes it is mostly based on more recent pages, and many variables should be taken into consideration.


Now that I have finished the experiment, I can sincerely say I'm sorry, to all. I did not start with this in mind but when the first discontent appeared I found it interesting to try.

I'm sorry Nintendohnut, I shouldn't have laughed in your face. And my posts have been condescending and rude.

I'm sorry Tales, that my behaviour has made you dislike me.

I'm sorry Dannyboy for being so arrogant.

I'm sorry Ellmeister for what I did too.


Anyway there it is. Sure you can choose to think that this is all a lie, but I got what I wanted so feel free. When I asked HeroJan which posts where the worst, to give me examples of most annoying posts, he claimed it was more the general feeling of being talked down to, and unfriendliness. Which I found the most interesting.


In conclusion, personal feelings do affect reasoning. You may disagree, but you can at least be happy that I won't be "annoying" any more.

That is all.


I would like to thank you all for your participation, and hope you don't feel used, as that was not my intent, My intent was to make me think about cognitive processes that affect reasoning and choices, as well as making people think about how they act and process thoughts.



To stay on topic, I would like to Vote: Jayseven as it could give us some information.


Both are bad, realistically. Also, you're a strange. Also, I'd hardly consider that an 'experiment'. Also, humans are terrible at mathematical reasoning, in particular statistics. Also, correlation is not causation. Also, there's nothing to be drawn from your 'experiment' without some test of statistical significance. Also, you've made alot of assumptions.


Also, that post is still being pretty much as annoying as any of the others.


ADDIT: Not to be bandwagoning, but Jonnas posted in general mafia to say this night ends tonight(wednesday), I'd personally like a lynch at the end of the day rather than not, so if we can get a solid collective decision going on then it might be helpful?


Btw Jonnas, does the number for majority take into account ReZ's disallowance of vote?

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If I were to make a choice I'd go for Ellmeister. But people don't agree with me. There are more votes for Jayseven, but that's not much of a reason to kill someone. Although Rummy you said you would change your vote for gmac when the end of the day was clear, so I assume a vote for Jayseven would be similar.

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The ratio of townie to mafia members at the start was likely 17:5 or nearly 3:1, now we got 2 mafia members and two tonies. Since one mafia is worth about 4 townies, I think we're doing pretty well, specially since townies have not died for two days. So maybe a gamble is in order?

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I've been proven good by two people and yet people still find me suspicious. Yet Diageo has been "vouched for" by Heroicjanitor and hasn't actually proven he's used any tea.


As for the "experiment", I personally think that was some sort of bluff/tactic because what you wrote is simply mumbo jumbo IMO.


Until someone proves otherwise my vote stands for Diageo and then Heroic.


If it comes to near the end of the day, I shall join my vote to lynch Jay.

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Ok I'll ask my question to Jayseven again:


Who did you target on night 2 and night 3?



If they are the same people I targeted, then roleblocking me twice was a coincidence.



As for the ReZ/chairdriver thing: I targeted chairdriver, but since he looked like ReZ, I got ReZ's name. Dannyboy targeted ReZ, but since the real ReZ was hidden in the bushes and chairdriver was walking around looking like ReZ, Dannyboy ended up killing him instead. Makes sense to me.

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Why ridiculous and pointless? Yourself and Diageo are under suspicion, it's a test of faith and trust, really. My post didn't contain even just one request either, so I find it interesting how you've responded as if it did.


You don't see how it's a bit stupid for me to tell everyone my targets? Ok tonight I will target you and eenuh so anyone targeting you will target Eenuh and vice versa. LET'S SEE HOW WELL THAT WORKS OUT. I honestly don't know if you're being deliberately slow and I don't mean to cause offense here but surely you realise how stupid it would be for someone to say in the day who they're going to target at night?


And here's what you said to Dannyboy after he told Mr-Paul what would happen if the mafia tries to kill him at night:

I wouldn't have answered that, quite a question to ask. mr-paul goes on my list!


For your own logic Change vote: Rummy


Who would have anything to gain from knowing a redirector's targets? The Mafia.


And the other part of your post? Was that where you asked me if I'm going to target Diageo again? How about I tell you my targets AFTER the night phase so that they're not completely useless.


And Eenuh has already posted this now but I'll post it again seeing as you have a habit of missing everything. Eenuh targeted Chairdriver and got Rez, Danny targeted Rez and got Chairdriver. They did not both target Rez.

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You don't see how it's a bit stupid for me to tell everyone my targets? Ok tonight I will target you and eenuh so anyone targeting you will target Eenuh and vice versa. LET'S SEE HOW WELL THAT WORKS OUT. I honestly don't know if you're being deliberately slow and I don't mean to cause offense here but surely you realise how stupid it would be for someone to say in the day who they're going to target at night?


And here's what you said to Dannyboy after he told Mr-Paul what would happen if the mafia tries to kill him at night:



For your own logic Change vote: Rummy


Who would have anything to gain from knowing a redirector's targets? The Mafia.


And the other part of your post? Was that where you asked me if I'm going to target Diageo again? How about I tell you my targets AFTER the night phase so that they're not completely useless.


And Eenuh has already posted this now but I'll post it again seeing as you have a habit of missing everything. Eenuh targeted Chairdriver and got Rez, Danny targeted Rez and got Chairdriver. They did not both target Rez.


The question to Danny pertains directly to his death, asking whether his traps protect him from mafia killings is a pretty big ask, especially if it comes from the mafia because it's essentially trying to guage whether a killing will be wasted. Asking who you plan to switch, or rather that you'll at least not target Diageo, is not. I did misunderstand the thing with Eenuh though, I find it strange to have worked like that, unless Diageo put chair/rez target swapping on a coin or something for a 50/50 chance of either. Fair point not stating exactly your targets, but at least guaranteeing you won't go after Diageo hardly reveals much. It makes me wonder if you're grasping at straws to find a reason to vote for me because I've expressed suspicion of you, and I never understand why people always try to appeal to 'my reasoning' or 'my suspicions', they're not the be all and end all of the game, you know. However, if really want to play to that card, why not vote for Diageo, or yourself? After all, MY logic took me to those conclusions. You'll do it when it only when it suits you, right?


By the way to everyone else, if I'm killed tonight, I'd definitely recommend going after Diageo, Peeps, and possibly Tales. Maybe ReZ too, I still don't like him :p

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I hereby certify that I shall not under any circumstances target Diageo tonight.


Specifically asking who I plan to switch IS a big risk. Surely you can see that if I state my targets then it negates any effect of me switching them in the first place.


If it will help you trust me then I won't target Diageo tonight, I wasn't intending to anyway. I still don't trust you, I don't know why you think/thought it was acceptable to know my targets. That is why I'm keeping my vote on you for now. It's not simply because you're casting suspicion on me, it's because you've been missing my explanations and haven't dropped this subject even though I've given you all the information you've asked of me.

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