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The Gentlemen's Mafia - Game Thread


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Vote: No lynch



Vote Standings


Dannyboy-the-Dane (1): Sméagol


No Lynch (13): gmac, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Cube, The Peeps, Paj Meen Ah, heroicjanitor, aqu1a, ReZourceman, Nintendohnut, MadDog, Rummy, Tales, Jonnas


Majority has been reached



"As per tradition, no person shall be lynched in the first night"


"Yes, that would be impolite"


As the maids guided each player to their respective rooms. One player approached the main gate. By the time the others had noticed this odd behaviour, it was too late: the gatekeeper locked the main gate from the outside.


"This shall be most interesting" he said "In this battle of wits, who will remain victorious? Good? Evil? Or something else altogether? That, I don't know, but I must remain impartial, and enforce the regulations upon which we all agreed"


Jonnas has left the building. He was The Gatekeeper, John Nash. He infiltrated the group of players to ensure that every participant would follow the rules. He will remain Neutral.



Remaining Players:

















-Paj Meen Ah





-The Peeps



There are 22 remaining players (majority is 12)


Send your PMs.


Night 1 starts now

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Night 1 is over




The night had been running smoothly.


"No one has seen me thus far" he thought "And my little...victim...tonight slept soundly. Perhaps this is going far too well..."


More wary of surroundings, the masked man hurried along the corridor. "Something is wrong" he thought "The faster I hurry to my bedroom, the greater is this unnatural silence..."


Soon, he saw his bedroom door. He would've sighed in relief, but he knew his suspicions were justified. "Quit your hiding places!" he shouted


Soon, three Black Masks surrounded him. "Impressive. You seem used to the dark... However... You were not the one we were looking for..."


The cornered man grinned, as he removed his mask:


Broadcast Yourself

"That much I expected!" he shouted "I am actually Diageo or, should I say, Joseph Baldwin, the Thief! I will not fall so easily!"


With this, Diageo leaped behind one of the Black Masks, quickly stealing a dagger with his nimble fingers. Just as quickly, Diageo wrapped his arm over the slow-reacting Black mask's neck and held the knife close to his throat, keeping him hostage.


"There is no need to move. I loathe despicable actions like these, therefore, I shall release him as soon as I'm out of your sight"


"Wait! Joseph Baldwin, was it? The former orphan?"


Diageo froze. "H-How could you possibly kno-" The Black Mask took the opportunity to hit him in gut and throw him into the floor.

"I-It can't be..."


"You realize what this means, correct?"


"Heh... I most certainly did not see this coming." he said, as disappointment filled his soul "It is over for me, now. At least none of you will be seeing my spoils. I hid them well."

"Be quiet. We are running late as it is." A quick, elegant swipe from the dagger was all it took.


Diageo is dead. He was the Gentleman Thief, Joseph Baldwin. He could steal from others, and disguise his true identity. He was Good.



Later that night...

"Joseph? I thought him dead."


"He must've survived, somehow. He was as good as dead, though. It seems he followed the nobles who took him in."


"No...This is unforgivable..."


"Will you follow us still?"


"...Yes, I am certain. My conviction grows stronger than ever. We must resume our plans."




By the morn, after a good night's sleep, the remaining players joined in the garden. Dan-likes-trees weeped.


"Diageo... I must honour his death! I shall adopt his mask and alias for the remainder of the duel!"


dan-likes-trees quit the game. Diageo will take his place, as long as he agrees to not reveal anything from his previous role.



Besides this odd occurrence, the players also found a small paper sheet near the gate:


"Good morning, sirs. I wish to help you, but I also wish to keep my identity secret. I shall write about what I saw last night:


Lord Cube, as seen by my own eyes, welcomed a man into his room. I did not understand the specifics, but I understand he gave information in exchange for money...?

Not too late afterwards, he fenced with an unknown challenger.


All of this is confusing for me. I hope, at least, that you may find this information useful."


Shortly afterwards, discussion commenced.





















-Paj Meen Ah





-The Peeps



Day 2 starts now

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"Good morning, sirs. I wish to help you, but I also wish to keep my identity secret. I shall write about what I saw last night:


Lord Cube, as seen by my own eyes, welcomed a man into his room. I did not understand the specifics, but I understand he gave information in exchange for money...?

Not too late afterwards, he fenced with an unknown challenger.


All of this is confusing for me. I hope, at least, that you may find this information useful."


I must point out that this appears to be completely incorrect.

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Firstly I'm confused about Diageo dying as Joseph THEN two characters are talking about Joseph surviving.


But Diageo has replaced dan-likes-trees so obviously the Joseph character IS dead. Perhaps the two characters talking are talking about Joseph surviving a previous event (before he died last night) and are obviously unaware of his murder taking place. Or there are two Josephs...


Dunno Cube, sounds like you to invite gentlemen into your room and accept money... :wink:

So you actually have no idea what it could be referring to?


Or were you the one 'allegedly' giving the money for information?


Oh I almost forgot. Sméagol is evil vote: Sméagol.

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Looks like he gives information for money.... some sort of spy/corrupt member of a group??

And what could the bit about fencing be?


You deny it all Cube, but some of it has to be right, right?? Did anyone target Cube/know that they were targeted by Cube???

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Hm, a little pressure never hurt anyone.


Vote: Sméagol


Simply claiming someone as evil so soon would be a bad tactic for the mafia, yet I can't help but feel there's something suspicious about it nonetheless. If we are to believe that two others visited Sméagol, it's not too farfetched to think that one of them made him appear evil, no? It is our best lead so far, however, so I shall stick with my vote for now.


The write-ups are certainly cryptic and vague, which doesn't help us in the slightest. I am particularly interested in the princess - what role does she play in all of this? Is she even a player? And if so, is she good? Evil? Neutral? It is all very mysterious, indeed ...


By the way, I love this game to frakkin' bits! :D The theme, the characters, the write-ups, the music ... it's simply brilliant, Jonnas! :bowdown:

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If the other two people who targeted sméagol would care to come forward we could sort this out fairly quickly.


If I'm right and he's evil then it's unlikely he would've been targeted by the mafia, therefore the other two people to target sméagol are likely to be townies.


It's possible that someone has affected Sméagol to appear evil but I find it more likely that he's just making excuses.


And don't let us defer you from your great analyses Sméagol ;)

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If the other two people who targeted sméagol would care to come forward we could sort this out fairly quickly.


If I'm right and he's evil then it's unlikely he would've been targeted by the mafia, therefore the other two people to target sméagol are likely to be townies.

Myeah, if I were mafia then the mafia would not need to target me to make me appear evil now would they? On the other hand, why would a townie have an ability to make me appear evil (and then come forward about it?)


The PM I got mentioned:

- Someone wanted to stay inside my room. This person slept besides my bed, and that was it.

- Someone delivered a message to me, and after reading it, I felt an uncontrollable rage. Nothing more.

- Finally, someone attempted to start a conversation with me, but I scared this person away for some reason.


That's what I got.


And don't let us defer you from your great analyses Sméagol ;)

Oh great. You want the milk, but slaughter the cow afterwards! You do realise, if I do it, and you lynch me, it's the last one you'll be getting ;).

That said, I don't think it will really work on Jonnas's write-up. Reading it, it's quite some text, but there appear to be only few events depicted. Half of it is about Diageo's death..

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