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Fantasy Life (26th Sept)

killer kirby

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I'm looking forward to seeing you and other N-E peeps on Link Mode. :yay:

Have you thought about which life type you're going to start as? Not that it really matters. :)


Probably a miner. I'm the sort of RPG gamer who is obsessed with having the best equipment, so I'll prioritise getting the best materials.

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So I totes got paid last night and it's more than I was kinda expecting but also I shouldn't spend it BUT...who/where's the cheapest place to pick this up atm? Anything beating Base's £27.99?

ShopTo are a tiny bit cheaper, and should get it to you a lot quicker:



EDIT: Damn, just remembered a bigger issue - does the L button do much in this, @RedShell?
L & R buttons just rotate the camera slightly (pressing both simultaneously resets the camera angle) but yeah, you can easily get through the game without ever needing to adjust the camera.
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As I mentioned earlier in the thread, VideoGameBox have it for a bit cheaper if you use the code FBFAN5 at checkout. Works out at £26.41.



Eurogamer's review for Fantasy Life is up:


Not very glowing, but the article seems to get a bit confusing beyond the second paragraph.

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ShopTo are a tiny bit cheaper, and should get it to you a lot quicker:



L & R buttons just rotate the camera slightly (pressing both simultaneously resets the camera angle) but yeah, you can easily get through the game without ever needing to adjust the camera.


Tidy, thanks. Might actually just pull my finger out and get this sent off for repair in the next week or two. Haven't touched my 3DS in ages, but almost done with Ice and Fire so gonna find myself with a bit more time on my hands soon(which should totally be spent doing other things :p )

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Why retail industry do you not stock this game :( Because of my indisiciveness to buy this game I only decided to buy this game a couple of days ago, so I thought I might as well pick it up in the mall instead on my way to work. Put apparently everyone just want to stock FIFA and CoD or whatever. In the end, having thoroughly checked every other store, I went over to the GameSpot where they as usual slap on an extra 10 punds and part of my soul.


This better be worth it guys :p Did a similarly thing with Ni No Juno and Bravely Default, decided to buy just before or on launch, pay extra for it, and it turned out to be shit(well compared to the hype anyway) Didn't finish either of those.


I don't understand the people who pre ordered it at GameSpot. The only had four copies, three of which were held off for pre orders(so I pretty much secured the last copy in the city) Surely if you've decided beforehand to buy the game you have time to order it on far cheaper place and the chance to get it earlier. I honestly don't understand how company who lives on selling games insists on charging blood prices for every game.

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Hmm... very little activity in here. :blank:

Not many people pick this up in the end then? ::shrug:


I have it. Not very far, as only played for a bit. Took time to chat to everyone in the city, and have been outside town beating things up as a Paladin. Going to just chill with the various quests for a bit. Guess I need to start some of the gathering classes.

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Why is different paths of the waterfall cave blocked for me depending on my Life? I'm supposed to kill a certain kind of animal there as a Paladin, but I get blocked by a rock pretty early on, earlier if I had tried as a miner for example. Is there a different entrance I hadn't found?

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Some early impressions on Fantasy Life...


I'll be honest, when I turn on a game and immediately see the option for 'Payable Content', it rubs me the wrong way. As far as I'm concerned, I paid for it when I bought the cartridge.


On a happier note, I got into the game easily enough. Although I said I would start as a Miner, the allure of sword and shield was too great, and so I chose Paladin. I am now an Expert Paladin, although knowing how fast @Hero\-of\-Time is, I'm sure he's Mastered one of them by now!


The game seems more like an RPG than a life sim - although perhaps that is because I am playing as one of the fighting classes - and I could see anyone with a strong aversion to the former being put off. That said, it is really not too much like either, lacking the pace, tactics and immersion of an RPG; and the amazing atmosphere and customisation of Animal Crossing. The best RPGs really take time to immerse you in their world, taking it slow if necessary, and whilst I am enjoying Fantasy Life, it seems too manic to be a classic in that regard.


Some of the locations, to be fair, have a lot of heart and soul put into them, such as the Mediterranean-style port. However, it could be said that the simple graphics keep it from ever being too atmospheric. For example, there is a bit where you go into a lighthouse and are told how impressive the view is - as a player, however, you can't even see the view!


What really strikes me about Fantasy Life is that - for good and bad - it is every inch the modern game. Rather than being inspired by classic RPGs, it is more like the mobile phone/tablet games that kids seem to get hooked on nowadays. The 'story' involves following arrows to progress every point, which is welcome, as the story can be somewhat wordy, but ultimately makes it very easy to dismiss. It somewhat reminds me of the (rather enjoyable) action-RPG Heroes of Ruin, which is to say fun-but-shallow.


More than that, the game seems to be about constant achievements, quests and rewards. There are three categories of quest, which in turn net you Life points (to master your profession), Bliss points (for the Animal Crossing type frivolities) and Dosh (money). It does seem that it's designed to keep giving you rewards, to keep the addiction going. For me, this does make it feel less like a classic game (as I used to understand them) and more like doing a jigsaw.


All that may sound like I'm not enjoying Fantasy Life, but it's actually not the case. I'm hooked! It is incredibly, utterly addictive. I'm at the stage where I have been set enough quests that, once completed, I will be a Master Paladin. Once this is achieved, I think I will take time out to explore Mining and Woodcutting, and then maybe Blacksmithing and Carpentry. I've put all my skill points into strength so far, so may have to stick to Paladin/Mercenary rather than Hunter or Magician as my fighting class. Speaking of which there are some cool special moves in Fantasy Life. The best moves I've unlocked as a Paladin actually require the shield to be unequipped, so I'm leaning towards being a Mercenary (who can equip double-handed great swords).


I don't know how much I like Fantasy Life; I don't know if it's going to be a classic, but I do know it's going to have my attention for a long time!

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I just finished the mining Life prologue. My next Life after Paladin. Most people I've heard recommend starting as one of the fighters, then mastering each of the three gathering skills, so you can progress on and collect stuff for the crafting jobs. Makes sense.


Found it odd when it asked me if I wanted to skip the prologue, though. Why would you want to skip a good chunk of story/unique character interaction? Guessing it'll ask me for every other one, too. I guess some people will just auto-skip it assuming it's just a quick "push B, then push A, pick this up" explanation tutorial, not realising what they're actually skipping.

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I got this together with my brother today, and I love it! The intro was way too long and too tutorial like though. So many text.


But once you delve through that, the game is really fun! It's quite engaging as well. My brother started as a hunter, I started as a tailor. We haven't done multiplayer yet, but I'm hoping we'll be able to work together, he could easily give me materials while I could craft his clothing hehe!


The visual style is so charming, although it is pretty clear that this is an earlier 3DS game. The models are all very basic, but the lovely textures and zoomed out camera make that less noticable.

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Got my Paladin up to Master, but they've moved the goalposts and added 'Hero' for me to aim for! I've also maxed-out Strength at 50 points, so if anyone is interested, that seems to be the maximum for each stat. I'm not all that high-level either (about 25), so maybe you can max more than one of them.

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As I mentioned earlier in the thread, VideoGameBox have it for a bit cheaper if you use the code FBFAN5 at checkout. Works out at £26.41.



Should have made the most of this earlier, price seems to have gone up a little now(27.36 w/ discount). Does anyone know if it's the same £27.99 in store at game(as it seems on their site), I'd probably pick it up there if so rather than wait for delivery etc. Shopto's gone up, and TGC is only 27.75 so 24p diff for an in-my-hands-right-now option might be my preferred option!

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On a happier note, I got into the game easily enough. Although I said I would start as a Miner, the allure of sword and shield was too great, and so I chose Paladin. I am now an Expert Paladin, although knowing how fast @Hero\-of\-Time is, I'm sure he's Mastered one of them by now!


Haha. You know me too well.


Sadly, I haven't had the time to play this much. I've been trying to juggle Destiny, Hyrule Warriors, Fifa and this. Something had to give and I decided this would be the one to get dropped.


Luckily this will change next week. Destiny is getting traded in and I have a week booked off from work starting Friday. I will then put my real life aside for my fantasy life. :D


It looks like I need to play catch up. :)

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Luckily this will change next week. Destiny is getting traded in and I have a week booked off from work starting Friday. I will then put my real life aside for my fantasy life. :D


Been playing this a bit more, and it seems like Master, Hero and Legend are the three significant ranks for each job (yes, they've moved the goalposts again - I achieved Hero, but there's one beyond that!)


Master - ending song + 3-star sword/weapon

Hero - six pieces of 4-star armour (need to be level 30 to equip)



It seems I was level 23 when I maxed Strength, so presumably I will be able to max Vitality as well once I'm level 46. Think I'll try and finish the game now before I go for Legend, as the challenges are becoming fairly tough and I'm not even sure there are enough points up for grabs yet to get me there.

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Should have made the most of this earlier, price seems to have gone up a little now(27.36 w/ discount). Does anyone know if it's the same £27.99 in store at game(as it seems on their site), I'd probably pick it up there if so rather than wait for delivery etc. Shopto's gone up, and TGC is only 27.75 so 24p diff for an in-my-hands-right-now option might be my preferred option!


£35 in store, should have known -.-

Off to TGC I go! - Just bought me a 'like new' copy for £25.75! Should be joining you guys with this soon hopefully :)

Edited by Rummy
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