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Superman: Man of Steel (June 2013)


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Exclusive: 'Man of Steel' Will Reveal A New Krypton & More!


You will see JOR-EL and his wife, Lara.


Daniel Day-Lewis was looked at for JOR-EL and not the villain.


Krypton will not be a crystal planet like the Donner film; this Krypton will PROBABLY look like the Coruscant skyline from Star Wars. (See image below)


The Kryptonian villainess is not URSA...Well sort of. The villainess is FAORA.

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Is This The Officially Registered Plot Premise For The Man Of Steel?


A lot of the data and information on movies that ends up online and in print seems to have its roots in The Baseline Studio System. Once upon a time, in the misty history of 2009, back when nobody knew what the Shyamalan-scripted Devil was going to be about, I found its “top secret synopsis” listed as Baseline data. Their blurb proved to be 100% accurate.


Several other times I’ve seen casting listed that has gone on the become news breaks in the trade papers a few days or weeks later. I’m pretty sure that Baseline Studio System data has a very high accuracy rate, even with things that remain unreported on the “surface” of the media.


So, now that I see they’re listing a plot premise for The Man of Steel, I’m inclined to believe they’ve got it right.


Here’s what they say, word for word:


A young reporter named Clark Kent roams the world covering various news stories. When he is compelled to use his secret powers to intervene in a crisis in West Africa, he returns to Smallville to learn more about his origins and the hero he was born to be.



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Well either way it doesnt really matter. The one thing im hoping is that part wont be too long, weve all seen his origin enough times. Id rather see a Superman who has been around for a few years. In fact id rather that whole part was a flashback, maybe used during whatever happens with Zod.

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Have we really seen his origin that much though? The flashback in Returns was nothing, the origin in Superman I was over 30 years ago, and kids of today won't have seen it. Smallville was 10 years ago and changed things a lot to suit a long running series. Even though it's been told a hundred times in the comics, your average cinema goer won't have read any of them. I'd love to see it get the Batman Begins treatment! At least for the first quarter.

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Origins will be a big part. This is Superman for a new generation. I think it needs an origins. It needs a distinct start point. Otherwise it'll be all Superman Returns again.


I'd like to see Krypton given some real time on screen, too.


Birthright was rumoured to be the story the film was based on, anyways.

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I wouldnt be suprised if the vast majority know Supermans origins in the same way most know why Bruce is Batman. I dont want to see the origins for long in this film if atall.


I managed to find one person who didn't know Supermans origin, but they turned out to be an alien, crash landed from a dead world, so I let them off.


I don't want to see another shitty origin story either, but if it has to be in it can be easily covered in 5 minutes, 10 max. It's Superman for Gods sake, and with a villain who can go toe to toe with him, not some dodgy estate agent with a green rock. I expect epic fight scenes, lots of amazing action, not some kid discovering their powers and history, we've had that for the last 10 years.

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