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Worms: Battle Islands


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I've been waiting for this since it was announced as a WiiWare title last year... and gave up waiting last month when Worms Reloaded came out on the PC and I got that instead. The weapon creator certainly looks interesting on this, but unless it offers anything else hugely different from Reloaded, I won't be getting it.

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Had this game in my hands yesterday, but I decided to go for Epic Mickey. I do want to buy this, but one adventure at a time. Musn't forget Pikmin 2 either.


Definitely love Worms though, and I haven't played one of the series in ages so it'll bring back some memories:D


Play eeeet! I want your opinion!

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Picked this up in Game yesterday and loving it so far. I was initially a bit miffed at the control system having been changed from the last Wii game until I realied you could change the control settings, oops! It seems pretty good value for under £20.

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It's alright people, I've bought it!


Won't be playing it untill I've finished Epic Mickey though.


- edit: I lied......will have a crack at it now.


One question: Am I to understand that one cannot switch between worms before battle?


As in, the four worm order is fixed?

Edited by Fused King
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