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The Colour Mafia


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I'm neutral (sortof) with a weird role - I appear as good when investigated, and then mafia when dead. I have a unusual win condition - every second night I can target someone, if they're (I don't know if the classic rule of not quoting PM's is in play here, but assume the following is quoted) the person I'm looking for (vague...). And if they aren't, I kill them. :(


I couldn't/didn't do anything last night, and don't plan to until I get some sort of clue as to who I'm actually looking for! (PS I'm Dark Blue, not the person who killed ReZ)

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Dark blue was stopped by dark yellow. Stopped implies you were attempting to do something at least.


I'm very close to voting for you paj as although you've come out with your role which is an innocent thing to do... your role is still killing people regardless of whether they're mafia or not. I'll wait for Dark Yellow to come forward before voting but if they don't, I'll assume it's because you weren't doing anything as you said.

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I'm neutral (sortof) with a weird role - I appear as good when investigated, and then mafia when dead. I have a unusual win condition - every second night I can target someone, if they're (I don't know if the classic rule of not quoting PM's is in play here, but assume the following is quoted) the person I'm looking for (vague...). And if they aren't, I kill them. :(


I couldn't/didn't do anything last night, and don't plan to until I get some sort of clue as to who I'm actually looking for! (PS I'm Dark Blue, not the person who killed ReZ)


So...what about the power that you can use during the day?

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Targetting list


Night 1


1. Black --> yellow

2. White

3. Yellow --> red/unID2

4. Yellow (Bright) --> white

5. Yellow (dark)

6. Blue --> dark magenta

7. Blue (Bright) --> unidentified

8. Blue (darK) --> dark yellow

9. Lime --> bight magenta

10.Green (Bright) --> b/blue & unID 1

11.Green (dark)

12.Cyan (Bright) --> Dark Blue

13.Cyan (dark) --> lime

14.Red --> Magenta

15.Red (dark) --> none

16.Red (bright) --> none


18.Magenta (bright) --> dark green

19.Magenta (dark) --> none

20.[unidentified 1] --> yellow

21.[unidentified 2] --> red



Judging by the list it could be that green and cyan are unidentified as they dont have the normal/bright/dark combo.


One color seems to have got throught the writeup unmentioned it seems.

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Dark blue was stopped by dark yellow. Stopped implies you were attempting to do something at least.


I'm very close to voting for you paj as although you've come out with your role which is an innocent thing to do... your role is still killing people regardless of whether they're mafia or not. I'll wait for Dark Yellow to come forward before voting but if they don't, I'll assume it's because you weren't doing anything as you said.


Well I have no idea what Dark Yellow is on about, and only assume Danny is referring to DY stopping Cyan/Cube, not me. I 100% did NOTHING last night.


*goes back to read*


UGH. I hate this kinda thing. I always/tend to make a point of clarifying if people do something at night, and if they don't, with appropriate flavour text. Like me, who did nothing last night, should have just said "Dark Blue, alone in his room..." or whatever. It just paints me in a bad light. Since I was neither "followed" nor "stopped"... this just confuses the matter.


8. Blue (darK) --> dark yellow


That's a confusing way to diagram Dark Yellow targetting me, I thought it was implying the other way round for a second!




your role is still killing people regardless of whether they're mafia or not


You say that as though it's automatic...I have to choose to target them. Which I already said I wasn't going to do cause it's a shit idea this early on in the game. I think they might be able to do the same/if they target me our special shizz happens. I dunno.


So...what about the power that you can use during the day?


I don't have one.


Maybe that's what I get when I find my long-lost friend? What was/is it? Is it worth waiting for?

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Well colour me confused! Looks to me like there's definitely two killers, possibly two mafias like someone mentioned earlier, or we might have a vigilante on our hands. However, if we did have a vigilante, would their win condition not be to survive/win with the town? If it was, then why would they kill so recklessly on the first night?


Judging by the list it could be that green and cyan are unidentified as they dont have the normal/bright/dark combo.


One color seems to have got throught the writeup unmentioned it seems.


Would that be you, DeepSkyBlue?

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Targetting list


Night 1


1. Black --> yellow

2. White

3. Yellow --> red/unID2

4. Yellow (Bright) --> white

5. Yellow (dark)

6. Blue --> dark magenta

7. Blue (Bright) --> unidentified

8. Blue (darK) --> dark yellow

9. Lime --> bight magenta

10.Green (Bright) --> b/blue & unID 1

11.Green (dark)

12.Cyan (Bright) --> Dark Blue

13.Cyan (dark) --> lime

14.Red --> Magenta

15.Red (dark) --> none

16.Red (bright) --> none


18.Magenta (bright) --> dark green

19.Magenta (dark) --> none

20.[unidentified 1] --> yellow

21.[unidentified 2] --> red



Judging by the list it could be that green and cyan are unidentified as they dont have the normal/bright/dark combo.


One color seems to have got throught the writeup unmentioned it seems.


Dark Yellow targeted Dark Blue also.


Is there a reason why your writing is in Bright Cyan, I've never seen you post in that colour before.


Regardless, Cube is Bright Cyan as he is seen investigating Dark Blue.


Paj Meen Ah has said he appears as good when investigated and mafia when killed. This sounds similar to a mafia boss role. He also said he wouldn’t do anything but is clearly stopped by Dark Yellow. Apparently has a day power.


Red - Locks people inside their homes and stands guard. Likely a protector that might also roleblock.


Bright Green targets two people. One of which is Unidentified, and the other is Bright Blue. Could this mean that he switches them, or just watched one target the other.


Bright Blue - Follows targets, has information on unidentified. Since people who did nothing appear in the write-up, although 1 person does not appear. Maybe the people mentioned as staying at home sent in their PM to do nothing. Last one could have the power to not appear in the write-up or else doesn't have an active role.

Edited by Diageo
She's to he's
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ReZ has posted in red, could this confirm that the other people posting in colours are themselves these colours?


Also Rummy calls Marcamillian DeepSkyBlue, which is the colour Marcamillian posted in. This could mean that Rummy assumed his rules were the same rules as Marcamillian, or that Rummy has the objective to find Deep Sky Blue.

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Well colour me confused! Looks to me like there's definitely two killers, possibly two mafias like someone mentioned earlier, or we might have a vigilante on our hands. However, if we did have a vigilante, would their win condition not be to survive/win with the town? If it was, then why would they kill so recklessly on the first night?


Yeah, either two mafias or a trigger happy vigilante.

Hopefully the second, battling two mafias can get confusing.

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