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Aye. I actually visited D.root garden, killed the optional hydra boss, and I'm currently getting murked by the wolf despite having a powerful glove with fire orb and iron flesh. Will persevere. Where in Blightown? I've explored all of the upper wooden walkways but haven't bothered traversing any of the swamp. Guessing that the bent tree stump thing is a path to a boss, can't remember if I took it last playthrough or not.

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Cooky is right, you need to head to Qualaag's lair in the swamp at the bottom of Blighttown. Pro tip - take some moss with you because you will get poisoned in the swamp.


Boss soul makes a fury sword (buffs with humanity), great for Dex build PvP.


Then ring the second bell and head to Sen's Fortress, once that boss is defeated it's Anor Londo for you - things start to get really interesting and if you're not into summoning players, you will need to farm souls to reach an appropriate level.


Think I'm going to play through this again, and perhaps Demon's Souls prior to it. All in preparation for Dark Souls 2.

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Started this again, too. Never finished it.


Let's see when I will stop playing :D


Haven't even beaten the Gargoyles but I am level 39. Still farming in Darkroot Garden.


The whole point of the game is NOT to farm or grind. You're free to go everywhere, if you're not able to proceed in a specific place try going somewhere else. Farming/grinding will ruin the game's essence and turn it into just another game. Don't do it.

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Well, I've done the first few areas of the game with at least 4 characters already without farming.


Now I'd like to get a couple of things out of the way before progressing, so I farmed a bit ;)


Got the Elite Knight Armor set (and upgraded it) and reached Soul Level 50 (or 53 :p )







Now I'm going to actually play the game :D

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Pro tip - take some moss with you because you will get poisoned in the swamp.


? That's a pro tip? Poison is completely irrelevant, just ignore the moss.

Toxin and curse are trouble, poison is barely noticeable.


it's Anor Londo for you - things start to get really interesting and if you're not into summoning players, you will need to farm souls to reach an appropriate level.


No you don't. Just think about what you're doing and don't get reckless, you'll be fine. I think people who have this "leveling up" mentality don't understand the game they're playing... Just play carefully, keep an eye out and stay on your toes. It's supposed to be a challenging game, levelling up so you can trample everyone is the opposite of what you should be doing. Leave the farming/grinding for the endgame. Just play safe.


I'm also not a fan of the cooperative features. I think summoning shouldn't be in the game...

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Having decided to sack up and start playing the game again, I'm receiving a shafting in both of my immediate goals; kill Hydra/ make it some way into Sen's Fortress. Hydra is seemingly impossible because I can't find a way to simultaneously avoid the projectiles and make it close enough to do any damage. Sen's is giving me trouble at the one cheesy trope in games that I can never get the hang of; the timing on the bladed pendulums.

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Arrived in Blighttown (through the shortcut via Master Key + Valley of Drakes).


Frames per seconds...atrocious.

With my last character I stopped playing there...just because it's a bland, boring, annoying and shitty area.


But the prospect of the beautiful Anor Londo might make me continue playing.

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Having decided to sack up and start playing the game again, I'm receiving a shafting in both of my immediate goals; kill Hydra/ make it some way into Sen's Fortress. Hydra is seemingly impossible because I can't find a way to simultaneously avoid the projectiles and make it close enough to do any damage. Sen's is giving me trouble at the one cheesy trope in games that I can never get the hang of; the timing on the bladed pendulums.


Sprint past the projectiles and cubby up in the semi alcove on the right hand side, a few yards from the wall, wait there with your shield raised. They will only rarely fire projectiles, if they do, roll forward (but don't end up in the drink). The different heads will launch themselves and should only connect 15% of the time or less after you've taken out the first few. If they do hit, it shouldn't inflict too much damage, especially when shielding.

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I slayed the wolf and travelled back to Blighttown to ruin the fire spider with the help of Mildred (would've been a cakewalk without him in all honesty). Benefit of doing the second Darkroot section early on is to obtain the well-hidden Wolf Ring.


Been playing all day - managed to get through Sen's Fortress and I've finally added lightning to my Uchigatana. Haven't attempted the boss(es) yet, I get the feeling they're going to make me homicidal unless I summon that Solaire fellow and enter rinse mode.

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Placed lord vessel. Where/what next?


Soul level 50ish now, have only learnt Iron Flesh, Fire Orb, Fireball & the elementary soul arrow job. I have NPC's on tap in Firelink Shrine but I don't know what's worth doing. Where's second chance & poison mist? TA!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I got an X-Box elite controller a few days ago, so I finally picked this up in Steam sale (will probably get the sequel as well while I'm at it).


Body count is through the roof.. My body that is.


I'm about to attempt the Gargoyles again, if I don't die on the way there.



They're done.. Beaten with their own tails haha.

Edited by Sméagol
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Checked a guide to see where to go next.. I've seen the forest, but figured, "if I can't beat that whatever that is, I shouldn't enter", so back to Undeadburg it is.


Those dogs and assassins are annoying. Not to hard, but annoying. It's very funny to hide behind the fire though, and just have them walk into it. Capra demon took a few tries.. He's actually not that hard, it's the accompanying dogs that make it hard. So I spammed fireballs all over the place.


Then the depths.. Wasn't too bad actually. Carefully avoided the first "Like Like" I encountered, but another got me. Also got petrified once by a bug-eyed frog. But I generally was ok. I cheated by fireballing the giant rat from above. Once I found the bonfire, I finally became human again. I die a lot, so I'm usually hollow, and cannot usually be bothered to reverse it because I'll lose it soon anyway, the exception is when I find a new bonfire, then I reverse it so I can kindle it.


Anyway, I'm walking around as a human, then I got invaded.. Was pretty pleased I won, but found it a bit too easy.. Then I found out it was an NPC invasion. Again, I'm usually hollow, so I barely get the chance to be invaded. I've been invaded only once, and while I didn't ignore him, I made it obvious I had no inclination to fight him, and he saw I was new to this, so he just dropped some items.


Then the boss, I summoned Soltair for it, I missed him with the Gargoyles because I was hollow back then. Anyway, he sucked against the boss, haha. Then I sucked. Attempt 2, alone this time obviously, died again, but then I had an idea what to do, and the third time he wasn't that hard actually.


Opened up Blighttown, explored a bit of the starting area. Had fun letting those big guys walk to their deaths. The little guys are annoying though, got eaten alive a few times, haha. Lost 30000 souls in the process, but I have no immediate use for them anyway. Don't want to level up that much, for now I mostly want to level up my pyromancy flame, but I can't yet.


Now I'm heading back into Blighttown. Hoping to get some co-op action, I actually forget about that white soapstone thingy.

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