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  Sheikah said:
The apocalypse doesn't end, humanity does. :p


Always the optimist Sheikah. Glad we could rely on you not to cry in a corner worrying humanity will end when faced with unknown perils.


Jesus Christ it was a joke. Though you didn't need to stuff your "amazing" life down our throats once again.


Why do you always become so defensive and petty as soon as something is aimed at you. You just seem to like to argue now. Calm down.


I didn't know Ashley was doing the same thing as I was, great minds think alike yada yada yada.

  Sheikah said:
This whole "you're pessimistic" thing from you and Ashley is quite funny, since it couldn't be further from the truth. Somehow, acknowledging reality is pessimism. I'm currently at a defining point in my life; going to London, being paid nicely to get a PhD and start life with my girlfriend. Life is really, really great, and there couldn't be more to look forward to. But in the other topic, I'm not going to simply overlook the fact that the way we live is unsustainable, etc. Just making that clear for the haters out there, you (seemingly) included.




Do you make yourself sick?

Posted (edited)

lol ReZ; you really don't want to ask me that question. This is you we're talking about.




And don't worry, I already know the answer. You don't, because you think you're hilarious.

Edited by Sheikah
  Ellmeister said:
Always the optimist Sheikah. Glad we could rely on you not to cry in a corner worrying humanity will end when faced with unknown perils.


  Ellmeister said:
Jesus Christ it was a joke. Though you didn't need to stuff your "amazing" life down our throats once again.


Why do you always become so defensive and petty as soon as something is aimed at you. You just seem to like to argue now. Calm down.


I didn't know Ashley was doing the same thing as I was, great minds think alike yada yada yada.


  Ellmeister said:
Mate, sort it out.


I typed something out but really, I'd rather not let you derail the thread with an argument again so I'll just leave it be.


  Ellmeister said:
Yes sir! Thank you sir for pointing that out, sir!




Ell you've gotta stop arguing with yourself. It's the first sign of craziness.


Woah woah woah my replies in this thread have all been channelling TV characters, how did I get dragged into this?


I have no qualms about your opinions on the world and its doomed state, what I have qualms about is the way you seem to spit at anyone who has any positivity and take pleasure in snidely commenting on how useless it is, even if the link is tedious. I'm shooting the messenger, not the message.


Anyway, back to the apocalypse! :heh:

  Ashley said:

I have no qualms about your opinions on the world and its doomed state, what I have qualms about is the way you seem to spit at anyone who has any positivity and take pleasure in snidely commenting on how useless it is, even if the link is tedious.

I was only answering the guy's question in that other topic "Can one person make a difference". It was only my opinion (nothing snide about it). :)


"No, don't change your life, don't do anything, we're all doomed to die and the world is going to collapse under its own weight and greed." Maybe not snide, but certainly a kind of "how fucking useless" response to someone who simply wanted to change some things in his life :heh:

Posted (edited)

Yeah but that was because of my opinion; that doing those things couldn't make a difference (probably true on the grand scale of things) so I said there may not be much point in ethically sourcing food etc. :P Plus I more or less meant it for extreme things, like drastically changing diet and whatnot. I was basically trying to tell guy not to worry to much about these things and carry on doing some of the things that give you pleasure!


Otherwise that topic was pretty much a 'one answer' topic, like you can only answer 'yes all those things are wonderful so go do them'. Not really a question in the topic title then. :/


Notice Tissue Town thought similarly, it's not just me!

Edited by Sheikah

Well I apologise. Didn't mean to come across as "do this", rather meant to suggest he could carry on doing some of the things he liked rather than sacrifice them.

  dwarf gourami said:
We had this thread before didn't we, and someone was making the point that 'no, you shouldn't shoot them or slice them up because as soon as you get Zombie blood on you you could get the germs, but your hands in your mouth and get infected and die and it wouldn't be very clever and wah wah wah I've thought about it too much.


I'd imagine a zombie apocalypse to be kinda awesome. You'd be scared in a kinda 'cool' way. Surviving would bring a real sense of achievement.


I don't know what the most obvious thing to do would be. I'd probably stay in the house the first day and be content that my fort creation abilities had usefulness irl endangerment situations. Then I guess it would be a family thing - check the news, try and save the family, join the communal shelter wherever it may be. Although that might be dodgy.


If not, I'll just by a load of plants, mainly Ice Peas.


  Raining_again said:
Zombies? I'm gonna set up some Pea Shooters on my lawn for defence.


(props if you get the reference)



I wouldn't say props are needed for the reference, everybody loves that game!

Well, a fair few do.

Posted (edited)



What type of apocalypse would you prefer?:


1. A zombie apocalypse




2. A war against the machines (like off the Terminator films)


I was thinking maybe it would be interesting if the Zombie apocalypse eventually turned into a war against the machines or vice versa.

Edited by The Lillster



- The secret forces would just EMP their ass. Done.


However, if it was a long, enduring war, maybe zombies would be better. Even though they're more depressing, they're easier to kill.



Overall, it depends on how intelligent the robots are and how powerful they are. If they're akin to the Terminator, I'll hang out with the feral ghouls ANY day.

  dwarf gourami said:


- The secret forces would just EMP their ass. Done.


However, if it was a long, enduring war, maybe zombies would be better. Even though they're more depressing, they're easier to kill.



Overall, it depends on how intelligent the robots are and how powerful they are. If they're akin to the Terminator, I'll hang out with the feral ghouls ANY day.


I was thinking maybe some scientists/clever people plus military are secretly building some kind of Skynet infrastructure, to help them deal with the Zombie threat and eventually Skynet/machines start their own war against the humans.




The machines would be harder to kill, but it's better than being eaten alive.


If there was a machine invasion there may also be a machine that we can send back in time to stop it from happening, so that. Whereas with zombies, they pretty much take over the Earth through biting people.

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