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Breaking Bad


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Jesse seems to be the most moral person of the gang now. Lydia staged the vehicle to interrupt the robbery but she'll come good at the end of the season and Walt will ravish her.


I can only hope and guess that Breaking Bad will end in complete and utter despair.

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It ramps up. Season 4 is dynamite.


This series has been quite lacking in humour so far, but the dinner table scene with Walt, Jesse and Skylar had me in stitches


This was the worst episode of the season and the scene you mention was only faintly amusing. The dinner didn't serve a satisfying purpose. Skylar's indulgence of it didn't make any sense, and Walt's little story about his old business was as contrived as anything. For me it doesn't justify his desire for an empire, that he has nothing else but the business. When Walt has displayed such logic and awareness and when we've come to see his personality develop over the show, for him to just go a bit mad in the head and solely look for meaning in his business is just a bit disappointing. I'm in no way ruling out the definite possibility that he'll re-evaluate the situation and put his family at the forefront of his attention, but in that case I think this recent saga only weakens his character or contradicts what we know about him.


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It ramps up. Season 4 is dynamite.




This was the worst episode of the season and the scene you mention was only faintly amusing. The dinner didn't serve a satisfying purpose. Skylar's indulgence of it didn't make any sense, and Walt's little story about his old business was as contrived as anything. For me it doesn't justify his desire for an empire, that he has nothing else but the business. When Walt has displayed such logic and awareness and when we've come to see his personality develop over the show, for him to just go a bit mad in the head and solely look for meaning in his business is just a bit disappointing. I'm in no way ruling out the definite possibility that he'll re-evaluate the situation and put his family at the forefront of his attention, but in that case I think this recent saga only weakens his character or contradicts what we know about him.


It was mainly


Jesse's facial expressions that had me falling about. They were fantastic. I know what you mean about Skylar, but she did say that she'd be any kind of partner Walt wanted her to be, and I think Walt forcing her into having dinner with Jesse was just to prove a point, but she tried to get revenge by embarrassing him.


I agree about the stuff you said about Walt. Up till the end of S4, it had been a rather slow transition from Mr White to Heisenberg, but Walt's mannerisms this series have been quite jarring compared to the last. It's like the writers realise that they only have a little bit of time left to turn him into the 100% bad guy by the time he gets his inevitable comeuppance and it feels a little rushed. Although you could maybe explain his behaviour on the fact that in his mind, because he's survived this long, beaten small time dealers, beaten the cartel, beaten Gus, beaten the DEA, that he's genuinely untouchable, coupled with the fact that he's now the boss, he believes that the business is his to be had. A return to his previous life after this is impossible, and he's rationalising his behaviour by comparing his current situation to the one at Grey Matter. Like he's clutching at straws to hold on to this new life he now has. He enjoys it.


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I'm near the end of season 2 and I don't really get why this is so popular. Not that it's bad, it's just...not particularly gripping in my mind.


If its grippingness that you want, then thats Season 4. But I just adore everything about it. The characters, the acting (all flawless IMHO) the style, the editing, the music, the setting, location, filters, direction. Ahhhhhh.

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If you're near the end of season 2 and you're not sold, there's no point carrying on tbh. It does get better but only if you're actually invested in the characters and story and you want to see where things are leading to. If you're not interested then don't force yourself - not that you need me to tell you not to watch something you're not interested in of course :p

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I don't really understand the motivation of people in real life. So when people do weird things in TV shows, I don't really question it because it's just the same as when people do weird things in real life. So far, the show is gripping, it took me a while to get into it. Even in season 4 I stopped somewhat through it, but it got more exciting as it went on.

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Stupid fucking cunt for keeping that, its obviously going to bite them in the arse. Burned the whole fucking bike and child and then that....fuck.



And yes. I hope Daft will see the joy in 3/4, but I have already listed why I personally rate it as (the best).


Not really thought about that.


You reckon they'll be able to trace the kid from a jar and a spider? I know there'll be fingerprints on it, but how will the cops think to check it?


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This is Breaking Bad we're talking about, the spider is bound to return. It's not hard to work it into the story: police ask boy's mother where he went, she tells them he went to collect wildlife (especially spiders), D.A tracks Todd, boom.

Edited by dwarf
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Okay, I'm on season 3 (about episode 5) now and it is way better. Seriously felt the first two seasons were a bit of a drag.


One thing I was saying to Rez, I've never done this with a series before but I'm often quite happy to watch half an episode at a time. Kind of weird, I guess.

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The bread and butter of the show for me is its ever increasing scale, the way it always raises the stakes. There's nothing interesting about the inflation of a balloon until it looks like it might pop, and what we have here is a balloon that refuses to pop. When it's inflated to a size you hadn't dreamed of, that's when the potential bang becomes exciting.


That's my patronising explanation anyway. It rings true for my muffled appreciation of season 5 thus far because everything seems to have levelled off.

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