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I'm not sure why Walt has to hide out just because he's a wanted man?


*Still in Dexter mode*


But I'm sure it wasn't Vince Gilligan's original plan. He wanted to make season 5 and 6 the usual 13 episodes, but AMC wouldn't pay for it. So they ended up settling on 16 episodes rather than 26.




Not that you'd notice that easily though. They've done a great job with the pacing thus far, but they have a lot of loose ends to tie up next week.

I have no idea where you're getting that he wanted to do a sixth season from. Vince Gilligan is the whole reason the show is ending when it is. We're still technically on season 5. :heh:

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I'm not sure why Walt has to hide out just because he's a wanted man?


*Still in Dexter mode*



I have no idea where you're getting that he wanted to do a sixth season from. Vince Gilligan is the whole reason the show is ending when it is. We're still technically on season 5. :heh:


I'll post another link if you like? Simply hover your cursor over and click the mouse :heh:


Basically, the plan back in 2011 was for another season as usual which wasn't supposed to be the final one with a sixth one in the works for afterwards. So that's potentially 26 episodes put into 16.




I'm getting more and more of a feeling that the ricin is a red herring - why would he want to kill someone anonymously? It's not like he could get into any more trouble with the law, and surely he would want whoever it is to feel his wrath and know it was him. Unless he's planning on getting captured and then dying in custody a few days later.

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This also doesn't mention a sixth season?


Maybe you should post another link.


Edit: Both articles state that season 5 would likely be the final one. I think you should go to bed, Dog-amoto.


Here's my link...



I'll go now...

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I'll post another link if you like? Simply hover your cursor over and click the mouse :heh:


Basically, the plan back in 2011 was for another season as usual which wasn't supposed to be the final one with a sixth one in the works for afterwards. So that's potentially 26 episodes put into 16.




I'm getting more and more of a feeling that the ricin is a red herring - why would he want to kill someone anonymously? It's not like he could get into any more trouble with the law, and surely he would want whoever it is to feel his wrath and know it was him. Unless he's planning on getting captured and then dying in custody a few days later.


I reckon the ricin is for Brock as a final 'get it up ye' to Jesse.


Or for Walter Jnr's friend to teach Walter Jnr a lesson in respecting your parents.



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I think he'll want to get captured after he kills a few people so that Skylar and his family won't get into any more trouble. And then so he doesn't have to spend his life in jail he'll take the ricin so it looks like he died of cancer.


Oh Jesus that would be awful. What a tear jerker.

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It wasn't as crazy as the previous episode but that makes sense really. I don't think they could have kept that pace and it was still good all the same. My heart nearly stopped when they found Jesse trying to escape and I really can't wait to see what Walt will do. I was starting to think it might just end with him dying in the cabin and Jesse doing something crazy for the final but I'm glad that wasn't the case.


So yeah, I'm glad that news interview bought back Heisenberg :D




That hair

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It wasn't as crazy as the previous episode but that makes sense really. I don't think they could have kept that pace and it was still good all the same. My heart nearly stopped when they found Jesse trying to escape and I really can't wait to see what Walt will do. I was starting to think it might just end with him dying in the cabin and Jesse doing something crazy for the final but I'm glad that wasn't the case.


So yeah, I'm glad that news interview bought back Heisenberg :D




That hair


I assume that competition is open to residents of the USA only?

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All the adverts on AMC are saying "All Bad Things Come to an End" I mean sure it means the series as whole but can't help but think it as much means Walt is going to die.


"I've come to realize that much of what I teach my students applies not only to what goes on in the classroom, but in life also. It's not as crazy as it sounds. You see, technically, chemistry is the study of matter, but I prefer to see it as the study of change: Electrons change their energy levels. Molecules change their bonds. Elements combine and change into compounds. But that's all of life, right? It's the constant, it's the cycle. It's solution, dissolution. Just over and over and over. It is growth, then decay, then transformation. It's fascinating really. It's a shame so many of us never take time to consider its implications."


This quote is from the pilot. The two points that I highlighted, I think, sum up the series perfectly.


I rewatched the pilot last night in preparation for the season finale on Monday. Really interesting seeing all the points in the desert (which are the same as were shown in the last few episodes) and perhaps Walter's first 'change' after finding out he had cancer. When Walter Jnr was getting bulled in the shop, Walt went over and knocked the guy over. It was clear from the reactions of Skyler and Jnr he'd never done anything like that before.


I originally picked up a small part of this quote from Reddit which is what prompted me to watch the pilot again. This video does a pretty good job of explaining it.




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"I've come to realize that much of what I teach my students applies not only to what goes on in the classroom, but in life also. It's not as crazy as it sounds. You see, technically, chemistry is the study of matter, but I prefer to see it as the study of change: Electrons change their energy levels. Molecules change their bonds. Elements combine and change into compounds. But that's all of life, right? It's the constant, it's the cycle. It's solution, dissolution. Just over and over and over. It is growth, then decay, then transformation. It's fascinating really. It's a shame so many of us never take time to consider its implications."


This quote is from the pilot. The two points that I highlighted, I think, sum up the series perfectly.


I rewatched the pilot last night in preparation for the season finale on Monday. Really interesting seeing all the points in the desert (which are the same as were shown in the last few episodes) and perhaps Walter's first 'change' after finding out he had cancer. When Walter Jnr was getting bulled in the shop, Walt went over and knocked the guy over. It was clear from the reactions of Skyler and Jnr he'd never done anything like that before.


I originally picked up a small part of this quote from Reddit which is what prompted me to watch the pilot again. This video does a pretty good job of explaining it.




hmmmm I'm supposed to be rewatching the whole series with my girlfriend once it's done but now I think I'm going to have to rewatch the pilot before Sunday!

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hmmmm I'm supposed to be rewatching the whole series with my girlfriend once it's done but now I think I'm going to have to rewatch the pilot before Sunday!


I'd really recommend it! I want to rewatch the whole thing too and will at some point, but for now, the pilot will suffice.

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Finale soon bitches!!


The more I think of it, the more I think the reason Walt is coming back is not about what Gretchen and Elliot said about him not having anything to do with Grey Matter. He could be going for Jesse. Maybe to kill him after bringing his family into harms way.


Yes I know what you'll say - as far as Walt knows, he's been tortured and killed by Jack. But the guy on TV also mentioned that the blue sky meth was back. Walt is a smart man - he knows that the operation he left was struggling to get the purity past 70%. He knows that Lydia was desperate for him to cook again and he'll figure it out that there's no way Todd will suddenly remember how to cook it. He knows Jesse is still alive. He knows Jack didn't follow through on his end of the deal.


And now he's coming for them all.


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I'm really not sure what to think.


Ricin for Lydia yep ok.


Using Grey Matters as a way to get money to his family makes sense,


Slaughtering the Nazi's yep awesome.


Jesse getting revenge on Todd amazing.


Walt dying in the meth lab nice brings it full circle and I guess means Jesse is scott free. Driving in the distance (presumably to be on Need for Speed where he is heard saying he has lost everything lol.)


Walt dying from an accidental ricocheting bullet (which I actually noticed Walt convulsed weirdly during the shooting) not so happy about to be honest I always kind of wanted him to be completely in control of his death and even though we knew he was going to die I didn't like the way it happened.



So yeah there's me kind of left disappointed. Looking forward to seeing all of your views in the morning.

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I thought it was incredible. Full closure - all loose ends tied up. Brilliant storytelling.


How did you expect Walt to die? What would have been a satisfying end for him? To have him go out in a blaze of glory wouldn't have made any sense. After all he's done, did he really deserve to be in control? Even though he was in control of everything else.


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I bid thee farewell oh Breaking of Bad :(


Great final ep, 99% satisfied :D



Ok will try to remember and recount the episode in order.


The start with Walt steeling the car, nice little opening scene, though I felt went on a bit long (just a bit).... and the finding the keys in the visor :mad: Am I the only one that hates that? I mean are people in the US really so stupid as to leave their spare keys IN THE CAR? Even if this is just a bit of "made up for TV" thing, I've seen it so many times now it just seems silly. Very minor in the grander pick of the episode but it does bug me so had to mention it.


How he found out where Elliot and Gretchen moved to and when they'd be home was GENIUS :D Not sure I got why he left the watch there though? Did he get the watch from them though didn't he? Why leave it?


Then jump right to their house and how he just calmly and casually walks in without making a fuss and waits for them to see him. Just a pair of epic and iron balls on him there, haha.

I was actually expecting he was gonna off them, but then his plan to finally get the money to his family through them made such perfect sense (though that dumbass Gretchen couldn't see it :heh:). They might not know the money came from him but he'll rest easy knowing his hardwork finaly had the outcome he wanted.


How he then "made sure" they would do as he asked was just BRILLIANT. And such an epic moment when he waved his hands and the lasers appeared :D

A little disappointed that they weren't real assassins and it was a bluff, but I guess it'll be effective and will ensure his family gets the money, but was nice to see Badger and Skinny Pete one last time.


Then when he figured out Jesse was cooking the Blue Meth, that worked well and believable for how he would figure out Jesse was still alive.


Jesse's hallucination of doing woodwork was interesting, not sure what meaning it was meant to have (if any, beyond a way for Jesse to deal with his situation) or maybe a suggestion that that's what Jesse would like to do/dreams of doing if he ever got free?


As soon as it then went from reminding us about the Ricin to the cafe with Lydia I knew what he was planning with the Ricin. Worked well, and very fitting given he almost used it on her once before. Shame I didn't think of it before, oddly never considered he would target Lydia, but I guess he does/did see her as having been working with Jack to be just as guilty and undeserving as Jack is. Also later while we did see her suffering the effects I would have also liked to have seen her actually dead :D


His meeting with Skyler, great scene, just brilliant. Ending then with him getting to see the baby one last time *tears*


Then the meeting with Jack.... tense edge of seat stuff right up to when the bullets start flying.


Nice to see Jesse get out alive too... though part of me would have liked to have seen some kind of epilogue scene at the end showing what Jesse did after (making working as a carpenter?) just for full final closure. But him getting to kill Todd himself, in revenge for his GF was AWESOME!


Also was anyone else, when Jesse got in the car, waiting for it to blow up haha.... just me?


I spoted during the shooting Walt got hit by one of the bullets thought that was a bit "doesn't feel right".


While I had no expectations for Walt to end the episode alive, bleeding to death from a stray bullet doesn't feel right. Would have liked it better had Jesse shot him.


I actually expected he would die of his cancer.

K, it might have been a bit of a stretch that he would be somewhat healthy enough to do what he did right up to the end to just suddenly drop dead when it is over like it were perfect timing.....but it's really no more of a stretch than say finding car keys in the sunvisor :D

I always thought they'd have the cancer get him at the end, to me that would have made the ending 100% perfect, it was the cancer that started it, it should have been the cancer that would end it.


BUT aside from the method of death, him dying in the lab did feel SO RIGHT to end the show on.





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The watch was a gift from Jesse for his 51st birthday



Jesse made a box at school for his parents I think. Was in his room when he moved back with his family for a night in s1. Think it was just him thinking of happier and simpler times.



Was perfect. Wouldn't have felt right for Jesse to pull the trigger - he needed to finally say no to Walt. Something that he hasn't really managed to do since the series started.


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