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Scenes That Make You Scream at the Screen


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I've just completed Singularity. The end of the game is pretty atrocious (the game itself is a generic title that robs the combat from Bioshock 2 and mixes it with a terrible level design and uninteresting settings/enemies). Particularity because of how stupid the main characters are - at the end they come up with a solution for the problem after trying multiple things beforehand. Within two seconds of the problem occurring at the start of the game I had already worked out a much better solution.


At the beginning of the game you are exploring an abandoned secret facility on the island. There has clearly been a big explosion.


A flash of light happens and you are in the same room, but the facility is still in place (but the explosions that ruined it have started). You save someone's life and then get whisked Back to the Future. Well...present. Time has changed and the Russians now rule the world and there are statues of the guy you just saved everywhere.


So I assumed that the entire game would be to find a way back to 1955, and kill the bad guy after you've saved him and past you is sent back to his correct time.




It took me a while to realise this (the voice acting is hard to understand and there are absolutely no subtitles), but the actual objective in the game is to blow up the machine that causes the time travel. This involves a few trips back to 1955 in order to collect/charge up stuff you need.


Once you have the bomb you go back in time and blow up the cause of the time travel. You then get put back in 2010 and the bad guy greets you with "So you blew up the Singularity? Well, I just built a new one afterwards". Then the scientist who's been guiding you along the way (the one that invented time travel) realises something:


The timeline changed because you saved the bad guy in the past (there's even a flashback as the developers didn't think that anyone would have realised that saving the scientist altered the timeline), and that the solution would be to kill him in the past.


So, at last I though it's finally time to go back in time and kill the bad guy...




You have to go back in time and kill past you while past you is carrying the bad guy on your shoulders.



I'm sure there's plenty of other times where people on our screens have missed the obvious. What are your favourite ones?

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You worded all that in a very obscure way. Title tongue twister toils with my twisting toothbrush twirling taster.


Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is not what you're after, but it's applicable to your title so it'll do.


Basically you reminded me of Heavy Rain, a certain scene that made me scream with tensity and scaryness. Both made up words. Massive spoiler warning for those that haven't, but intend to play it. It's one of the most amazing/shocking moments in videogames, heck, in entertainment. The interactive element just makes it so "OMG FUCK THIS SHIT!"




Just amazing. This guy's minor commentary encapsulates the whole thing.

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You worded all that in a very obscure way. Title tongue twister toils with my twisting toothbrush twirling taster.


Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is not what you're after, but it's applicable to your title so it'll do.


Basically you reminded me of Heavy Rain, a certain scene that made me scream with tensity and scaryness. Both made up words. Massive spoiler warning for those that haven't, but intend to play it. It's one of the most amazing/shocking moments in videogames, heck, in entertainment. The interactive element just makes it so "OMG FUCK THIS SHIT!"




Just amazing. This guy's minor commentary encapsulates the whole thing.

Holy SHIT, that was intense!

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Well you didn't specify if this was for movies or games, so I'll go with this:


Hmm...very tight situation. Danger lurking ahead, unknown territory, hard to see, killer on the loose, could be ambushed at any moment, etc etc. What would be the most logical strategy here...?






Oh I know,


I mean really, wtf guys... :D

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The one that springs to mind is Pan's Labyrinth.


When Ofelia is in that room with the creature, sat at a table. She's told by the Faun not to eat anything from the table. All through the scene I'm thinking "Good girl...don't eat the food." Then...she picks something up and I'm thinking noooooo. She eats it. Carnage then ensues.


Silly girl. She caused Fairy-death.


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She loves tempting fate though.


The thing I hate most in films/TV shows, is when people don't realistically defend themselves against allegations/arrest and stuff, when they're innocent. Can't think of an example right now, but it annoys me. When they dawdle with explaining themselves/why they're in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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She loves tempting fate though.


The thing I hate most in films/TV shows, is when people don't realistically defend themselves against allegations/arrest and stuff, when they're innocent. Can't think of an example right now, but it annoys me. When they dawdle with explaining themselves/why they're in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Aye, she does. It still gets me screaming, though. Mainly for her safety. :heh:


I hate caring for film characters.

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You worded all that in a very obscure way. Title tongue twister toils with my twisting toothbrush twirling taster.


Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is not what you're after, but it's applicable to your title so it'll do.


Basically you reminded me of Heavy Rain, a certain scene that made me scream with tensity and scaryness. Both made up words. Massive spoiler warning for those that haven't, but intend to play it. It's one of the most amazing/shocking moments in videogames, heck, in entertainment. The interactive element just makes it so "OMG FUCK THIS SHIT!"




Just amazing. This guy's minor commentary encapsulates the whole thing.


That was pretty god damn awesome/intense...although do they mispronounce Origami throughout the whole game? That would make me scream at the screen.

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The thing I hate most in films/TV shows, is when people don't realistically defend themselves against allegations/arrest and stuff, when they're innocent. Can't think of an example right now, but it annoys me. When they dawdle with explaining themselves/why they're in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Yep. This is often combined with the other party making very quick assumptions that they instantly take to be the truth. At the same moment, they usually become incapable of listening and decide never to speak to that person again:


Wow...so that's the reason he declined my invite, to spend time with that woman. Just didn't bother to tell me about it, did he...Hmm, what should I do...?


Oh I know, instead of asking him about it, since she could just be a friend / neighbour / sister / cousin / mother / teacher / student / random person he met yesterday, I'll just assume they're dating and that he didn't tell me in detail because he finds me to be a hideous, repulsive beast. To make sure this matter never gets clarified, I'll just block my ears and storm off anytime I see him...This way, I'll make sure we all suffer needlessly until the other person finally gets tired of my douchebaggery or someone actually knocks some sense into me.


I've met people like this in real life too...Yeah, I made some mistakes, but instead of discussing the matter, they just shut me off instantly. This really shook me...I mean I tried the best I could, but no; just got anger and disdain back, complete with "never want to see you" and all that crap. Like wtf...all I can say is good luck with their life, because with a snobbish attitude like that, you're basically a darn conflict magnet...

Edited by Ville
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it wasn't beauty that killed the beast, it was the GODDAMN PLANES! :(


*cries for 37 hours holding his cuddly monkey tightly*


It'll be okay angel, dad is gonna keep the devil away.


now close your eyes, everything is fine everything is light.


dad loves you more than any dad in the world.


see you in the morning light...

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