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The Amazing Spider-Man


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I know it was the most obvious title by a country mile but I was talking at Claire just yesterday about how this was blatantly the title.

They did it with the Incredible/Hulk, I can't see how it would shock anyone.

That picture makes me NEED a new avatar and signature. Annoying. I'm busy/incredibly tired right now. Basically bagsy though.

Anything to get rid of that stupid Xbox kid.

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I do like the mechanical web shooters in that they highlight the fact Peter's a science genius, but "logically" it doesn't make sense to me that the one defining characteristic of spiders - their web - doesn't come with the spider powers.


That being said, I'm definitely starting to enjoy the look of this reboot, so it's safe to colour me excited by now.

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Well, it's a matter of personal opinion, of course, but the first thing I think of when I think "spider" is "spider web".


The first thing I think of when I see a spider is "get the cat".


Speaking of which...there should be a giant cat in the comics. It would be epic.

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So I'm the only one whose primary association with spiders is their web? :(




I agree, other than thinking get the baseball bat which I have used on a spider (very afraid of them), spiders web is the first thing that comes to mind and I've always thought the webshooters were pretty dumb.

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Yeah, I liked his mechanical shooters during the 90's cartoon, because yes situations would occur when he wanted to give chase but couldn't, or mid battle he'd run out of web.


Just gotta see whether they've managed a decent looking Lizard now!


In other words a really shoddy plot device in order to prevent him from defeating the villain before the 25 minute episode is up.


I dunno... it just always seemed a bit weird that main, most recognised, most iconic and most useful power didn't even come from the spider-bite which made him into Spider-Man.

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I think he should have the web naturally, it is the defining part of his character. "With great power comes great responsibility", if he doesn't have the web his power is to be strong and agile. Not great power really.
It's not like spiders are known for being strong and agile, and having danger prevention senses. He does have wall climbing abilities though. That's something at least.
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I think he should have the web naturally, it is the defining part of his character. "With great power comes great responsibility", if he doesn't have the web his power is to be strong and agile. Not great power really.


Well...no..he's basically untouchable in hand to hand combat, can jump across rooftops, dodge bullets, has incredible stamina, he's super-strong (proportional strengh- would you want to be hit by a spider the size of us?)


In fact, I've always considered him one of Marvel's most powerful super heroes.

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In a storyline called The Other Spider-Man was reborn with organic webshooters but that has been retconned out already, that was after the movie though. I think there was a story before that where he gave birth to himself after turning into a giant spider but everyone seemed to ignore that.


I assume they're crediting James Cameron because it was an idea in his original script but either way, the movies did it first, comics followed later then Spider-Man was shat on and lots of things retconned, including the organic webbing.

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In James Cameron's script for a Spider-Man movie, he did indeed have organic webshooters. This was mid-90's IIRC.


In the comics, he gained organic webshooters during a meh storyline where he and Captain America fight some too-good immortal queen of spiders. He gets turned INTO a giant spider, then the spider is ripped apart by a reborn Peter Parker from within, who can now shoot webs organically.


This was 2004/5.


EDIT: Too late.

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The Amazing Spider-Man Not Exactly a Reboot?


This week's Entertainment Weekly (featuring new Superman Henry Cavill on the cover) is all about the upcoming wave of superhero movies with a lot of cool information on all the movies coming out this summer as well as those in production and a few that haven't even started filming. One of the more interesting sidebars is about Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man, due out on July 3, 2012 and it features an intriguing quote from the film's executive producer Avi Arad implying that the movie (as they put it) "won't erase what came before but will try to weave a narrative that could take place within the framework of the earlier films."


Here's Arad's exact quote:


"It's not a comeback. You have to look at it this way. Do you want to know more about Spider-Man? This movie is going to tell stories that you didn't see in movies 1, 2 and 3."


Essentially, this means that we're not necessarily looking at another Spider-Man origin story with Andrew Garfield recreating what Tobey Maguire did in the original Spider-Man directed by Sam Raimi, but more of a story that takes place sometime over the course of Peter Parker's early days in the Spider-Man suit. Our clever pals at ThinkMcFlyThink may have the right idea when they compare the movie to the Marvel series "Untold Tales of Spider-Man," a comic mostly produced by Kurt Busiek and Pat Oliffe between 1995 and 1997 which told stories about the webbed wallcrawler that took place in between the issues by Spider-Man creator Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.


One thing which makes one wonder about the actual continuity of the upcoming movie compared to Raimi's Spider-Man is that it has Martin Sheen playing Ben Parker, whose death spurred Parker to use his powers to become a superhero, so we have to imagine some of the movie will take place before he was bitten by the spider or will be a flashback to when Peter's Uncle Ben was still alive. The fact that Emma Stone is playing Gwen Stacy and there's no word of Peter's future comic book wife Mary Jane Watson appearing in the film is also interesting from a continuity standpoint. Stacy appeared in the comic books roughly a year before Mary Jane was introduced, but put into context with the first movie, if we are indeed meant to do so, the new movie would take place sometime after Mary Jane moved to New York and before Peter eventually followed her.


Maybe we're reading too much into Arad's words and maybe the filmmakers aren't putting as much thought into trying to make The Amazing Spider-Man fit into any sort of continuity with the three Sam Raimi movies, so we'll probably all have to wait until the summer of 2012 to find out whether this is a straight reboot ala Batman Begins or possibly something more like Louis Letterier's The Incredible Hulk, in which all the actors were changed but it could theoretically fit into continuity with Ang Lee's The Hulk.



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