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Everything is relative. Including reality. So from the cats perspective he knows if he's alive, but from our perspective we've no idea and mathematically all are possible until we check for ourselves.


But how is that specific to quantum mechanics? Again, isn't the point of superposition that both states exist simultaneously rather than only one existing simply without us knowing which one?

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Yeah, they do exist simultaneously, as far as we are concerned. As far as the cat is concerned, he's fine. The point of quantum mechanics is that it's all about probabilities and whatnot and the mathematics changes when an observation is made (by the Copenhagen Interpretation). Schrodingers Cat was conceived as a criticism of the Copenhagen Interpretation because Schrodinger didn't like it.

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K I was just lazing around Youtube watching various vids, not sure how but ended up finding vids of people who still think the Earth is FLAT :heh:

And that "scientists" are lying to us and that pictures taken from Spaceships or the ISS are faked.




Cannot believe there are still people who would insist that the Earth is flat.... most likely bible nuts and religious types :heh:



Did anyone here know such insane people still walked among us :heh:


Here is one vid I found.... I applogise in advance if the nonesense spoutted in this vid damages your own IQ but thought I'd post for funs :heh:


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You can prove to yourself that the Earth isn't flat, by standing on the beach and looking out over the sea.


I know, I've actually read through the comments and seen people bring up simple ways to show this guy the earth if round like "get in a plane and fly in one direction and you'll eventually end up back where to started" no shit.


This guy then replies "that's only cause you have to follow set GPS headings set by governments who don't want you to find out the Earth is flat" or shit to that effect.


Seriously how are people like this allowed to intereact with the outside world :heh:


He had some bullshit answer for the horizon too, but can;t remember what it was :heh:

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The vid I posted was just an example, there is apartently a lot more of where he came from, which I find both shocking and a little bit scary,haha



Haha, reading the FAQ of "The Flat Earth Society" site, they believe the "sun, moon, planets, and stars only a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth.":laughing:


I just love these two Q&A's in teh FAQS



Q: "What about Lunar Eclipses?"


A: A celestial body, known as the antimoon, passes between the sun and moon. This projects a shadow upon the moon.



Q: "How come the travel time by air from South America to New Zealand, via the polar route, is SHORTER than the travel time going North first and then South again?"


A: The airline pilots are guided by their GPS. Remember that satellites do not exist. The replacement data given from pseudolites deliberately throwing distorting all the paths to make it the flights take different times. The curvature of these paths can add or subtract great distances without the overall turning being obvious to someone traveling it.




I love when they say "satellites do not exist", Oh really? then where does my Sky TV come from :heh:.... and what is the International Space Station doing up there :heh:

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I love when they say "satellites do not exist", Oh really? then where does my Sky TV come from :heh:.... and what is the International Space Station doing up there :heh:


Silly Mokong, the ISS isn't really there since sustained spaceflight is impossible! And obviously Sky are just transmitting from a really tall broadcast tower!

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Didn't watch that video (too early and I'm already pretty pissed off as it is so no point spoiling my day any further) but just reading some of the stuff you posted Mokong is making me laugh.


It's amazing to think that people are still around with these kinds of beliefs. And fair does, they can have whatever beliefs they wish but there's so much evidence to prove him wrong that it's baffling that they can still go on to exhibit 'myside bias' and believe the Earth is flat. But some people, for whatever reason be it their upbringing at the hands of parents or schooling or what have you, are just purely irrational in their beliefs (We all are to a degree but with proper education allowing for multiple view points, the majority of people do become actively good thinkers).


Would be interesting to hear what he thought if you took him to somewhere like Bonneville or some other salt lake and showed him that you can see clearly the curvature of the Earth. Probably explain it off as an optical illusion or something.

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And also according to QI, (and other sources which I cannot be bothered to find( you cannot see the curvature of the Earth with the naked eye, it's an optical illusion as your eyes cannot see far enough.


They can't see far enough? I can see the motherfucking sun and stars.

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Someone previously said you could see the curvature of the Earth from the surface, you can't. There are a number of reasons for this, one of them being that human eyes can't see that far on their own. You can only see the curvature from orbit. You can't see it anywhere from the surface.


You said we can see that far because we can "see the motherfucking sun and stars". We can only see those because of the light travelling towards us. If the sun and stars did't emit or reflect any light you wouldn't be able to see them, as we can't see that far.


In fact there is a whole patch of our galaxy that we can't see because of a very dense cloud that stops the light from behind it getting through.

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We can see that the earth is curved, because if the world was flat, from our vantage point of about 6 feet (wheen stood at the shore), we would be able to see the entire world (or at least as far as the next country before our line of sight was blocked). Our sight has no limit. We can see distant galaxies that are billions of light years away. We certainly don't have any trouble of seeing the horizon ~3 miles away.

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Our sight has no limit. We can see distant galaxies that are billions of light years away.


But not in real time. You see the light that has travelled billions of lightyears to your eyes. Of course our sight has limits.

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Somme, you're missing the point: We need light to see.

Yeah, sure, I could turn off the lights in my room and then claim I can't possibly see beyond 1 meter, but that's not true, is it? Of course we can't see the dark parts of space, that's why it's dark!


Yes, our vision has limits, but if the Earth was flat, you could see Ireland from your western coast. Yes, it would blur at one point, because we can't make out details that far, but you could see it.

And one could still potentially spot a very bright light across the Atlantic, even with the slight delay it would involve.

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We can see stars millions of miles away but we can't see closer objects such as planets and asteroids. This is because the light from those stars is reaching our range of vision. The planets are not bright enough for their light to reach us so we cannot see them.


Is that about right, @somme?


Although it could easily be that planets just aren't bright enough to see but we can see stars (no matter of distance) because of high bright they are.


Not sure how that ties in with the curvature of the Earth debate though. I always thought we were able to see it but maybe it is just our eyes tricking us because of the way light bends or whatever.

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