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I watched most of the first part... I was thinking of getting the whole thing and watching it again.


Why has he got an eyepatch?


Anyway, this thing sort of jumped the shark a hundred times and then I stopped watching it.

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While I do love Buffy I found that after season 3 it was never quite as good. I think thats also when the character of Buffy started getting more and more unlikable. She came across as very superior and even when they had her realise that later on, nothing really changed.


Angel however was the opposite. I pretty much hated him in Buffy but when he got his own show the character really grew and in the end I thought that show was better overall than Buffy.

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I watched (for the first time) the entirety of Buffy and Angel a few months ago.


I loved them, but suprisingly preferred Angel in the end. Buffy was more...homely or something. Buffy and co. reacted to threats rather than actively try and stop the big evil things like Angel and co. did. Or at least that how I perceived it.


I did love the Buffy characters, but as Happenstance said, considering I hated Angel in Buffy, I was more impressed by his show. Only faults were the the strange treatment of

Cordelia towards the end (though I loved her "return" episode

, and then the finale itself. Unsatisfying on all levels.

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I found as Buffy overall gets worse the stand out episodes just get better and better. Hush, The Body, Forever, Welcome to Doublemeat Palace, Seeing Red, Once More With Feeling. Those are the episodes I will happily watch again and again - I never really watch seasons of anything again.

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Yeah, it's brilliant. Even the episode before I think is stunning because it's a joke of an episode - with the robot girlfriend, I think. And then at the end there is this massive shock to the system when Buffy walks in on her mum. Terribly brilliant.

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Damn, reading this is making me want to buy the complete box set. I've not watched Buffy since it was broadcast.

Sometimes i struggled with it though. Some episodes were a drag, and it's very, very American, which sort of got on my nerves sometimes.

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Yeah ive watched and enjoyed it. I own most of the dvds. I just dont think as highly of it as some people.


My problem is that a lot of the fans I come across go on about it so much that it just gets annoying and they wont listen to anyone elses opinions. I know Daft wasnt being like that but I just tend to stay clear of BSG chat these days.


For any BSG fans who havent tried it, I recommend giving Stargate Universe a try. Its different to BSG but you get the same feeling from it at some points. Its a lot more character and drama based than the otehr SG shows were so I think none sci-fi fans could enjoy it.

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