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Sucker Punch


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I think you could make fun of it though. I mean, come on, a girl dressed like an anime cartoon fighting off Nazi zombie robots, twenty-feet samurais, dragons and orcs...how could you not? lol. Though I did like it in itself and I like the idea of Sucker Punch but I do agree to an extent that it could have been executed better.


Also, I've seen Showgirls twice and let's put it this way, if I was wearing a hoodie at the time of watching it, it would have been over my face so many times, haha. Though I can understand your point with Batman and Robin, it's shit but it's just one of those movies and I think Sucker Punch is the same to a degree.

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On a script/dialogue level Showgirls cannot be compared to Sucker Punch, and I'd hope you'd agree, if you have a basic grasp of the English language. On that part there is no debate. The LACK of character and dialogue in Sucker Punch kills it right off. Even though everyone in Showgirls is some form of stereotype, they're written with intent and care, as though the writer has tried to make them compelling characters (wether or not he succeeds or fails is another matter lol!), they just more often and not slip into the cheesy side of things. (Obviously the story and overall product that IS Showgirls is something else to consider...:blush:)

It's the same matter entirely, if s/he fails the fact that they tried is bullshit. The chaps who did Sucker Punch may have been trying to write with "intent and care", yet the fact they failed and you found the characters lacking seems to be relevant in this case but 50/50 with Showgirls just because you enjoyed it.

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The characters and script of Showgirls are 100x better than Sucker Punch (everything's relative of course). That's almost indisputable. Regardless of what anyone thinks of either film as a whole (both are atrocious technically).

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I just watched this film....


I should never had watched Machete before watching sucker punch. While Machete did everything brilliantly in terms of mindless fun action. Sucker Punch failed in almost everything.


I may have enjoyed this movie if it weren't for Machete pure awesomeness :nono:

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I want to watch it again. :grin:


...and be sick through sheer enjoyment LITERALLY. none of this metaphorical nonsense.:p


listening to soundtrack.




So glad when White Rabbit played through war scene.


What was y'all favorite bits?


Mine was probably the train mechanical robot fight.


or it could be the dragon?


Nazi Zombies?


Flying Mecha?


No wait, I want it all/we will rock you mash up when the mayor walked in. hilarious.




Sweet Pea is my favourite, I've named a Pokemon after her. :heart:



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I loved the end bit with her face...until you saw her face.


I know right! That just spoilt it a bit for me. As you said before, it was creepy but as soon as you saw it, it was a bit "....oh....'kay...."


My favourite bit was the "Knife" part (a.k.a. the train fight). That bit was so awesome.

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Finally seen the movie.....I didnt think it was that great.


Obviously it had some great action scenes but overall I thought it was poor. I didnt think the girl playing Baby Doll did a particularly good job. Her facial expressions, especially during fights never seemed right and a lot of times she never seemed comfortable with the weapons. Some of the music choices seemed very odd as well, not really fitting with the scenes they were used in. I never really felt connected to any of the characters either.


I know its just one big fantasy movie and usually that would be enough for me, I was really looking forward to it from the trailer but I didnt like how disconnected bits felt, the characters, some of the acting and the "story" really.


Its probably a movie I will buy on dvd but not until I see it cheap somewhere.

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Saw this film last week without really knowing anything about it, and loved every bit of it.

Just read this thread now, and have to disagree on most of the "wish they did this" bits.


Why would they even have thought of putting the dance sequences in, in the first place? Going into a fantasy battle setting is so much more believable to what's going on in her head, she puts herself in a different place when she has to perform (dance, or whatever the dancing stood for). It just fitted perfectly with the whole idea of not being sure what was happening in the physical world, or how she was perceiving it.


It already set up the whole question for me, that perhaps her stepdad didn't kill her sister, and it was actually her who did it, and thus him taking her to an asylum of sorts.

After all, we're seeing things from her perception.


This film is a mindless popcorn flick? Get out. If you watch an old Steven Seagal / Jean Claude Van Damme action film, THAT's a mindless popcorn flick. Someone killed his wife or whatever, and he's gonna fight his way to kill him back. Was i really over-analysing everything to find the story to be that deep?


So un-Hollywood too, I was almost expecting her to wreak revenge on her captors, blow up the building, have a final confrontation with Blue on the roof in the rain, have him plummet to his death away from the camera screaming, while she says some witty one-liner. The ending, along with actually seeing her face (I was expecting the opposite until then, from the doctor's reaction) made me think it was an indie film that happened to chance upon a big budget, because I wouldn't expect that ending to get past a Hollywood test audience.



The other 2 getting shot and tossed aside worked so well, yes it may have been more satisfying to see something more with them, but reality is that an unstable person can just pull out a gun and pull the trigger, and the person they shoot will die, no matter how important they're considered to some outside story or other.



In a way i don't want to see this film again, because I want that amazing experience to remain in my memory untainted.

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A lot of that reads completely as clutching at straws to find a positive in a "bad film". I know because I do the same a lot for "bad films". :p Esp the last spoiler box. My favourite thing is being anti-cliche, and this film does NOT avoid cliche. :s Every element that might have been interesting you mentioned is undermined by being a big ball of shit otherwise. (IMO/it is though)

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A lot of that reads completely as clutching at straws to find a positive in a "bad film". I know because I do the same a lot for "bad films". :p Esp the last spoiler box. My favourite thing is being anti-cliche, and this film does NOT avoid cliche. :s Every element that might have been interesting you mentioned is undermined by being a big ball of shit otherwise. (IMO/it is though)


Um, no.


That'll be all :)

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