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While promoting his movie Battle: Los Angeles at SDCC, Eckhart pretty much confirmed what we already knew, but says he would definitely come back if Director Christopher Nolan asked him to...


During the panel Q & A, Eckhart spoke about whether he thought The Joker would be recast in the next film, and his character Harvey Dent(Two-Face) would make another appearance..


"To recreate what Heath has done...I just don't think it's gonna happen. That's my instinct. Obviously, Heath was supposed to reprise the role in the next one; it was written that way. I don't know if they're going to go on. I suspect they will not have the Joker."


"I'm sure Two-Face has obviously died in the last one. I'm in the dark as much as anyone else,"


On returning for the 3rd movie if asked...


"That's something you can't say no to. I never thought I'd be in a Batman first of all; then when you're with Chris and a script like that, with those kinds of actors, it transcends any genre. You're just working on something really special. I would always work with Chris Nolan if he asked me to."


Source - Comicbookmovie.com


Well that basically confirms what we already new, Joker will definintly not be re-cast in Nolans Batman franchise, and the possibility of 2 Face re-appearing are slim!


So... Riddler anyone?

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Nolan has already said it's too painful for him to do anything else Joker related, so I honestly have no idea why people keep going on about it!


Really looking forward to hearing where they decide to go with the third film.


Also I feel that the media are only talking about The Riddler all the time because that's the only villain left that they're particularly aware off... like a completely uninformed, un thought out opinion. To many he seems the obvious choice because he's a big Batman character, but that's not the way this as to go.


I also personally feel, if chosen, The Riddler would be a bit shoehorned in, because I can't quite see where he'd fit as a character, in terms of where the story is at now.

But hey if anyone can create a story and make it work it would be the Nolans!


I don't really know a lot of Batman trivia, but having read up on villians during these films, I like the idea of Black Mask and think he would fit in best storywise. And also he's an unknown character to the mass audience, which worked well in the first film.

Also, a number of lesser villians could work along side him with glancing 5 minute cameo battles, as Batman works against this mass mob underworld that's built up.


Catwomen could work as an established character to go alongside... though I don't want anyone to include her on the premiss that it's now time to include a strong female role in the films, which you get the feeling some trilogys work in that way (Terminator 3 anyone)... but thankfully I think Nolans way above all that!


And lastly... NO robin please!

I'm fine with a glacing cameo/reference from the boy who will one day be Robin... but save that for the next directors trilogy!

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Catwomen could work as an established character to go alongside... though I don't want anyone to include her on the premiss that it's now time to include a strong female role in the films, which you get the feeling some trilogys work in that way (Terminator 3 anyone)... but thankfully I think Nolans way above all that!


I don't understand... One of the reasons Terminator is good/unconventional as a sci-fi is because Sarah Connor is female (Terminator 2 especially, although Alien is a better example). Obviously the effect of the "WTF, how can a woman be an action hero!?" has lessened now, since it's a pretty common thing, so all-in-all its a pretty irrelevant point.


It would be a different story if he were planning to include Lady Shiva or the female Ventriloquist just for the sake of having a female character, but Catwoman is a pretty important character in terms of the comics, so it's entirely understandable she'd be given a film role.


Really, you can't better Burton's Catwoman though...


And lastly... NO robin please!

I'm fine with a glacing cameo/reference from the boy who will one day be Robin... but save that for the next directors trilogy!


I think Robin could work, if they made it realistic. Ie:


19 year old acrobat orphan (might as well keep his comic origin) Dick Grayson hears about Batman from the media. He dons outfit (not necessarily explicitly calling himself Robin, since its a shite name), and goes to meet Batman to become his sidekick.


Batman is like "No, realistically why would I let a child risk their life".


Dick is angry/put down, goes to fight Black Mask to prove his worth. Is semi-good, fighting off thugs well. Then is captured and tortured/killed by Black Mask [a good way to make Black Mask evil, by doing something to a character to we vaguely care about], and Batman is like "Fuck, I should have saved him."


Then allows for shit like "You're a shit hero, Bruce"

"Fuck how do you know my name?"

"The boy told me"


"You're pretty shit. Couldn't save him."

"He wasn't my responsibility."

"Weren't you the one that told him to do his own thing? You're a fucking shit hero. Also, FYI, I told Selina Kyle that you killed her lover, and she's coming to kiiiiilll you!"

"Fuck you."

[Fight scene etc]


Obviously with better dialogue and screenplay and with a more thought-out storyline.


But yeah, he would be little more than a plot-device, but he'd be a good plot-device at that, because one of the most effective ways to make the audience to feel something for a character is if that character has to deal with death. If it's just like "This guy is really rich and fights crime and doesn't care about anyone now because Maggie Gyl is dead." the audience are hardly going to be compelled to care.




Also, if they cast hot people as Catwoman and Robin, they could sell loads more tickets, because non-fans are alot more positive about films if said film has attractive people in it. It's sad but truuuue.

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They should cast Tilda Swinton as The Riddler. It would be a stroke of (my) genius.
She scares me!


I don't understand... One of the reasons Terminator is good/unconventional as a sci-fi is because Sarah Connor is female (Terminator 2 especially, although Alien is a better example). Obviously the effect of the "WTF, how can a woman be an action hero!?" has lessened now, since it's a pretty common thing, so all-in-all its a pretty irrelevant point.
No you missed my point. I meant Terminator 3 having a female Terminator. That film seemed to feel like because it was the third it somehow now needed to include a female equal (equality bull) against Arnie... and quite frankly it was rediculous and sucked!


Catwoman could totally work, I just don't want them to feel they have to include her, or the Riddler just because they're big names... but like I said Nolan's better than that.


And I just don't want Robin.

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I was really put off by the thought of Riddler in Batman 3. Riddler is way too similar to the Joker. I still don't want it, but i must admit to being intrigued by a Joseph Gordon Levitt Riddler. Sounds like the kind of unconventional casting choice that led to Heath's Joker being amazing. Nolan seems pretty smart when it comes to casting. Scarecrow was really well cast aswell i thought.

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If this is the last Batman movie id like to see Dick Grayson introduced or even just hinted at. Granted Robin probably wouldnt work in this universe but I think it would be nice to just give the character a bit of a nod.


Im not sure which villian I want to see. I agree that the Riddler might be a bit too much like the Joker this sudden but I also think it might be hard to find some other rogues that would fit into this new universe. Maybe Catwoman I guess.

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If this is the last Batman movie id like to see Dick Grayson introduced or even just hinted at. Granted Robin probably wouldnt work in this universe but I think it would be nice to just give the character a bit of a nod.


Im not sure which villian I want to see. I agree that the Riddler might be a bit too much like the Joker this sudden but I also think it might be hard to find some other rogues that would fit into this new universe. Maybe Catwoman I guess.

It will be Nolans last, but it's not gonna be the last Batman, because they'll either hire a new director, or someone else will just start again. I'd rather Robin was left for this.


I'd imagine it will be Bale's last, and also the majority of the regular cast may want to go on to other projects... so it'll be a fresh start anyway. Though hopefully that director will just move forward rather than start with the origin again?!


However, I guess if they could convince Michael Cane to stay on, instead of starting completely again, a new saga could pick up some however many years on with Bales Batman having retired and cast over the reigns to a protegee?... complete with flashback scene to Bales Batman in a final fight.

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The Batman Beyond intro does actually remind me of you/your online persona, Daft.




Please, no Robin! I hate it. And Chair that idea is funny but not really, because it would never happen. It could work in the comics or another literary medium, but in film it would seem like a massai waste of time on the audience's part, and a waste of introducing the character in the first place. It's something you'd expect in a Frank Miller comic/film. Shock tactics like that would be ridiculous to see in a Nolan Batman film.


And I hate 19, it reminds me of the Chris O'Donnel Robin.


I like Riddler in the comics, but I can't see him translating to film well, in any sort of similar form.


I think Black Mask and Catwoman is still the soundest idea, and one that rings fairly true within the Nolan-verse, imo. And I don't need Catwoman like the (amazing) Burton one...she wouldn't make sense here. But even if she only "becomes" Catwoman near the end, it would add (if Selina herself was used well).

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