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Know Your Logos


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Blame Dan Dare for the RUBBISH topic that these logos come from -- that is; Can you name the movie production studio from one letter of their logo?


Some of these are really easy, others are ridiculously hard. As you can tell, I didn't quite manage to find a logo for each letter of the alphabet... future editions will not be so shoddy!








Answers in spoiler tags please!

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I shall refrain from posting more just so others aren't tempted to spoil and can have a chance, but I know W and T. I think RAP will probably be the hardest, and possibly O.


I had to start looking to figure out W, I knew it as soon as I saw the name of the company though...figures.


Edit: Just the same as with W, I got O, recognized the name when I saw it.

Edited by Nolan
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ReZ, none are chocolates :P


A & P are actually ridiculously easy as both are over half of the entire logo anyway!


T and Y are the next easiest


N is just on an unusual background. Usually it's a blue background with lighter-blue lettering.


R is seriously old-skool, and not a name most people have in recent memory.


Anyone want any clues?

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C was easy, tbh. Water gives it away.





I have no idea what O is...


Orion this?





Ah, you pointed that out. Stoopid me.


The Weinstein Company



RKO Pictures - Thank you Citizen Kane.



I'd love to know what P and A are. P looks really familiar and yet not.

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I don't doubt that. P is like...


International picture...something...



For some reason C sticks in my mind. I think because C***** **** is used a lot by Steven King, Stand By Me being the one I remember.


I like this game. Excellent idea!!

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Yeah, I think King's got a finger in the pie with that one, but I'm not sure/bothered.


You're really two-thirds of the way with the P. They're not strictly a production studio, as they mainly deal with distribution (as does the A, I think).


Clearer Y and N. I'll expand these 'til people get them. The other two -- no way! That's your lot.



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yes on both :)


Sorry about the localisation. I realised about half-way through doing it that it was grossly narrowminded of me, hence why these should (hopefully) be answered quick. I'll think of somthing better next time!


Aside; I think that the hardest ones this time are D and R, with A being the "oooooh, I seeeeee" one.

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