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it is with great sadness that I, Dan, am here to announce my impending retirement from the Halo 2 arena. my sbscription to XBL will expire by the end of november and frankly, im not gonna be home from uni more than 3, maybe 4 times before xmas so theres no point in renewing it.


seriously though, if not for you guys i would have quit playing on live a long time before now. i dont think i need to name anyone but you all made it great while it lasted. thanks




















cept bowzer. he smells. and guy. he's a noob.

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cept bowzer. he smells.


Haha, now you look foolish. Because I had my weekly shower earlier today and I've only been wearing these clothes a fortnight.


Seriously though, you'll be missed.


But I'm sure we'll see you for Halo 3 on Xbox 360!




In other news, new update up at Bungie about their new offices, sounds swish...



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yeah i'll be back one day....next year when im out of uni halls. for some reason they consider unloading smg clips into guys cold, dead corpse missuse of the network. skanky fuckers.


Yea, just ask CubeChris about that one.


But yea, you were a cool guy, hope to catch you online one day in the next generation.

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Sorry for the double, but I felt this merited it's own post.


After having a discussion with Guy about the different skill levels that exist between our usual Halo 2 gang, I came up with 4 different "tiers" - each one containing certain members of our group. I decided it would be neat (and humiliating for certain moderators) if I showed this in picture form.


And so, I give to you.. the Pyramid of Halo.



Tier 1: The Robot Tier


Consists of: Moria and his robot friends. These are Balfron, ScottyMate, Zakatu, and a whole host of other mechanical lifeforms. These guys eat, sleep, and breathe Halo. (Well, not really, but it sure feels like it when you're in a match against them)


Tier 2: The Awesome Tier


Consists of: Bowser57, The3rdChildren, CVD and myself. This also includes Woosel, but he's not a member of the forum and I didn't have room, so I left him out. I consider ourselves to be a capable team, and can usually beat most teams if we pull together and I stop trying to kill Guy.


Tier 3: The HM-Fusion Tier


Consists of: Blackfox, Haver, CubeChris and the King of Men, Arragaun. These guys can hold their own in a gunfight, but I don't think they're as good as us folks in Tier 2. Especially Haver, he just plain sucks. Admit it guys, there's usually one of you in our team in team games, and you're the ones that usually have the lowest killcount.


Tier 4: The Jordan Tier


Well, this one is pretty self explanatory.


So there you have it. Sorry if I missed anyone out, I was only going by our immediate Halo 2 group that we regularly play with.

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