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The Walking Dead


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Wow. What an episode. That was awesome, quite emotional too.


the very end part when Rick lets his emotions out, the way he sorta looked at Carl was as if he was pissed off with him.


Having a baby in the group is going to be ridiculous.




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Well I knew The Governor would likely become more of a psycho but didn't expect how much, haha. Kinda had a feeling he might be keeping his daughter (as a zombie) around... but I didn't expect he would still be trying to treat her like his daughter.... thought she'd be chained up in a cage, didn't expect to see him brushing her hair :heh: He's either very confident or extremly insane to let her get that close to him and not be worried bout her eating him.


Knew Andrea would regret not following Michone, that bitch needed a good slap. In a way I'm actually glad she stayed so she could find out how wrong she was.


Back at the prision, Rick going crazy a bit too, but I guess that is somewhat expected given he just lost his wife...however I didn't think he;d be "out of it" for teh whole ep. Given he has a new baby I thought he'd snap out of it and help out with the baby instead of ignoring it and leaving her for everyone else to look after.

Finding the "full" walker who had eaten Lori was odd though. Haha, I thought when he found the bullet that maybe Carl missed when he tried to shoot his Mom and somehow didn't notice (maybe he closed his eyes when he did it) and thought Rick was gonna find a zombie Lori. That would have been an interesting scene to see.


Thought it odd that they made a grave for Carol too though.... so is she dead? They must have buried something to have bothered digging a grave?


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no teeth :p


Ah I didn't notice that.... K fair enough.... he still a bag full of crazy though



Rick's going craaaaazy. Going to be interesting to see that play out :D


Yeah be interesting to see who was on the phone.... hopefully someone from Woodbury for some reason and get both stories converging a bit.


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Great, now we'll never know if Peeps's prediction would have come true!


On the plus side, now Diego doesn't have to ask. :p


Maybe it's Carol asking why they haven't come look for her yet.


Or maybe whoever was stalking her. Maybe she's what passes for a MILF after the zombie apocalypse.


I thought the scene with the Governor and his daughter was oddly sweet. It's like she was mentally handicapped/crazy and he was taking care of her. D'aww. :smile:


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So seeing as Rick found the bullet I'm guessing Carl just shot the floor next to her, rather than actually shooting her.


So Rick found the bullet so he knew Lori couldn't have been killed but then he saw the fat walker and realised she must've been eaten... but there's enough doubt for his subconscious (or w/e) to create a delusion where Lori is phoning him up.



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Episode 6



Righty so Rick is off his rocker.... :heh:

Wonder was this just a once off and was something that helped him get his head back together or will be lose the plot again later. When he was on the phone the last time I thought "Lori" was gonna tell him to kill Carl, the Baby and Himself to come and "join her" :heh:


Meryl finding Glenn and Maggie was a surprise, I actually thought the scene would just end with Michonne on see the baby food realising they were good people and showing herself to ask for help. And then when Meryl pops up was pissed she did nothing to help. Hell while Meryl was holding Maggie his back would have been to Michonne.... though I guess Grant not knowing her might have thought she was with Meryl and given away her position.


Andrea....well damn, after how the previous ep ended I expected she might have realised she should have stayed with Michonne and tried to escape...instead she decides to frak the Governor :heh:


I'm actually hoping she is the next one to die :heh:


Edited by Mokong
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Episode 6



Righty so Rick is off his rocker.... :heh:

Wonder was this just a once off and was something that helped him get his head back together or will be lose the plot again later. When he was on the phone the last time I thought "Lori" was gonna tell him to kill Carl, the Baby and Himself to come and "join her" :heh:


Meryl finding Grant and Maggie was a surprise, I actually thought the scene would just end with Michonne on see the baby food realising they were good people and showing herself to ask for help. And then when Meryl pops up was pissed she did nothing to help. Hell while Meryl was holding Maggie his back would have been to Michonne.... though I guess Grant not knowing her might have thought she was with Meryl and given away her position.


Andrea....well damn, after how the previous ep ended I expected she might have realised she should have stayed with Michonne and tried to escape...instead she decides to frak the Governor :heh:


I'm actually hoping she is the next one to die :heh:


Glenn* :indeed:

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Episode 7


Did I miss something here? There was a guy living in the woods who seemingly had no idea there was a zombie outbreak (saying he'd call the police) when there were dozens outside his hut. Though I suppose he had no idea his dog was dead either, but it still made no sense at all!


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I'm pretty sure he was just insane. :p


Prediction: the gang gets back to the prison only to find Carol missing again. She comes out of the bathroom ten minutes later to find them digging another grave for her.


I liked Michonne killing that guy in the shack. No messing around with morals here! Dude tries to open the door, he gets a katana through the back! Like it should be.


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