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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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Yep when you play with the circle pad pro the right stick is 100% used for aiming and the left stick moves your character forwards and backwards and strafes left and right. You can walk while aiming too, I can't imagine playing the game without the CPP now. Before you buy it though you should try Type C controls where you use the ABXY buttons to aim, it might be good enough and save you £20


Nah, CCP all the way, I hated the Syphon Filter games on the psp because of that same issue, aiming with face buttons sucks.

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Yeah you need to go some place else after that - can't remember where - but do come back to the pool later once its been purified because you'll get some ammo restocks, some custom parts and a document too I think, you get them all by diving underwater and surfacing at the various points of which there are three...


... and of course there are a few things to scan too. :)

Cheers for the info. Problem is though, I do know I need to go somewhere else in order for the pool to empty, I just don't know where that 'somewhere else' is hehe. :)


Edit: Solved. Went down the stairs and found my way to the promenade.




I'm really impressed with how I'm able to walk around and collect items whilst other characters are talking to each other. It's like being able to continue playing the game during a cut scene. I've never experienced that before in a video game afaicr. I don't own any home consoles other than a SEGA Megadrive and don't play PC games so maybe that's why I haven't seen it before, but it's still impressive imo. I also got time to play online for a while. Smooth and fun gameplay, simply fantastic. This game is just amazing on so many levels.

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Question for peeps who finished the game



How many of those Hidden Handprints did you find?


I found 15 and got a mission reward for that. I thought maybe there was only 15 in the game and the next reward (find 30 hidden hand prints) would be to find the 15 again on Hell mode. But I noticed the hands aren't appearing in the same places and I think I just found one somewhere where there wasn't on last time.... so did I just like miss a load on my first play through? Or was there only 15 in normal mode anyway?


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Question for peeps who finished the game



How many of those Hidden Handprints did you find?


I found 15 and got a mission reward for that. I thought maybe there was only 15 in the game and the next reward (find 30 hidden hand prints) would be to find the 15 again on Hell mode. But I noticed the hands aren't appearing in the same places and I think I just found one somewhere where there wasn't on last time.... so did I just like miss a load on my first play through? Or was there only 15 in normal mode anyway?


I haven't finished the game but I've found around 20 handprints so far on my first run. Currently up to the lab so I hope I have time to find the rest.


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Ok episode 3 on Hell mode.... I can't bloody finish it :heh:


I can get as far as the final room. I've survived long enough for the elevator doors to open but I get killed by more Hunters while running into the lift :heh:


Having only 1 herb (the one in that room) to use also isn't helpful :heh:


They give yu s little ammo at the start of the level I had to try just run through some rooms and had to keep using herbs up :heh:


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@cvl You don;t own home consoles? Do you just play handhelds or is this the first handheld you've had in a while too?!

No, I own a megadrive now and when I was young(er) I owned other home consoles too, but these days I mostly prefer to play video games on my handhelds (DSi, 3DS, GBA, GBA Micro, PSP, PSPgo etc). Why do you want to know? :)

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Question for peeps who finished the game



How many of those Hidden Handprints did you find?


I found 15 and got a mission reward for that. I thought maybe there was only 15 in the game and the next reward (find 30 hidden hand prints) would be to find the 15 again on Hell mode. But I noticed the hands aren't appearing in the same places and I think I just found one somewhere where there wasn't on last time.... so did I just like miss a load on my first play through? Or was there only 15 in normal mode anyway?

The handprints that you've previously scanned won't appear again next time you play the game so you'll have to check in other areas.


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No, I own a megadrive now and when I was young(er) I owned other home consoles too, but these days I mostly prefer to play video games on my handhelds (DSi, 3DS, GBA, GBA Micro, PSP, PSPgo etc). Why do you want to know? :)


Just wondered, interesting that you prefer Handheld gaming. I love handheld gaming. Why do you prefer handhelds, do a lot of traveling or like the more bitesized nature?

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I can't beat the final boss.


Help, must of tried 12-13 times, getting very annoyed.


Not sure if this is right or not but I think he has a weakspot on his back, the orange bit between his wings. I kept trying to hit that and it went well (beat him on 3rd go :heh:)


You need to be dodging a lot (of course having lots of herbs helps, think max is 5?... and I think there's at least 1 somewhere in that room)


When he dissappears don't run around trying to avoid... you WILL take damage. Wait for him to reappear and watch his movements, he doesn't attack right away, he raises his attacking arm first. You gotta dodge just before he starts to bring it back down.


Dodge forwards so that Jill runs behind him. Then do a quick 180 and start shooting in his back.


Guns I used were the magnum and then a rifle when the magnum was empty. Didn't need a 3rd gun.... oh and of course don't forget gernades. Pulses might daze him, if he gets dazed be quick with a melee attack.


In his 2nd phase when he teleports he'll reappear and there will be two of him. One is a mirage. The real one will have purple smoke coming from his mouth/nose. Just do the same as before. Wait for teh attack, dodge behind him, 180, shoot in the back. I think the fake one attacks a split second earlier than the real one. I don't think that one will damage you so make sure to dodge in time with the real ones attack. If you try to dodge the fake one you will miss the dodge on the real attack.


His 3rd phase then he adds a charge attack. You'll recognise it when you see it. Dodge just before he hits you.


Also in his 3rd phase his teleport changes slightly again. He'll still have mirages, but he will have 2 or 3 of them. The mirages appear and attack one at a time. The real one again will have the purple smoke so just wait till you see that and allow the mirages to just appear and vanish. Again don't run just stand still and wait for the real one, he was usually the 3rd one, but might be the 2nd or 4th too so watch for the purple smoke.


Again when the real one comes dodge behind him, 180, shoot.




Anyway in my own game, didn't play any Raid today, just went back to the story game and HELL mode. Finally finished Episode 3 Hell.


The big hunter horde battle at the waiting elevator, in the flash back scene was a bitch but I finally did it.


Had only 120 Machinegun ammo, 20 shotgun, 40 handgun, 3 handgernades and 1 herb.


Got into the lift and closed the door with 0 M.gun, 2 shotgun, 40 handgun (yeah didn't use it), 0 gernades and 0 herb


Took me a few tries still. Once the lift came down, got into it, pressed the button and the doors didn't close cause Jessica wasn't inside and a hunter jumps in a smashes me :heh:

Almost started cheering when I finally got past it :D


Progressed through teh rest of Episode 3 fine, then came the Comms Officer Boss. Took me 4 tries but finally got him. After the trouble I had with the hunters earlier I was expecting to get stuck again so thankful I got past him. Used mainly a rifle on him, with M.gun on the Oozes I ran into. Had no ammo in my Magnum, bet that would have made it easier if I had it :heh:


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Just wondered, interesting that you prefer Handheld gaming. I love handheld gaming. Why do you prefer handhelds, do a lot of traveling or like the more bitesized nature?

I used to play video games on home consoles such as the Playstation 1 and 2 (I've never owned a Nintendo home console though), but somewhere down the line I got tired of too complex and time-consuming games and of being confined to the TV. I also don't spent the same amount of time on (most) games anymore than I did earlier so handheld gaming kinda took over a little by little and now I'm not the slightest interested in today's home consoles at all. So that's my story, how about you, why do you love handheld gaming? :)


I can't beat the final boss.


Help, must of tried 12-13 times, getting very annoyed.

Adding to what Mokong wrote:




Don't stand in the same place for too long. Shoot at him (don't waste bullets on the clone) when his eyes light up and then again when he's near you. Make sure to move around while loading your weapon. Only use herbs when it's absolutely critical in order not to waste herbs which you're gonna need later in the fight. And remember; dodge, dodge, dodge.





Perhaps stating the obvious, but to those unaware, after the game's finished, stay put for a little sequence after the end credits.

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Took me a while to realise you can swim over the electric fences >.<



Was rather sad when Parker died, thought he was going to survive despite being shot. Really I knew he would be killed off since he got revealed and I thought I wouldn't like him that much, but I did grow to like to him during the course of the game.


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5 more attempts, still no luck.


I get to the third stage and it all just falls apart once he starts charging, you say dodge but it never works for me. What do you press with the CPP to dodge??


I'll give it to next Friday, if I still havent done it by then I'll be selling it.


No point in keeping it as I can't unlock any more stages on Raid Mode.

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You push upwards or down + B on the left stick at the right time to dodge but I never managed to dodge against him.


I've read that if you open up the weapon box you're invincible so if you open up the box at the right time then his attack will miss, then you can close it and shoot him. Rinse and repeat til he's dead.

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I used to play video games on home consoles such as the Playstation 1 and 2 (I've never owned a Nintendo home console though), but somewhere down the line I got tired of too complex and time-consuming games and of being confined to the TV. I also don't spent the same amount of time on (most) games anymore than I did earlier so handheld gaming kinda took over a little by little and now I'm not the slightest interested in today's home consoles at all. So that's my story, how about you, why do you love handheld gaming? :)


So are you looking forward to the Wii U then? Even though it breaks down the "chained to the TV" thing?

I travel a fair bit; I like the styles of gameplay you get on a nintendo handheld (not particularly keen on home console games on a portable Sony style, though I may get a Vita saying that). Also my girlfriend goes to be early and likes me to come with her, so I just play it in bed; but sad I know, and less relevant when Wii U comes out, but its's till another good thing!


But primarily it's all about the software!

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Using default CPP controls, but managed to finally beat the final boss.


Now to get playing Raid mode.


Well done Lost. See no boss is unbeatable, it's only in your head :wink:


Anyway am I the only one tackling Hell mode?


Just beat episode 4 on HELL... damn near shit my pants again... especially since I went and bought a new set of headphones (nothing fancy just 12euro in argos I think they were) but damn does it add more to the atmosphere.


And even though I knew what was coming in this ep "that part" still scared the bloody bejesus out of me. The headphones made it feel like "it" was whispering in my ear *shudder*

But I still somehow managed to get through it without dying which surprised me (thank you Rifle with over 2200 firepower) though I'm starting to get worried about ammo. I'm not that short yet, got 80 in the shotgun, 40 in the Rifle and 250 in teh M.gun, but the M.gun just guzzles ammo away.


*goes to change pants*



The weird thing though about trying to play Hell mode is getting used to not having my Raid mode guns for it. The guns I have are so weak compared my Raid set up :heh:

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So are you looking forward to the Wii U then?

No, not interested at all. I think the 3DS is sufficient enough for the type of games I'm interested in. :)


What do you press with the CPP to dodge??

I don't own the CPP, but I managed just fine with normal controls - in fact I earned the 'dodge master' reward.


Anyway, nice to see you finally managed to complete the game. Congrats. :)

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Finished! Last boss was tough. You really do need to be good at dodging, took about 5 attempts to finally beat him. Missed 7 handprints which is annoying.


Glad they didn't kill off Parker in the end




Playing Raid Mode now (solo so far), very fun.

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