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MGS: Snake Eater 3D (£9.95 @Zavvi)


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New information:


- Game has lighting effects, shading, but the 3D boosts its graphical appeal

- Good feedback at E3

- What was shown at E3 was a sample

- Konami could still bring it to market, but can’t say one way or the other

- Comments will influence how Metal Gear turns out on 3DS, will help bring it out

- At the moment it’s based on Metal Gear Solid 3

- “Naked” for Naked Snake

- Other aspect for “naked” is for the naked eye, no glasses needed for the 3DS

- Kojima interested in hearing what people think about the game


Direct quote from KP Report host Sean Eyestone about Metal Gear Solid 3DS…


“Of course, I think we talked about the fact that it is a sample. So you know, not saying that we won’t bring it out in the future or anything like that. We can’t say one way or the other whether or not something like that will come out on the 3DS at this point. But what we did show at E3 was a sample of what we could do with the 3DS.”

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Hideo Kojima Discusses Metal Gear Solid 3DS


You've read about a couple of games Hideo Kojima isn't involved in. You've read about a game Hideo Kojima is involved in. Now read about... a game Hideo Kojima may or may not be involved in.


Closing off a lengthy feature in this week's Famitsu, Kojima and Enterbrain (Famitsu's publisher) CEO Hirokazu Hamamura had a quick exchange about Metal Gear Solid 3DS. Unlike Metal Gear Solid Rising, but like his new console project, Hideo Kojima has a direct role in this game -- or at least he did have a direct role in the demo that was shown at E3. This may or may not hold true for the final version.


Hamamura (a game industry VIP here) recalled being surprised after having seen the game at Nintendo's E3 press briefing. Kojima joked that he was under NDA with Nintendo, and so couldn't even tell Hamamura about it.


But Hamamura wasn't the only person left out of the loop. Said Kojima, "It was a secret project, so even at Kojima Productions, aside from the people developing the demo, no one knew about it. Although, we did make it with the Peace Walker staff."


Development on the demo began after Peace Walker's completion. Kojima secretly called some of his staff over and told them that they'd be making the demo for E3. They were placed on a separate floor, apparently making everyone else believe that they were on vacation following Peace Walker's development.


Konami had two versions of the MGS 3DS demo on display at the show. The demo's "Long Version," explained Kojima, was made first, but Nintendo asked that they make it shorter in order to allow more people to play. Kojima noted that although they had both the long and short versions on the show floor, most people ended up playing the short version.


The demo was based around PlayStation 2's Metal Gear Solid 3. However, revealed Kojima, they actually redid all the characters and backgrounds into high polygon models. Said Kojima, "The high level models are about the same quality as the stuff we made on the PlayStation 3, although it's tough to see this. If we'd had a bit more time, we could have made something better."


There's been some talk about Kojima directing the new game, but this may not be the case. Said Kojima, "I was the director of the demo. What will happen from here on out is not set."


Hamamura noted that the game appears to be just starting off in development. To this, Kojima responded that the point of the demo was just to show the kind of things that can be done. "What we wanted to do this time is show that we're making an entry in the Metal Gear Solid franchise that can be enjoyed in goggle-free 3D on the 3DS."


He provided a few hints about what may end up in the final product. When played over long periods, Kojima feels that players' eyes may get tired if the game has stuff popping out of the screen. So, he expects there to be an importance placed on into-the-screen depth.


He also said that they're considering including some elements from Peace Walker, including the game's co-ops cooperative play system.


There's actually a bigger connection between MGS 3DS and Peace Walker than some possible shared gameplay elements, though. "The reason we made it based off MGS3 is because there are many who played MGS for the first time through Peace Walker, so we though the timing would be just right. Everyone wants to know the story of The Boss."


It looks like the final version of MGS 3DS will really be an updated version of Metal Gear Solid 3. Said Kojima, "MGS3's story can't change, so we're thinking of Co-ops, 3D and portable-like elements."


Asked when the game would ship, Kojima said that nothing has been set. Releasing it at launch might be difficult, he feels, but he also believes that it must arrive not too long after launch. Hamamura asked if this means within a year of the 3DS release, and Kojima responded that he believes it must be released within that time frame.

Edited by Dante
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  • 2 weeks later...


The Metal Gear Solid demo for the Nintendo 3DS was one of the most impressive sights at E3 last month. Who knew what lengths its developers went to keep it secret, even from their co-workers?


I know, because I listen to video game podcasts, that wild audio frontier where gaming secrets are sometimes whispered.


On the latest episode of Kojima Productions' podcast, some of the folks who work at the house of Metal Gear reveal the secrets behind the development of what is called Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D "The Naked Sample."


If you haven't seen it yet, imagine a version of the PS2 game Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater running on a portable device, utilizing glasses-free 3D for extra depth and pop-out visuals. The demo shown at E3 wasn't a game that could be played, but an interactive fly-through of some scenes related to that game, with the user allowed some camera control. It exhibited real gaming graphics, not canned cinematics. And it was made secretly.


From the new episode of the Kojima Productions Report audio podcast, stating at about the 4:50 mark (censored in the original file, not by Kotaku):



Shawn Eyestone, Kojima Productions: "That whole thing, it was really like a top secret thing. .. The way Kojima Productions works is that mostly everyone is on the same floor. We're up in the [censored] floor. But for that project they actually got a separate room down on the [censored] floor. And they had a special passcode to get in there… So for the first month or so it really was just the core guys who were doing the tech, looking at it, the programmers... those were the only guys who were really aware of this…


Chris Johns, Kojima Productions: "We knew something was going on. Because we knew people were going somewhere and doing other work, but they couldn't say why or what they were doing.


Eyestone: "So there were all these rumors flying around in the studio: 'What are they doing down there?' 'I think maybe it's this…' There were all these conspiracies…


Mark MacDonald, podcast guest, 8-4 Ltd.: "I want to know what some of the conspiracies [were]…PSP2?


Eyestone: "That was a common one."


MacDonald: "I heard it was PS4."


Eyestone: "Not too may PS4… but there was a lot of PSP2 rumors going around and there was 3DS [rumors] going around. I think most people kind of had an idea that it was one of those two. But it wasn't until maybe a month before the unveiling that they started bringing more people in. You know, that whole demo, it's pretty hard to believe, that whole thing got developed in about two months. It was a really accelerated schedule. The first month was the core tech guys, a few key people on there, and then one month into it they started bringing in more artists so they could flesh out all the assets.



"About a month before E3 they let us down there … of course we had to localize that as well, put in the English voices.. David Hayter [who plays Snake] and Lori Alan [who plays The Boss] are in there.. we came into it at that point. It still wasn't done at that point… the first time I saw it it floored me. "


It amazing how much secretly goes on with Nintendo and other developers inside it own company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's not Big Boss's first entry in the 3D-realm.


I've been digging up my PSP and Metal gear Ac!d 2. You know, the one with the SolidEye and the 3D movies with halfnaked babes and watergu... CUTSCENES from Metal Gear Solid 3.


It's very impressive. Can't wait to see what the 3D must be on a 3DS if it's already this impressive on PSP with the cross-eye technique.


Let's hope Big Boss is sneaking to 3DS after all.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The trailer looks awesome. Though wish I could see it in 3D, it's obvious with all the things coming at the screen it was made to be viewed on the 3DS.


Was thinking though, the name "Naked Sample"...plus we know the 3DS cn play 3D movies.... does anyone else wonder if the porn industry might try hijack that feature of the 3DS?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Konami Announces 3DS line-up


Konami announced their launch line-up for the European Nintendo 3DS release.


The list consists of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater, Contra, Frogger and a new Pro Evolution Soccer title


Of course, all of these titles will have full 3D functionality




Of the announced titles, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater has been the only one shown publicly thus far.


Snake Eater will be a remake of the original PS2 title with some updated visuals to boot.


Kunio Neo, president of Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH said there would be more news regarding the line-up in the coming months


Source http://www.gamefocus.ca/?nav=new&nid=11444

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Now that thw 3DS is out has there been any new info on this game?


Would be cool if when Nintendo release the eShop that they give all the 3DS demo vids like the one for this game as free downloads so we can finally see what they look like on the console.

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Now that you mention the eShop, 'kong, was Metal Gear Solid on the Game Boy actually any use..?


I'd actually kinda like there to be a way of having the codec conversations in the Metal Gear Solid games while you still play and move Snake around. I always find it a bit weird that you can just sort of stop, go to the codec and then it's just like everything else stops around you while you have a half hour conversation ::shrug:

Edited by nekunando
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