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I should have had this about a week ago, seems that Play.com fucked up yet again though... >.> I only ordered off them because they had the game at £24.99 for a week, but now that seems to have become the 'regular' price for it everywhere so sod 'em! gonna pick it up off the shelf from my workplace for the same price plus an additional 10% off, Play can then issue me a refund in the New Year assuming the copy doesn't arrive.

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  N.O.E.L said:
I should have had this about a week ago, seems that Play.com fucked up yet again though... >.> I only ordered off them because they had the game at £24.99 for a week, but now that seems to have become the 'regular' price for it everywhere so sod 'em! gonna pick it up off the shelf from my workplace for the same price plus an additional 10% off, Play can then issue me a refund in the New Year assuming the copy doesn't arrive.


Even if it does arrive just tell them it didn't, they'll never know.

  The Mad Monkey said:
Even if it does arrive just tell them it didn't, they'll never know.


They will, the mail is tracked... somehow... either way I'm not looking to defraud anyone but I will get a refund out of them once it's gone past the 21 day time-frame, in the meantime though I want to actually be playing the damn game so I'm gonna pick up a copy of it tonight after work. :D

  N.O.E.L said:
They will, the mail is tracked... somehow... either way I'm not looking to defraud anyone but I will get a refund out of them once it's gone past the 21 day time-frame, in the meantime though I want to actually be playing the damn game so I'm gonna pick up a copy of it tonight after work. :D


Ah well, never mind.

Posted (edited)

So I have the game and it's great/brilliant/amazing etc but... why oh why does it disconnect me from autolog after two races and now won't reconnect? Is this a regular occurence...


*edit* restarting the game seems to fix it, still slightly annoying though, anyway, back to driving like a maniac! :D

Edited by S.C.G
  N.O.E.L said:
So I have the game and it's great/brilliant/amazing etc but... why oh why does it disconnect me from autolog after two races and now won't reconnect? Is this a regular occurence...


*edit* restarting the game seems to fix it, still slightly annoying though, anyway, back to driving like a maniac! :D


It has only done this to me before as well! Only on one occation though where i did a online race then disconnected me then kept doing that for a few times!


It hasn't done it since though!


This game is stunning, I love it! :D just surprised that I actually waited this long to buy it... at least I saved about £15 but knowing how good it is now I probably would have bought it a lot sooner.

Posted (edited)

Still playing this, a helluvalot... and I'm still loving it :D one question though...


The 'version1.1' update, I heard that upon downloading, it can reset your career is this true? I only ask because I've got pretty far and if this is still a possibility then I won't download it atm, if it was just an early glitch that they've now fixed though then there's no problem, just thought I'd ask just in case. :)


*Edit* I just did some searching and apparently the patch was 'glitched' when it first became available but its been fixed since Dec 21st... hmm... this had better be the case, also it's really bad of EA to allow a patch to be released which messes up peoples career progress, but as long as it's fixed now.

Edited by S.C.G

I've lucked out with some of the achievements.


1) Win the muscle madness or what ever with a bee yellow camero (or what ever) - I Didnt win this event, in fact i came 3rd, and got the achievement


2) Win any hot pursuit in an Aston Martin - I Finished 3rd and got the achievement


3) In the Porsche hot pursuit, take down the porsche somthing something with an emp - I crashed into it when i took it out and got the achievement.


Im not complaining about it, just found it odd.


I had one event that was very close that the game said I was 1st for a second before changing it's mind and putting me as 2nd. I still got the achievement for winning it.

  Happenstance said:
Whos got this on the PS3 then? My copy should turn up this week so wanted to see how many people on my friends list i'll be up against.




I've just finsihed all cop events but still have a few to do as a racer - done some of the dlc events too.


Autolog is fantastic but will be fun to get a group of us playing online!


My copy arrived today. Not really sure what I think of the game so far. The loading times are getting on my nerves, especially when I restart a race and have to go through them all over again. Also the steering just doesnt feel quite right.


Nice another PS3 owner has this - things on Autolog are heating up!


  Happenstance said:
the steering just doesnt feel quite right.


Have you played burnout? the game plays just like it - the steerings solid stick with it! :bouncy:


The steering is a bit weird- at least at first. I had loads of trouble, all my cornering sucked and I generally made a pigs ear of the whole debacle.


Then it clicked when I got my hands on the Mclaren f1- something in that course / car combo forced me in to a new mindset and it came together pretty well after that. It's all about getting a feel for the mass of the car, the pull of the brakes and the rhythm of the racing line. Another thing is that, unlike Burnout, it's as much about holding back from a powerslide as it is pulling a sick slide out.

  Daft said:
The game just hasn't clicked with me. I haven't played it for at least a week. Doubt I'll go back to it.








Play it some more Daft - we need your times on Autolog!


This game is amazingly good and addictive :) I've had it almost a full week - I bought it last Thursday evening - and I've played it every day since, without fail, purely because I enjoy it that much. :D


Everything just feels 'right' about the game, the turning, drifting, vehicle weight etc... it all feels well-tuned and is exactly the kind of game I'd expect from Criterion who have done a fantastic job on it; it feels like the perfect hybrid as it's in the same leauge as the Burnout titles but has a new level of detail and refinement put into it which the older Need for Speed games were famous for I believe.


It's also made Need for Speed good again but that's just down to the developer, I found it almost insulting that they put a trailer for NFS:Shift2Unleashed (title lol) in the game before you even get to play it because as far as I'm aware they will be going back to their original development team I assume so... no Criterion probably = no buy from me.


Guessing it's purely a one-off as Criterion no doubt will want to get back to making more Burnout titles but what they have created here will probably be fondly remembered for a long time to come. :)


In other news my - very late - copy from Play actually arrived today (lol) so I'm glad I bought a second copy as I've had a hell of a good weeks worth of play out of it already, think I may trade the extra copy in at my local independent game retailer as I can almost certainly get back what I paid for it.

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