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Sweet 16


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I'm not a fan of capitalism, but what is this about again?


I think he's trying to say that rich people waste tons of money on their daughter's 16th birthday parties, and it could go to a better cause.


Edit: I didn't realize this was a TV show, never mind.

Edited by Emasher
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I'm not a fan of capitalism, but what is this about again?


A show where, every episode, a girl enjoys a ridiculously expensive birthday, for free.


I happened to catch my sister watching it on MTV, and was promptly disgusted, as it features a spoiled girl getting even more spoiled. MTV/VH1 shows about rich people living extravagant lives already make me a bit queasy, but this one takes the cake.


About that video...who is that guy? I have a feeling I saw him somewhere before.

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