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GoldenEye 007

Ren of Heavens

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I'll probably start playing this online after Xmas, I'm far too into Black Ops currently to start this online, plus I've not yet unlocked all of the Custom Class Slots on CoD yet and that's my priority at the moment... I must have all the Custom Class Slot available to me so I can have my CoD experience perfectly set up!

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Really loving the single player on this. The changes from the original game and film aren't even bothering me much.


Minus the lack of a laser shooting watch. Although only noticed in the train escape scene and was thinking "wait... I don't have a laser beam in my watch WTF?"



You can see both single and online they've borrowed heavily from Call of Duty... though I guess you could always say without the original game there would likely be no Call of Duty today. But I do love the being able to lean out from cover feature, bloody awesome and great use of the nunchucks motion control.


The single player is also miles above Call of Duty I think. While I thought Black Ops had the best story mode of the CoD franchise, Goldeneye goes above and beyond it. Just in the way you can approach every level. In CoD minus a few sections it's pretty much all out action, shoot shoot shoot. Where here you can choose if you want to go guns blazing or quite and stealthy. Plus there seems to be a fair bit of choice of routes to take to get to the objective.


Though having that objective dot leading you where to go I wish they hadn't done that. It does take away a little of the exploration element that the original had. Where you had the main objective plus sub-objectives that you had to search around for. Though that said it doesn't force you to follow that path as much as the CoD games do.


So far I'm trying to get around each level as silent as possible. Sneaking up behind enemies and meleeing them, of a silenced headshot. Scoping out an area first working out how many ememies are there and which is the best order to take them out. Love that.


Though I wish they didn't have defeated ememies vanish so quickly. I would have liked to have had a bit to worry about in if a dead body might be discovered and setting off an alarm, just to add a bit more tension to it.


The online is good. But I'm still perefering Black Ops for online FPS action. Comparing the two the movement in this feels a little slower to BO and I prefer the maps in BO too. I think I've played on most maps on this now and none have really stood out for me and most feel a little over complicated with multiple levels and don't feel as open. Miss killstreaks too, haha, but I guess that would have been a step too far as most of the online feels like CoD minus killstreaks :heh:


Would like to play more with some N-E players though, so far only had a few games with Redshell which were good.


Though with the max number of players being 8 how come they were unable to incorporate even a text chat, never mind a voice chat... where Black Ops allows 10 max and has both text and voice chats :heh:

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Finished the single player... LOVED IT.


Probably helped that it's been ages since I've seen the film too and couldn't remember exact details. The ending was really good, liked the fight with Alec at the end. Actually made it feel like a boss fight, something I always found lacking in the COD games... the main bad guy just appears and you get a slowmo shot chance or you strangle him. But it's never long nor is there any fight with him.


Although after going back to replay the first level I realised even though I started my first play on Agent difficulty it somehow went down by itself to Operative. It didn't occour to me before, I always the "Operative" after the name of the level at loading screen just never occoured to me it should have been Agent :heh:


Only thing I can think of is I know when I first did the Nightclub level I failed to find the List of Contacts... could that have auto lowered my difficulty setting?


Oh and for those that are unaware... when you view the credits.... when you see the name Tim Symmons appear under "Thansk to our friends at Nintendo" or something like that... that is indeed the very same Tim Symmons that gave birth to this website :)

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Only thing I can think of is I know when I first did the Nightclub level I failed to find the List of Contacts... could that have auto lowered my difficulty setting?


Yes, when you fail to complete the additional objectives in a level and then continue, it will lower the difficulty. You have to complete the previous level at Agent, for instance, in order to unlock the next level at agent. I have to say though, finding that list was pretty tricky, especially since it's quite dark in there.

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Ah cool... well I found it last night. That "i" symbol was annoying me and I found it by accident, haha.


So if I continue to do the the next levels on Agent, will there be newer sub objectives for me to complete? (And even more on high difficulties again?)


I remember on the N64 there were more objectives the higher the difficulty level.

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Just went back and did the Dam level on Agent, 007 and 007 Classic to see the differences. Like the extra missions and need to take back one of my few complaints about the single player where I said I felt there wasn't enough sub missions/exploration. Obviously I never noticed the difficulty turned down on me and forgot till today that the higher difficulties in the original game is what added the extra sub missions.


Really like 007 Classic, really tense knowing you can't heal. In the Dam level I found 2 bullet proof vests, is this generally the number to find in each level or do you get more in others... and are they hard to find? Since 007 Classic doesn't seem to add any extra missions over 007, just the different health system will try go through it all on Classic.


Does completing it on Classic (or beating the time trails) unlock anything?

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£29.99 for the Collector's Edition at Play.com today only.


Even though I already have the game, I bought this today as it's such a good deal. Will trade in my original copy. Looking forward to trying out these controls. Have had various results with the different sensitivity settings using the Wiimote & Nunchuk. Since we put up out Christmas tree I keep getting the dreaded red circle, not sure if the Christmas tree lights are interfering with the infa red, but it's bloody annoying when you are online and get stuck in a shootout.

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I just completed my first Time Trail level, Dam.


Took me a few tries usually kept running out of time when going up the tower to download the flight data.


Annoying though that the timer keeps counting down during cut scenes.


When I was getting to the end of the end of the level I was just legging it trying not to get hit. Was expecting the clock to stop when the cutscene with 006 at the end starts. But it didn't it kept bloody counting. I got to 006 with about 35 seconds left and thought I was sorted, then it just kept counting. I was wondering at what point is the "end", did I get to that cutscene with enough time left.


Then as I watched the clock count down, final 10 seconds and still going, was starting to think... well this is just bullshit.

Bond pulls the chord on his chute and it ends with 2 seconds left, haha and a massive *whips forehead*phew.. and a bit of cheering too, haha.


Time of 12mins 58secs.


Don't know if I wanna try other time trails just yet (I just love that Dam level, have replayed it som many times, haha). Will continue trying 007 Classic mode, so far just done Dam and Facility on it.

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Finally got past the Nightclub level on 007 Classic.


Had to do a lot of restart from last checkpoints to try and get through each section with as little damage taken as possible. Found my first body armor in the room just before the kitchen. Is there any before that? Seemed a bit far into the level to put it. And then the 2nd one is just a few rooms after that. Took me a while to work out how to get into the room to get the security camera footage for the last objective too.


Just thinking though it's kind funny that the "very hard" mode is just a change of the health system to what was used in the original game for ALL difficulty settings from easy to hard. I guess the difference here is there are more enimies and their a bit harder. A few rooms actually made more sense to just run through rather than try take out everyone

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Bought it.


Been on a Wii game spree lately. Just bought this, Monster Hunter Tri, Donkey Kong and Super Mario Allstars.


Loving the Wii again!


Once you start on Monster Hunter Tri you'll not play any of the others... it'll consume you! lol

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Once you start on Monster Hunter Tri you'll not play any of the others... it'll consume you! lol


Loving it. I picked it up earlier, and not put it down since. And just by reading the MH3 thread, I know I have not even scratched the surface!


It reminds me a little of Demon's Souls, which is one of my favourite games this generation.

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