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Awesome? You have to be a tosser to sign up for Plus! I'm signing up tomorrow then!





(this is probably not the best way about going for a code)


Think he mean't to put that.


Love you really

You have to post to sinus forum. If you didn't get your code by now.




I downloaded the theme within the first 30 seconds of it going on the store, I'm really pissed off. Rang Sony but just got the impression they didn't believe me.


It's hardly silly when I know I was in the first 10,000.


And yes I have checked my folders, settings etc.


If anyone has a spare code I'll gladly buy it off them. The beta was my most hyped thing this year.

It's hardly silly when I know I was in the first 10,000.


And yes I have checked my folders, settings etc.


If anyone has a spare code I'll gladly buy it off them. The beta was my most hyped thing this year.


how do you know you were in the first 10,000?! have I missed something...


wait what your going to pay for it?! madness...or like dwarf said shit of the bull variety.


Because I had it downloaded and installed within 30 seconds of it coming in the store.


And yes I would pay for a beta code, it's just like renting a game out at the end of the day.

Because I had it downloaded and installed within 30 seconds of it coming in the store.


And yes I would pay for a beta code, it's just like renting a game out at the end of the day.


Yeah don't you think there were a ton of other people who sat an installed it straight away as well?!


Also its nothing like renting a game...your paying to play something completely unfinished rather than renting and paying for a finished game!

It's hardly silly when I know I was in the first 10,000.


And yes I have checked my folders, settings etc.


If anyone has a spare code I'll gladly buy it off them. The beta was my most hyped thing this year.


Because I had it downloaded and installed within 30 seconds of it coming in the store.


And yes I would pay for a beta code, it's just like renting a game out at the end of the day.


I definitely downloaded it faster than you.


And it was 5,000 codes. The other 5,000 were for America.


Tbh, I wouldn't get too down. It's alpha code and it's clearly not finished graphically.


...although it is awesome.


Yeah I agree it feels pretty rough around the edges, plenty of time to sort it though.


On the plus side the controls are perfect now.


The beta (or is it alpha?) is quite rough, but fun. The maps are a bit rubbish though. They have vastly improved the controls now, they still have weight, but doesn't feel like you're moving under water anymore. They feel like Bad Company 2 controls.


I'll spend some more time on it over the weekend, but my first impressions are good.


I think what people mean is that's a lot more rough arounds the edges than other Betas such as Call of Duty or Halo.


Then again as Mat said it looks as though were playing the Aplha code not the Beta so things could be much better in development as I type this.

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