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  • 5 weeks later...

I intend to install it...whenever dial-a-phone deliver my fucking phone -_-


Does anyone know of anything that can help with my Japanese language learning. I want to make my own dictionary as I go kind of thing and while it would work with Excel (and those files can be read/edited on the Desire ne?) are there any more specific/better apps?

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The desire comes with quick office which allows you to read MS office docs. If you want to edit you have to purchase full version which might be around 10 quid. There may be alternate apps with the same features that come in at a lower price.


As for learning Japanese, my only experience was with this adventure game where you'd have to reply to and answer questions. Can't remember the name though.


Quick list o' apps: http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/learn%20japanese


There is also google translate available which may or may not be of assistance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So for anyone with a Nexus one out there, and for future reference to anyone with a device that will eventually see the 2.2 on their phone, here are the browser extensions required to push data from your browser to your phone.


For the chrome browser download the addon here: http://code.google.com/p/chrometophone/downloads/list


For Firefox grab the addon here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/161941/


And for your device download the receiver app here: http://chrometophone.googlecode.com/files/chrometophone-android.apk (DIRECT LINK)


Please remember this will only work with a 2.2 device. If you haven't got one then come back later.

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I got myself a HTC Desire a few days ago and I think it's brilliant! However, I can't seem to upload music.


When I first plugged it in via usb, it only used charging mode, but the drivers installed. However, I finally got more drivers installed the second time (besides one called 'APB', or something) but couldn't get HTC Sync to work. I'm now able to use it as a hard drive though.


Although even when I put mp3 files in to the "MP3" folder, they don't show up on the phone afterwards. There's a notifications saying "SD Card unmounted" and "Voice Caller ID needs the SDCard to function."


I have no idea what to do, thanks if anyone can help...

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I'm sure mine is in 'Sounds'...


Does anyone know any apps that can help you choose what apps start up when you turn your phone on? I have a task killer and kill them off that way but just wondering if there's some way of preventing them from popping up at all.

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Does anyone know any apps that can help you choose what apps start up when you turn your phone on? I have a task killer and kill them off that way but just wondering if there's some way of preventing them from popping up at all.


Android is really good at managing RAM and running stuff in the background with minimal usage - a task killer really isn't necessary. I used to have one, but now I've stopped using it I've seen no difference in speed (even after not turning the phone off in over a week).


For the startup things:



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Its mostly just crap I don't want to use (Peep, Footprint etc). I like to control my phone, not the other way around :p


The startup manager should include uninstalation tools to get rid of them.

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I don't know why, but I've never been able to make use of these. I have taken photos, gone into shopper - all sorts. Just doesn;'t seem to work.


There's an app called Barcode Scanner. It should be really high up on the top free apps list.






That one is the one you need.

Edited by Cube
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Its mostly just crap I don't want to use (Peep, Footprint etc). I like to control my phone, not the other way around :p


Some of that crap that you don't want to use might be part of HTC sense. And with the case of HTC sense you need to take all or nothing. If a particular sense process is killed it is automatically restarted.


There's an app called Barcode Scanner. It should be really high up on the top free apps list.


Yeah there's no need to take a picture of a bar code first, not really sure how it would work under that method. Barcode and keyring scanner are two awesome apps.

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Woohoo! I've just bagged my self a desire! I love it! Any free apps that you guys can recommend? Or a case? I won't even get my phone out when im walking as im scared ill drop it!


Here are a few I recommended to Ashley when he first got his.



Quick list of apps for you to grab:



3g watchdog






Color note


Astro file manager


Rings extended





Worth a look:



Google goggles


Layer reality browser


Cardio trainer






keyring scanner


Barcode scanner


Metal detector




Skyfire browser




Wave secure




What the doodle


Meebo I'M



As for cases I've tried them all and the clear winner is the hydro gel case. Ebay will get you sorted for around three quid.

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Perfect! I was looking for a 3G data counter. I only have a 500mb limit, so I've been super careful and been turning the 3G off if I don't need it! And ill get one of those cases on eBay! I might have a look for a dock while I'm at it!

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I have this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380236653645&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT and its okay. I'm happy with it but considering something like this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PU-LEATHER-FITTED-BLACK-FLIP-CASE-WALLET-HTC-DESIRE-/110551754516?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_MobilePhones_MobilePhonesCasesPouches&hash=item19bd65e714


I'd like something in a fun colour but they all seem kind of ick.


And in the space of just under 3mb data. I'm either in a wi-fi area or I only use 3G when bored on lunch/on trains but not been on much of those lately.

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Ash I started with that same case. It was good for a while but then the material started warping and wasn't fitting the phone properly. Next went for a hard case but it broke after I dropped the phone on two tiled floors. Which brings me now to the gel case, has the cushioning protection of the silicon case with the structural integrity of a hard case.

For further protection I slip the phone into a velvet htc pouch. Ebay around £2.99 for two. Would recommend the official htc screen protectors, a bit pricy but doesn't have any drag when using the device like other sp's

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Ash I started with that same case. It was good for a while but then the material started warping and wasn't fitting the phone properly. Next went for a hard case but it broke after I dropped the phone on two tiled floors. Which brings me now to the gel case, has the cushioning protection of the silicon case with the structural integrity of a hard case.

For further protection I slip the phone into a velvet htc pouch. Ebay around £2.99 for two. Would recommend the official htc screen protectors, a bit pricy but doesn't have any drag when using the device like other sp's


I have to agree here, the "gel" covers you get are smooth and strong, yet flexible. I just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate the sticky feeling of rubber covers, and the fact that all the dust/hairs/rubbish of the day sticks to them! The solid plastic type ones do shit all to protect your phone as well.

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Google have made a program to develop Android Apps in (kind of like Adobe Flash for iOS before Apple banned all apps created in it). It's not yet available, but I'll certainly have a look at it as soon as I can get my hands on it.


Edit: It also seems that Google are becoming more interested in games. They've purchased Zynga (responsible for stuff like Farmville) so it seems logical that their stuff will be expanded to Android.

Edited by Cube
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