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Wii U eSHop works fine

Japanese eShop with no NNID linked works fine (seems slower than usual though)

EU eShop I can get to the NNID link up bit but get an error after that.




Difference is Sony did it right in the first place which is most important and created an open system that can easily be ported to different systems.


Nintendo poorly planned ahead and created a closed off friend system with friend codes which likely only works with 3DS systems. They've sort of fixed it with the NNID's but now we're stuck with a fragmented system. Friend Codes and NNID's.


It's difficult to refactor a 3 year old system to work with a new system while keeping compatibility with the current one.


In otherwords we're going to have to wait for the next handheld system to have completely unified accounts. Yes it can be done with a lot of recoded and patches, but is it worth it at this stage of the 3DS's life? Probably not. Would it be nice? Sure.


Honestly I'd say we're lucky to get Miiverse on the 3DS and the Friend Code system has backfired on Nintendo in more ways than one.


Surely that can't be excused look how late into the PS3's life Sony were still updating and adding functionality...


Do you realise how hard it'd be to completely redo a system so deeply integrated as the friend system, and have it not be broken or cause issues in the OS? It's ridiculously tricky. Any software engineer knows that you don't just overwrite things like that and hope for the best, especially in this day and age.


Plus, as I said, it'd require pushing out patches for every single 3DS game that utilises the friend list in one form or another.


Yes I realize...my brother in law is a coder for god sake so we talk about such things all the time...the friend code issue could be resolved that number becomes assigned to a name (i.e your NNID). Old legacy games that use the friend code still refer to that number just like they always have.


I just think it smacks of stupidity on Nintendo's part again. Don't gimme that crap about it being tricky. Sony completely rewrote the entire XMB to overlay on games and allow trophy support, two functions that the console was clearly never intended to do. Microsoft completely revamped the Xbox OS twice during the 360's lifespan....


Firmwares can be replaced whole scale and you'd have thought Nintendo would have learnt from the short falls of the original DS never being able to have DSiware support patched in...I mean look at the Vita they patched in PS4 remote play. Obviously this was something they always hopped it could do but no guarantees it ever would have happened.


I'm glad Miiverse is on 3DS so I can see what all the fuss is about but it's still. I still don't get the point of having a NNID now though all it lets me do is post to Miiverse there is no point in sending out that name as presumably not being a Wii U owner people can't add me?!

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So the main question is this: since according to Nintendo, you can only have one NID linked to a 3DS at one time, if you happen to lose your 3DS console you will lose your NID in the process? Buy a new 3DS - not being able to login to that using your old NID since it's already in use...

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Do you realise how hard it'd be to completely redo a system so deeply integrated as the friend system, and have it not be broken or cause issues in the OS?


They don't need to completely re-do the friends system - the NNID could potentially be made to work with the Friends system. The NNID and Friend Code could be automatically linked when you sign in on the 3DS, so when you add a friend's NNID, it automatically adds the friend code in the background.


From the point of view of the games and parts of the system that use the friend codes, nothing will have changed.

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I can't event link mine I put in the details to link my account 100% correct over 10 times and each Time it says. Error 022-2613 the information is not correct. You may have entered a club bing rod account ID or of another service .



I know I have out the correct details and I even logged into Nintendo network premium to check anyone else having this problem ?

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Still not working for me. Got the same problem with this and the StreetPass Plaza update, 24 hours after the update??


Any news from Nintendo in relation to this?


It's just really heavy load on the servers and they haven't dedicated enough resources to handle it. I just kept on trying every hour or so and it finally got through.


They don't need to completely re-do the friends system - the NNID could potentially be made to work with the Friends system. The NNID and Friend Code could be automatically linked when you sign in on the 3DS, so when you add a friend's NNID, it automatically adds the friend code in the background.


From the point of view of the games and parts of the system that use the friend codes, nothing will have changed.


Thank you for typing this. The argument was getting ridiculous.

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Still not working for me. Got the same problem with this and the StreetPass Plaza update, 24 hours after the update??


Any news from Nintendo in relation to this?


Service should be back to normal since 2am according to the website.




I kept trying to download the Streetpass update then it eventually worked after it seemed to be hanging last night then I was able to access the eShop. It seemed to be the NNID linking system that was failing/under heavy load.

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Oh yeah, the new 3DS games released today in Japan all have communities


Good to see that on going games shouldn't have issues with missing communities, but they've still got a LONG way to go to fix the past...


No community for Colours 3D or New Art Academy is positively criminal!

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Good to see that on going games shouldn't have issues with missing communities, but they've still got a LONG way to go to fix the past...


No community for Colours 3D or New Art Academy is positively criminal!

See it from theirpoint of view


Console with 37m install base gets the new feature opened up. Do you


a) Stagger the communities so your system doesn't collapse

b) Think "Screw it", put them all on instantly, and watch as the servers melt down with people posting pics, art etc. constantly

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See it from theirpoint of view


Console with 37m install base gets the new feature opened up. Do you


a) Stagger the communities so your system doesn't collapse

b) Think "Screw it", put them all on instantly, and watch as the servers melt down with people posting pics, art etc. constantly


Yeah, I can see where they're coming from (and I never expected them all at launch - hell they even said as much when it was announced!), but it's just such a small selection that it just leaves me feeling disappointed...


I mean, come on! Not even MH4 has a community in Japan! Surely that would be the first game after Pokemon and ACNL that you'd get one up for!?


I'm sure they're coming eventually, but even just giving us some sort of timeframe with rough release dates for the missing communities would make me feel much better about this.

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Yeah, I can see where they're coming from (and I never expected them all at launch - hell they even said as much when it was announced!), but it's just such a small selection that it just leaves me feeling disappointed...


I mean, come on! Not even MH4 has a community in Japan! Surely that would be the first game after Pokemon and ACNL that you'd get one up for!?


I'm sure they're coming eventually, but even just giving us some sort of timeframe with rough release dates for the missing communities would make me feel much better about this.

MH4 strangely blocks Miiverse from booting up while it's being played.

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MH4 strangely blocks Miiverse from booting up while it's being played.


Wha? really!? What happens when you try to go onto Miiverse then?


Does it come up with an error message? Any idea what it says?


I can imagine it blocking screenshots, but no Miiverse at all!?


Edit: Nevermind, saw it on GoNintendo How bizzare...


Mind you though, seemingly the Japanese version of Animal Crossing New Leaf required an update to use Miiverse, so maybe they'll do the same for MH4?

Edited by Dcubed
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It's possible that the 3DS simply can't run MH4 and Miiverse. The system wasn't designed for it to be accessible all the game, so a couple of the games that uses the 3DS' capabilities as much as possible may block Miiverse because of this.

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It's possible that the 3DS simply can't run MH4 and Miiverse. The system wasn't designed for it to be accessible all the game, so a couple of the games that uses the 3DS' capabilities as much as possible may block Miiverse because of this.


Nah, can't be. No game blocks the web browser from being used while it's running and Miiverse is just a glorified web page using that same browser as a backend.


Did they patch the game to stop that or something? I'm not sure how it knows what games allow screenshots or blocks Miiverse or does the 3DS download some sort of list from the server?


Every single 3DS game allows framebuffer screenshot grabs and always has done ever since the console launched; it's just that the screenshots have been almost useless since they were only ever used within Game Notes and nothing else.


So whatever screenshot blocking that they're using for Miiverse is clearly done server-side.

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So whatever screenshot blocking that they're using for Miiverse is clearly done server-side.


Yeah, that makes sense.


Wondering if the MH4 thing is because there's no community? Not seen the error so could be anything at the moment. ::shrug:


I'd hate to be the data entry guy who has to add the backlog of communities. :p

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Yeah, that makes sense.


Wondering if the MH4 thing is because there's no community? Not seen the error so could be anything at the moment. ::shrug:


Normally (on both Wii U and 3DS) if a game has no community, then it just boots you to the Miiverse Community List page. There has to be something in the game itself preventing it...


I'd hate to be the data entry guy who has to add the backlog of communities. :p


Yeah, no kidding! I don't envy them... (but still, HURRY UP ALREADY! ;) )

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It's just really heavy load on the servers and they haven't dedicated enough resources to handle it. I just kept on trying every hour or so and it finally got through.




Thank you for typing this. The argument was getting ridiculous.


Service should be back to normal since 2am according to the website.




I kept trying to download the Streetpass update then it eventually worked after it seemed to be hanging last night then I was able to access the eShop. It seemed to be the NNID linking system that was failing/under heavy load.


Thanks boys, it's working fine for me as of now. Thought it may have needed some patch due to incompatibility with the new download, but glad it's only the servers and now everything is back to normal.

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