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3DS Console Discussion


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Hard to say. The headaches had already started and are still with me now. I imagine I would have been fine if I had played just 2D from the start, but I figured what's the point in having the thing if I can't use its biggest selling point?

I'd still have kept it, the 3D is a selling point yes, but it's still a massive new console and all future Nintendo handheld games shall be out on it.


Anyway, figures from the UK have come out and should ease worry. Fastest selling Nintendo console in the UK with 113,000 units sold opening weekend



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sorry if this is an old over asked question, i've not been able to read up much about the 3DS the past week, but can you add people to your friends list that you meet in-game? like for example if I joined a public game on Street fighter IV can you send them an invite to be on your friends list?

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Most people who have had headaches are forcing the slider up to full all the time, i use it half way on most games and ive not had a single problem. Its all about moderation and not playing it if you feel tierd ect. Gutted for you hero


I think it also depends on the software as well. Personally, I'm having to play Assphalt 3D (misspelt on purpose because it is ass) for reviewing and even having the slider halfway is giving me a headache, but I think that's more to do with the unstable frame rate going from 60 to 30 back up to 60 and then dropping to 15 or there abouts (hell, I was still getting a headache when I turned the 3D off completely that's how bad the game is). That certainly doesn't help, so it's also partly to do with the software as well as the slider.

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sorry if this is an old over asked question, i've not been able to read up much about the 3DS the past week, but can you add people to your friends list that you meet in-game? like for example if I joined a public game on Street fighter IV can you send them an invite to be on your friends list?


As far as I'm aware, I don't think any games currently offer this option but then how many of them are online? Not many is the answer. Street Fighter definitely doesn't give you that ability.


I'm sure it could be integrated into software but it would always be the developers choice as to whether they did or not.

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sorry if this is an old over asked question, i've not been able to read up much about the 3DS the past week, but can you add people to your friends list that you meet in-game? like for example if I joined a public game on Street fighter IV can you send them an invite to be on your friends list?


Yes, but you have to suspend the game and enter the friend list and choose local when adding them. Obviously both of you will need to do it.

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Yes, but you have to suspend the game and enter the friend list and choose local when adding them. Obviously both of you will need to do it.


Oh is that how it works? But there isn't an option in game is there?


Plus, I thought you couldn't suspend a game in an online environment - I swear it wouldn't let me do that.


Or is that option then solely for local wifi games?

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Oh is that how it works? But there isn't an option in game is there?


Plus, I thought you couldn't suspend a game in an online environment - I swear it wouldn't let me do that.


Or is that option then solely for local wifi games?


Oh, sorry I read "public game" meaning local wireless match for some reason. I guess it depends on the game for online matches.

Edited by Ike
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I'm still unsure about the 3DS, I had my first playtest with it today after work at Game.


The only game I was interested in of the launch titles is Pilotwings Resort so he let me have 15 minutes playing it, having the 3D turned to max just seemed to increase the depth of the island, nothing was jumping out at me as I passed trees etc.


Wasn't that impressed with the 3D to be honest, I expected more.

Was Pilotwings the wrong game to demonstrate the 3D capability of the 3DS?


Amazon have a bundle deal going at the moment, 3DS £187, free screen protector, 1 of a few select 3DS games (see below) for £15 and an official Nintendo case for £5. So £207


Is that the best deal going at the moment and which of these games is the best?


Monkey Ball, Ridge Racer, Ghost Recon or Sims 3


Seeing all the great AR card photos you guys have been taking has upped my interest but I'm still sat firmly on the fence.



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Wasn't that impressed with the 3D to be honest, I expected more.

Was Pilotwings the wrong game to demonstrate the 3D capability of the 3DS?


What exactly do you mean by "more"? What else is there to stereoscopic 3D, than the ability to estimate how far away an object is?


If in doubt, just wait. The 3DS isn't going to run away and the game lineup is only going to grow. It's still lacking a lot of features, (like the eShop and ways of communications with people in the friends list), which will or might come at a later point. Although the price sounds rather good at the moment.

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nothing was jumping out at me as I passed trees etc.


The 3D is more to added depth than to make things pop out, and although I haven't played any 3DS games apart from the bundled software, for me the 3D effects work really well. I don't have a single criticism so far.

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The 3D is more to added depth than to make things pop out, and although I haven't played any 3DS games apart from the bundled software, for me the 3D effects work really well. I don't have a single criticism so far.


Well I definitely got the added depth but as I hadn't played one before I didn't really know what to expect. I just didn't get a "woah" reaction from playing pilotwings that I thought I would.


Whats the bundled software like? I'm impressed by the AR Cards function from what I've seen.

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Lostie, from what I've seen I would say PilotWings and Nintendogs demonstrate the 3D best, along with Face Raiders and AR Games. I haven't seen anything really jump out of the screen in any games, its all depth. That said, I am sure I have read that the 3DS is capable of 'pop out' 3D (I am sure someone said the puppies jump out of the screen in Nintendogs). There is also a stunning video with the most recent firmware update - did you see that?


Was the slider all the way up? The depth on both games is impressive in my mind. Perhaps you're one of the few people who don't see 3D that well? Of course, the brightly lit store may not be the place to see the 3D best either?


It'll be nice to welcome you to the bosom of the 3DS Lostie!

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Well, the AR games really are very fun and make great use of the 3D. Face Raiders is also quite enjoyable, and has a surprising amount of replayability. The Street Pass stuff is also really cool, especially if you actually pass someone in the street. I would have to say that given the excellent first party games that will surely come to this system, there isn't really a reason to wait until those games are released to get the 3DS. Even though I didn't buy any games I don't regret getting the device at all, and I think I will easily be able to keep myself occupied until some games that I do want are released.

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Is that the best deal going at the moment and which of these games is the best?


Monkey Ball, Ridge Racer, Ghost Recon or Sims 3


Of those 4, I can only speak for two of them (Ghost Recon and Ridge Racer) although I do have Sims 3 sitting waiting to be played/reviewed but if it's anything like the DS game then it'll be pretty poor, hampered by a clutter interface.


Anyway, I'd say Ghost Recon is probably the best game out of those 4. Ridge Racer is good but I think Ghost Recon outdoes it in terms of just being original and taking a risk with a series and getting it so right.

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I'm still unsure about the 3DS, I had my first playtest with it today after work at Game.


The only game I was interested in of the launch titles is Pilotwings Resort so he let me have 15 minutes playing it, having the 3D turned to max just seemed to increase the depth of the island, nothing was jumping out at me as I passed trees etc.


Wasn't that impressed with the 3D to be honest, I expected more.

Was Pilotwings the wrong game to demonstrate the 3D capability of the 3DS?


Amazon have a bundle deal going at the moment, 3DS £187, free screen protector, 1 of a few select 3DS games (see below) for £15 and an official Nintendo case for £5. So £207


Is that the best deal going at the moment and which of these games is the best?


Monkey Ball, Ridge Racer, Ghost Recon or Sims 3


Seeing all the great AR card photos you guys have been taking has upped my interest but I'm still sat firmly on the fence.




The 'coming out' is very limited (thank god, fucks my eyes up n the cinema) but there is some instances of it - the nintendod comes out of the screen a touch, ridge racer logo does and a few other things, but it's more about going backwards, which I think is amazing.


Should you get it? Well I think it's incredible, but depends on your tastes. For me the 3D is amazing, but not the best thing about the 3DS, just an incredible extra. If SF4, Ridge racer, Piltowings etc interests you as GAMES then get them; I genuinely believe the 3D enhances them, but it's not a swinger.


Also with Pilotwings, it gets better the more you get adjusted to the 3D, and there are times of it looking stunning. And it's great game.


Ultimatey...GET IT!!!!


TeeDee has teh 3D(s). PES and Pilotwings are awesome sauce.


What's Pro Evo like? Didn't get it due to no online (got Ridge Racer instead) but still interested to know what it's like!

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Lost, I'm not a huge fan of the launch lineup. PilotWings is great fun, but seriously lacking in content. Street Fighter is, again, good but its not really showing the system off. Nintendogs is a rehash - albiet a pretty rehash, with fur and some pussy. Monkey Ball is a piece of shit (the 3D here is eye straining, plus the game isn't a patch on the original).


On top of this it seems ages until any decent releases - June for Zelda?! Even that - a masterpiece - will not show the system off (it was designed to show off the N64 for pittys sake). I really need the eShop!


I don't mean to sound negative - I adore my 3DS - but I can't bring myself to truly recommend it with the lack of software.

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If you are unsure...

just get one and bask in the moment. :P It's a smart, surprising piece of hardware and the in-built software is genuinely engaging, fun and a new experience. It all feels very un-Nintendo as you see how menu's and online functionality approach something like the PS3. It feels like a step in the right direction from an Eco-system standpoint. Very impressive.


However, the lack of software at this early time is a concern but early adopters face this time after time. However, what I would say is that this here little system holds keys to some of the most exciting gaming options in the future. It's powerful, integrates social gaming like Nintendo have never before and the initial software is genuinely (for the most part) hinting at things to come whilst offering gameplay moments that offer something for everyone.


Roll on the future of 3DS. It looks far brighter than the DS initially did and man did that 'third pillar' go on to house fantastic software (and hardware) experiences.



Dazzy: PES is basically PES6 enhanced and in 3D. Plays superbly (fab new animations even over the Wii 2011 outing) and sure there is online functionality missing but on the pitch it's as good as it ever was (and trumps the Wii's 'jaggy' 2011 outing). I finally have an excellent PES game on the go. It's a fantastic start and the 3D also adds realism never seen before. Crosses are better to judge, set pieces are easier to distinguish and so on. Well worth a punt IMO.

Edited by tapedeck
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Wasn't that impressed with the 3D to be honest, I expected more.

Was Pilotwings the wrong game to demonstrate the 3D capability of the 3DS?


No, not at all. The 3DS is definitely capable of "pop-out". In Pilotwings, you can unlock Dioramas of the aircraft - I unlocked the seaplane Diorama last night and rotated it, and the tail fin and wings really pop out of the screen. That said, most of the game isn't like that, but I like it how it is.


I'm gutted for Hero of Time having to get rid of his. As much as I like the 3D effect, the jury is definitely still out of it. I have to question the wisdom of a feature you have to take a break from every 30 minutes.


What I'm saying to everyone about the 3DS, is that it's brilliant, but you should assume you're not going to use the 3D. That way, if you like it, it's just a bonus. I find it works very well, but I'm still unsure how much I'm going to use it.


Take away the 3D, and it's still a brilliant machine. It's almost a portable GameCube. The graphics and resolution are much better than the DS, there's no question in my mind that this is a full generation on from it. The controls are great, so is the general connectivity, both online and locally. It's quite a new thrill to carry it about with you and swap Miis via StreePass.


Think of it as the DS 2, and consider how much you like the games, price and tech spec. Personally, I like the machine, and that makes me like the games more.

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