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With a combination of cyclilng for the lower half and press ups/sit ups for the top, I intend to be a total beefcake by summer. I mean totally ripped. Steroid ripped. Scary ripped. The gun show isn't enough for me, I want to be able to dish out two tickets to this on a whim.


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I aim to improve myself every day, it's probably something I've picked up from Chinese culture. If you don't improve yourself one day, it is a waste of a day and a disappointment.


Been a bit lazy lately, but I am gaining momentum. I am going to achieve an awful lot with programming and my Chinese over the next 2 weeks. I will be studying 7-8 hours a day and will be doing a mix of both.

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Ok. I think I've found something -- I'm trying to be a better cook. I can do casseroles, stews, pastanything, risottos... next I want to do a curry from scratch. I want to avoid using curry paste but then I need cumin and... stuff... and I just spent £10 on herbs and spices so I may just make do with making a decent chili.

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