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Rock Band 3


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So this is out in just over two weeks (29th October), looking forward to it, but as expected Harmonix are crazy on their prices.


Pro Guitar - £119.99


Midi Adapter - £32.99


Pro Keyboard £69.99


Think I'll be sticking with my original Rock Band instruments and then trying to pick up these when the inevitable price drop or bargain binning (probably after Christmas) begins.

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I dunno, I was expecting £300+. If you take in to account the tech in the neck of the thing and the fact it's gotta be specially manufactured for the game, it seems a bit more reasonable.


Will that be out at the same time as the game?


Unfortunately not, it's coming out next year :(


I plan on getting the RB3 + Keys bundle on release and waiting for the Squier to come out to get my Pro Guitar fix.

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  • 2 weeks later...
yeah the game is pretty good so far, 3 free Doors tracks until the end of the weekend as well for any early adopters


the keyboard is fun, still getting used to it though!


Is that ANY 3 Doors tracks from the pack? if so that means it'd be cheaper to get three of them and then buy the rest in the pack singally... or are these an additional 3 tracks that aren't in the pack?


I only ask because I was planning on purchasing The Doors pack 1 so obv I want to get them the cheapest way I can. :)

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Is it possible to just buy the keyboard in-store? Anyone had a look in-store today? I'm too ill to trek out atm but may make the journey tomorrow.

For info I'm thinking about getting the Wii version.


Any eagle eyed N-E forumers let me know if you see any products. Thanks :-)

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Is it possible to just buy the keyboard in-store? Anyone had a look in-store today? I'm too ill to trek out atm but may make the journey tomorrow.

For info I'm thinking about getting the Wii version.


Any eagle eyed N-E forumers let me know if you see any products. Thanks :-)


Strangely, I didn't see any of the instruments for this in the GAME I was in when I bought my copy of this. But then, the store is kind of small and there really isn't much floor space as it is never mind if they had any of the extra stuff out. I presume, though, that you can simply buy the instruments on their own. Think that was EA's idea that time around: you can simply pick up the game on its own and then if you need instruments, you can either get them bundled with the game or pick them up separately.


Anyway, enjoying it so far. Some real gems in the tracklist (Sister Christian by Night Ranger continues to bring a smile to my face even now after having stopped playing and Walk of Life by Dire Straits was also a very, very welcome inclusion :D). The challenges add a new dimension to the game and do make things more interesting.


Will say though, as a Paramore fan I'm hugely disappointed and annoyed they chose to include Misery Business. Already had it in GH: World Tour and really didn't need it again. Surely they could have gotten one of the tracks off of Brand New Eyes, or better All We Know Is Falling. At least it's not Decode... *shudders*

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Is it possible to just buy the keyboard in-store? Anyone had a look in-store today? I'm too ill to trek out atm but may make the journey tomorrow.

For info I'm thinking about getting the Wii version.


Any eagle eyed N-E forumers let me know if you see any products. Thanks :-)


Gamestation had the Keytar, only place I saw it. I opted not to purchase and just got the game and some Live points.


Love the game, hate the fact trying to export my Lego Rock Band tracks has become a pain in the arse.

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Has anyone figured out how to Export Songs yet? It mentions on the downloadbale PDF from the official site that you just need to use the code from the back of the RB2 manual, however I've tried typing it in and it exceeds the character limit.


Any ideas?


*Edit* nevermind... seems that you just have to type as much of the code as will fit in up to the limit - and obv without the dashes - then it just lets you download the export pack...


... after you've paid 800msp. :/


I blame EA... greedy fuckers!

Edited by S.C.G
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yeah the game is pretty good so far, 3 free Doors tracks until the end of the weekend as well for any early adopters


the keyboard is fun, still getting used to it though!


Wouldn't have known about those free tracks if you hadn't of said, cheers!


Picked this up today and had a go. Seems really good once again but all the rock bands gave been good.


Don't see myself doing pro mode though, i'll just stick to hard.

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Two of my friends got this today, they went all around town looking for it and it was sold out everywhere except for the last two copies in gamestop. I didn't know it was this popular.


I don't think its a case of sold out more EA's terrible distribution of the game in Europe continues. RB and RB2 were incredibly hard to find in some shops on launch.


Reading some sites and from my brief search in town, its hit and miss what shops have it and its better not said which have keyboards.

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I don't think its a case of sold out more EA's terrible distribution of the game in Europe continues. RB and RB2 were incredibly hard to find in some shops on launch.


Reading some sites and from my brief search in town, its hit and miss what shops have it and its better not said which have keyboards.


Rockband 2 didn't appear in tescos until months after it was released in my area and i only saw advertisements for it on tv 6 months after!

I had to go into Game to get it.

Rockband 3 on the other hand, no trouble. Went into tescos and picked it up, was number 1 or 2 in the xbox360 chart.


As for the setlist, this is probably the best Rock Band setlist i've played. It's just a shame Warriors of Rock got Rush and the superior Dire Straits song.

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My god the distribution for the game and peripherals was awful! GAME stores only got Keyboards in on the day of release and it was probably the same elsewhere. PS3/Wii owners may be interested to know that the date for the keyboard is the 6th Nov for those platforms, god knows why.


BUT ANYWAY: The game is fantastic. I absolutely love the little loading screens with your band, the clips are fantastic. I can't believe how much faster this loads compared to RB3 as well!


Anyone given Pro Keys a shot yet? Managed to scrape 3 stars on Expert on Imagine, after practising in the Train mode. It's done so very well, I can't wait to get my hands on a Pro Guitar!

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My god the distribution for the game and peripherals was awful! GAME stores only got Keyboards in on the day of release and it was probably the same elsewhere. PS3/Wii owners may be interested to know that the date for the keyboard is the 6th Nov for those platforms, god knows why.


BUT ANYWAY: The game is fantastic. I absolutely love the little loading screens with your band, the clips are fantastic. I can't believe how much faster this loads compared to RB3 as well!


Anyone given Pro Keys a shot yet? Managed to scrape 3 stars on Expert on Imagine, after practising in the Train mode. It's done so very well, I can't wait to get my hands on a Pro Guitar!


I've done Whip It by Devo on Expert Pro Keys, but it is the easiest song. I then tried learning Radar Love but the third bit where you're playing three keys at once destroyed me...


Also has what's with the differences playing guitar? I tried Crazy Train last night on Expert and some of the notes look different, it's hard to explain unless you've seen it yourself. There's no mention of it in the instructions/in the game though so I have no idea if it's meant to be played the same?!

Edited by Eddage
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*Edit* nevermind... seems that you just have to type as much of the code as will fit in up to the limit - and obv without the dashes - then it just lets you download the export pack...


... after you've paid 800msp. :/


I blame EA... greedy fuckers!


It's actually the record companies refusing to license the Rock Band 2 songs for more than 1 game. So they had to rebuy the song licenses.

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I've done Whip It by Devo on Expert Pro Keys, but it is the easiest song. I then tried learning Radar Love but the third bit where you're playing three keys at once destroyed me...


the easiest song for Expert Pro Keys is the INXS one, same chord throughout the song, and you don't even get to full score multiplier! :)


gradually learning normal keys, The Doors songs still kill me though!

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the easiest song for Expert Pro Keys is the INXS one, same chord throughout the song, and you don't even get to full score multiplier! :)


gradually learning normal keys, The Doors songs still kill me though!


Oh right, I just assumed Whip It was because it's the first in the list...


Just completed the road challenges on Expert Guitar, getting maximum spades as I went. The only time I found the challenges hard was when it was streakmania - towards the end you pretty much had to play the song perfectly. On one song I managed to gold star it three times in a row yet each time I was one streak short, did it on the fourth go but it was rather frustrating!


It's quite strange that you can actually "complete" the game (well it says you've completed it and the credits roll :heh:) whilst managing to avoid the hardest songs, e.g. Free Bird (which I'm not looking forward to - it destroyed me on Guitar Hero 2). I'll probably go through the rest of the songs tomorrow.


Has anyone else noticed that the overdrive has changed? Sometimes it randomly fills up double so you can deploy after one section of overdrive notes. The star cut off values of old songs seem to have changed as well, I guess to accommodate for the different overdrive but it's a bit annoying that I can't use the gold star guide I have to see how many more points I need!

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