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What's your favourite N-Europe moment ever?


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Someone linked me to a old video today which got me thinking. I've been around these forums for around 5 year now which is crazy, and I started to remember all the highs and lows that we've had. Then it clicked that this is an awesome idea for a thread, so it's simple.


What's your favoute N-Europe moment ever?


My personal favourite moment was the whole craze around this video. I really thought I was going to get banned for it but it was the total opposite and people were asking me to do more!


There is a few others which I want to post but I'll just leave it to one per person for now.


Edited by Caris
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I remember the Harribo and Ant-Shimmin stuff, I had a pic for a sig with them in about the injustice of them being banned or some crap. Might have to look over my backup discs see if I can find it somewhere. I recall one of them having a pair of shorts on their head, can't remember why. Good times.

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IIRC it was made in the middle of the furore...


Was it not from the harribo/GTFO-gate thing? I recall missing bits of that, only coming in late-on.


That might explain why I've not seen it. I missed/ignored a lot of that. It all seemed a bit pathetic. (This was the time when everyone had the GTFO avatars yes?)

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That might explain why I've not seen it. I missed/ignored a lot of that. It all seemed a bit pathetic. (This was the time when everyone had the GTFO avatars yes?)


Yeah same here.


I just don't get that whole childish internet humour.


I can't think of what my favourite NE moment is.


Pantsu Man signing up was good.


Having a real-life friend on here seemed fun.


StefKov doesn't count because he's a cunt.

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There are too many N:E moments to pick from. The N:E video above is a great moment, first saw that when i searched "N-Europe" on Youtube. All the drama back a few years ago, not as such a memory i want to remember as a great one, but still a moment that you had to be there for it to appreciate it today.


The Rezdiculous thread going around last year was a great moment as well. As well as the King_V virginity thread. There are so so many moments to pick from, i cannot remember them all.

Edited by Jimbob
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I don't think anything has had the buzz and hype of the events when a load of guys from darkzero got banned for topic flooding (irrc). Was there some porn posted for additional uproar?


I can't even remember what sparked the GTFO/ Harribo & Ant-Shimmin thing. Was it pm bullying and possible admin abuse argument?

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I never got any of that, I'm gutted I missed it.


Can someone give me a quick recap of what happened?


I'm pretty sure someone saved the thread, and it went up again a few months back, so just wait around for that I guess. Basically she went psycho because no one would surrender to her oppressive vegan regime, so she threatened to "firebomb your shop" (were her words I think). It was surreal.

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